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  • Corsair Employee

 As all of you know, iCUE is our software that manages literally every CORSAIR product to date. I'm sure some of you are iCUE experts by now 😉 

If you are new to our ecosystem, no worries! Check out this Pro-Tip for setting RGB lighting !

What iCUE lighting effects, macros, and profiles are your favorite and/or most used? Show us your configurations so others may use it too 😁

  We wanna hear you! Do you have any iCUE suggestions that would make your experience better?



 Please leave your suggestions down below so we can read over them!

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All my suggestions are in this thread:

As for favorites, purple and blue rain effect is top-tier. I don't really use macros or profiles made by others.

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As i suggested in another post :

-Add virtual sensor capability so people can control their cooling based on whatever they want : CPU and/or GPU, difference between water temp and ambient temp etc.. instead of creating 3 or 4 fan curves for various times of year or having to compromise, or tolerate a noisy PC because cooling is a **** to set up in iCUE.

-Rework custom loop HydroX wizard so that the fan and pump curves make sense for watercooling. As of today they are a guarantee to overheat

-Rework quiet/balanced/extreme curves so they make sense for watercooling when an AIO is detected, or for aircooling if none is detected.


Those two last ones would as a boon improve Corsair's reputation on cooling since with default settings all their coolers and custom loop kinda suck without hand tuning, thanks to iCUE ^^' too hot or too noisy.

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  • Corsair Employee
16 hours ago, CYRO said:

All my suggestions are in this thread:

As for favorites, purple and blue rain effect is top-tier. I don't really use macros or profiles made by others.

Nice. thanks for the link! Rain effect in general is top-tier 😌

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  • Corsair Employee
6 hours ago, LeDoyen said:

As i suggested in another post :

-Add virtual sensor capability so people can control their cooling based on whatever they want : CPU and/or GPU, difference between water temp and ambient temp etc.. instead of creating 3 or 4 fan curves for various times of year or having to compromise, or tolerate a noisy PC because cooling is a **** to set up in iCUE.

-Rework custom loop HydroX wizard so that the fan and pump curves make sense for watercooling. As of today they are a guarantee to overheat

-Rework quiet/balanced/extreme curves so they make sense for watercooling when an AIO is detected, or for aircooling if none is detected.


Those two last ones would as a boon improve Corsair's reputation on cooling since with default settings all their coolers and custom loop kinda suck without hand tuning, thanks to iCUE ^^' too hot or too noisy.

Great suggestions, thank you for the input! 

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Have it run via a Remote Desktop session rather than disconnecting everything.

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2 hours ago, Corsair Crimson said:


Yeah ... well, I've been asking for this since iCUE replace Link so I won't hold my breath.

But it'd sure be nice.

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  • Macro Recording
    • Option to record everything as "Keystrokes" instead of Up/Down events
  • Macro Editing
    • Convert everything to Keystrokes (Automatically remove delays between Up/Down events)
    • When you click into a delay value and change it, and hit enter, it does nothing. Tab does nothing. Would be nice for it to "finalize" and confirm, visually, that the change has taken place, and that hitting enter has "done something"
    • Right Click > Add New Event
      • Either - Replace with the 5 options (5 options isn't that many ...) all in the initial context menu, i.e. list as:
        • Add Delay Event
        • Add Keyboard Event
        • Add Mouse Event
        • Add Mouse Move Event
        • Add Scroll Event
      • OR - Change Add New Event to "Add New Event >" (That little side arrow thing that just lists out the options as a side-menu)
        • spacer.png
    • In screens like "Add Event - Delay Event" - hitting "Enter" after entering a numeric value in the Constant Delay field should confirm/close the window and add the event rather than requiring the "Add" button to be manually clicked.
      • spacer.png
  • Assignments / Library / Macro Window: 
    • Make better use of vertical space
      • spacer.png
    • Sub-folders for organizing macros within the Assignments pane (So I can keep my stuff grouped up without having to have separate profiles)
  • General:
    • iCUE macros for the most part have no logical reason to be version dependent and older/newer versions should just do their best to import/retain the original keystrokes/timings/settings.
    • No reason for iCUE macros to be device dependent
    • It'd honestly be really nice if the backend export/import XML looked more like AHK rather than the XML nightmare - or if iCUE macros were just editable as "text" rather  that GUI objects. (Explanation: It's way easier to write psuedo-code to do macro-like stuff in Auto-