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On 6/24/2022 at 4:46 PM, Corsair Crimson said:

 As all of you know, iCUE is our software that manages literally every CORSAIR product to date. I'm sure some of you are iCUE experts by now 😉 

If you are new to our ecosystem, no worries! Check out this Pro-Tip for setting RGB lighting !

What iCUE lighting effects, macros, and profiles are your favorite and/or most used? Show us your configurations so others may use it too 😁

  We wanna hear you! Do you have any iCUE suggestions that would make your experience better?



 Please leave your suggestions down below so we can read over them!

Please keep us updated about which suggestions you'll be implementing - thanks.

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- The red and green arrow, really wish I can swap those two placement, the first thing I want to look at Home is how my PC working through those Sensors section, the Scenes section It's not like I often change those anyway so I want to move it to bottom, make it swappable like the Dashboard tab.

- The yellow section I square them, not really top priority thing need to do because I saw people with usability problem above, but this doesn't look right at all. The image is over-zoom that make the device image broken, It need to be shrink down like 1/4 of the current size would be fine. I seen people with multiple devices on this section and It doesn't look wrong like this, feel like It happen to people with single device only and It's being overlook.My screenshot

Below is how It suppose to look like, the device image size is right.

I yoink this screenshot from someone else

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On 8/31/2022 at 5:00 AM, Walnuts84 said:

This suggestion can also be as a website, it does not have to be within iCue. 

  • A tool where you add all your items available, and it will show a diagram for how to connect it together
    • e.g. Say you have these items> commanders, nodes, fans, case, case leds, lightning strips, aio, etc
      the tool would say that you should connect commander to usb header, then some fans and a node, then strips to the node, maybe a cable from aio to commander, or maybe it could also suggest what you need

I like that idea, but can we keep it out of ICUE? I feel like it's already more bloated than it needs to be. Making it an all in one for everything Corsair just makes it bigger and more prone to issues.

But yeah, a stand alone tool (or web app) where you can design connections sounds pretty cool.

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On 7/31/2022 at 2:14 AM, machmandp said:

If Corsair would take a moment to Listen and think about how to make ICue better they could dominate the market but the way it is its useless.

Once the lighting is setup i don't really touch it that much let alone needing the lighting app open all the time, just separate the monitoring from the Lighting 

See the attached pic from my sons pc, all that wasted space and if i add more sensors they dont even all display on the same page because you always have the scenes open ??


I'd love to see the space utilised better, and be able to shrink the window if I choose. I also don't understand why we have a tiny corner with sensors when there is a whole dashboard tab where you can put all the sensors. I also don't know why we can't collapse the scenes (or sensors) sections.

From my time doing web dev, whenever we referred to a dashboard it was the main (first page) and it had a quick summary view. After that you'd drill down to more detailed views of information if/when you needed it. As such the home page is technically the dashboard.

It'd definitely be nice if we had size options for the actual devices on the right side of the home tab as well. Having one fixed size view is frustrating. I don't need to see a high def image of my mouse to now "that's my mouse". It could just be an icon or even a text item I could click on to minimize wasted space.

Personally, I'd also like to see all the sections on the home page fully dockable. So I could move the sensors to the right, or top, or bottom. Dock all three sections horizontally or vertically. Have a big sensors section (which would remove the need for a dashboard tab altogether) and two small sections with scenes and devices on the left. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Corsair. Please take a look at these suggestions.

1. [Important] Add a Preset for AIO LCD Screen to show sensors in a loop with configurable delay.
When I first saw LCD Kit promo I thought about this particular scenario: being able to see all PC's vital stats while playing/working without opening an app, just turn your head and see CPU Temp, GPU Temp, Memory Consumption, fans' RPMs, etc  show one after another in a loop. I'm sure such preset would be a useful feature for many. To be honest, I've (wrongly) assumed that it comes right out of the iCue's box.
2. If possible, I'd like to see presets with more than 2 sensors on LCD Kit as there seems to be enough space on the screen. Currently only one Preset displays 2 sensors while other ones display only one.
3. [Important] Fix bug with PSU Wattage not visible in LCD Kit's presets' sensor dropdowns. I've put more info about this bug here 

4. If possible Provide a tool (or SDK) to create LCD Kit's presets.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by makumazan84
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It would be really nice if you could set just mouse and key assignments to change per application, without it having to change the entire profile.

I know you can bind the profile to change per application, but that is a little bit cumbersome to have to set up an entire profile for one application. I know you can duplicate a profile, but then that becomes cumbersome to maintain lighting and cooling across all those profiles.

To give context, my entire setup is corsair, except mouse; by "entire" setup I mean pc case, liquid cooling, memory, keyboard, headphones, headphone stand, mousepad, iCUE nexus. Right now I mainly switch between profiles for one of two reasons, I want to switch the lighting or I need to change the cooling. I currently have a K65 and K70 TKL, but the only key assignment changes I have are universal ones that I need; I don't even bother trying to setup per app settings b/c I don't want to deal with maintaining the profiles.

In comparison I have another brand of mouse, bought before I had everything else corsair; but haven't replaced it b/c of this behavior in iCUE. I have about a dozen different profiles in there for various purposes. Those are mapped per application and I find that really easy to use. (Having just the mouse controlled by their software might be why it seems like it's much easier to use, idk)

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There hasn’t been any update for the Nexus in months to maybe a year now? Did I buy a useless product? This is getting ridiculous, what’s going on? Do something Corsair! There’s so much potential! 😤

Add Spotify integration into iCUE for lighting synchronisation.

Ability to control music through the Nexus. 

Edited by SpyVision
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Hi everyone, I'm late to the party! but I have two suggestions:

1. iCUE configurability from the mobile phone, this way you don't have to even login (if the PC is locked) to change the appearance. Maybe have some configured pre-sets and be able to switch between them from the phone, I think this would be pretty awesome.

2. Programmability. If someone was building some trading bots and if they could programmatically set the iCUE fan colors to match a possible overall PnL (ranging from red to green) then one could see whether they are making money while the robots run overnight hehe.

Edited by bravegag
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Listening?  Why is it that changed yet ANOTHER defecting left click mouse, (3rd time this year M65 RGB Elite) is such a hassle.

Why can you not just simply save your existing settings from your old mouse to the new, exact same model mouse?

Why is your interface so messy and confusing with pop ups that tell you to save settings that don't save. Your program is as horrible as your mouse reliability.

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For the love of God, can we please get some better screen reader accessibility with this app? Most of the buttons are unlabeled, and it was necessary for me to use specific screen reader commands to get to certain controls. Tabbing doesn't work all the time. It makes it very difficult to figure out what checkboxes to check when trying to turn off all the lights on my HS80 wireless.


Also it would be nice to separate the app into different components so people on slower connections don't have to wait for a 1GB+ download unnecessarily.


Those are my main two gripes, but the app can be a little slow on older systems. Hopefully the accessibility of the program can be looked into though!

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Here's a suggestion (Other than more support for the Nexus):

Let us display data on the Capellix cooler LCD screen while still using a custom background. I've gone for a theme with my lighting recently and am using a gif for the screen to match, but it'd be really nice to be able to have temperature bars on the side still. At the very least having the option to select an image for a background instead of just a colour in any of the presets would be great.

To be honest this is a common issue with the Capellix Cooler LCD screen and th iCue Nexus, both have so much potential but the ability for users to tweak them feels so limited. There'd be so much potential if there was a way for people to code their own screens and apps for these.

Edited by JigglyPenguin
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Just a convenience feature idea. 

My fans max at 1800 rpm, but the custom fan curve graphs max at 5000 rpm and can't be changed. 

Could we specify a max range for the graph? To match fan capability?


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Could we get more motherboard integration with iCue?  Would like to be able to control my MSI B550 Tomahawk from iCue.

Seriously, if SignalRGB and OpenRGB can find the HIDs to control the motherboards RGB then iCue should be able to do the same.   Maybe add a option for us to add the Device and HID.

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More features and support for icue nexus. I would love to add battery widgets for my mouse and headset. It's there when it uses the default screens but you can't add them with a custom screen. Also the option to switch the widgets from words to something like percent values.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know you push integrations with iCue out to the manufactures of those devices, but id love to see you partner with MSI so that their motherboards / GPUs can be controlled within iCue too.

Its a terrible state of afairs where your almost picking motherboards based on if they work with the rest of the RGB you have.

Never use to matter if you had an MSI board, Gigabyte GPU. Now the RGB software alone makes that an annoying choice.

Bet nice if iCue could level that field.

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The little drop-down tray icon could have more added to it rather than having to bring Icue to the foreground. Adding things like fan controls, headphone preset selections or even a mini temperature/load view. Bring back Samsung and western digital ssd integrations, I remember for a while I could view its temperature but then it got removed for some reason.

Edited by EdiEdi
spelling mistakes
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Let's see if you *really* listen, as others have already mentioned "better fan control" opn trheir "wish list":

Better fan control in iCUE!

SInce your ecosystem is completely locked, we have to use iCUe to control our fan speeds on Corsair hardware. And fan speed control in iCUE leaves a lot to be desired, as in, it's not at all very good.

Some ideas that I think would improve this:


1) Give us the ability to create "virtual sensors", by combining existing sensors, by using simple aritmetic when combining them: Some examples:

a) Sensor type Maximum - Should be able to combine 2 or more temperature sensors, and should always show the value of the sensor with the highest temperature.

This way we could have a fans controlled by more than one temperatrue sensor.

b) Sensor type Difference - Should be able to combine 2 temperature sensors, and should always show the difference (eg sensor 1 minus sensor 2).

This would let us control our fan speed depending on delta temeperatures, eg the difference in temperature. This would be extremely usefor for:

* AiO radiator fan speeds: Should be controlled depending on the difference between ambient air and coolant temperature, so a sensor on a Commander Pro that measures intake air temperature in combination with the AiOs own coolant temperature sensor (coolent air temperature MINUS ambient air temperature) would be a much better way of controlling radiator fan speeds than coolant temperature alone.

* Case fan speeds: A coupe of temperature sensors on a Commander Pro and you could measure intake air temperature and case temperature. The difference between those would be a much better way of controlling case fans than any of the current alternatives.


2) It would also be nice to be able to assigne more than one fan curve to one or a group of fans. That way we could have different fan curves for different temperature sources, and let them all control selected fans. The way this should work is that the highest speed value from any of the assigned fan curves should be applied to the controlled fan(s).


3) Fan curves does not  have to be simple temperature/speed curves we are stuck with now. Let's have the following:

a) Graph: (eg the current temperature/speed type curves)

b) Target: (Try to keep temperature of a chosen sensor between two target values)

c) Mix: Apply a mix function (min, max, sum, average, subtract) to two different fan curves


4) Gives us control of hysteresis (how much a temperature should change before acted on), response time (how long it should take for fans to react to a temperature change), if hysteresis should be applied up or down the curve or both (eg when fan speeds increase or decrease or both), and how much (in percentages) a fan is allowed to increase it's speed "per measuring cycle", and likewise how much (in percentages) a fan is allowed to decrease it's speed in one "measurement cycle".


Please be a bit more creative than just to continue to offer the old temperature/speed type fan control, with only one cure and one temperature sensor per fan or group of fans. It's outdated and not good enough for optimal fan control. The performance of your hardware is being held back by less than stellar software. Gives us some or all of the above please!

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I believe there is a need for a very important functionality. I have seen requests for this many times in many places and somehow the topic is never taken up by Corsair. Why?
Please add the RGB backlight dimming function / turn off when the computer is not used (idle). In fact, all major manufacturers have this option - certainly Logitech and Razer for sure...
In the era of general energy saving, it is a shame that the Corsair does not have it. Apparently, I know I can create a profile and turn it off manually, I know I can also create a hardware profile and log out (this solution does not work for headphones stands or pads, because they do not have hardware profiles). But these are all makeshift (and useless in fact) solutions. And this is about the usual turn off RGB if you leave the computer, for example for 10 minutes (left it idle mode). This saves electricity, but also the LEDs themselves. I know that it is better for the manufacturer that something burns out after the warranty and that the user has to buy a new product - but a request for such functionality is not a fancy dream? What do you think?

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Hi, this is a suggestion for Key Assignments.

  1. I would like iCUE to provide a key menu for selecting keys that are not present at the top of the interface or are not recognized, for example, when I don't use a Corsair mouse, I can still bind Assignments with common mouse keys.
  2. I would like to be able to bind multiple keys to the same Assignment instead of having to copy many Assignments and select them one by one as it is now.
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An implementation of absolute mouse position recording for macros would be nice.

It's a real pain to make macros to focus certain applications from the taskbar otherwise.
I'd suggest adding that option either here, or in the advanced macro options:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/8/2022 at 7:25 PM, purona said:

Can we have time adjustment for brightness of desktop peripherals either manually set and/or auto adjusted based on sunset. I dont need my keyboard blasting me at 100% brightness at 3am.

Yeah, Dark Core RGB Pro SE birghtness setting has two option. 0% and 100%. Its a joke... 

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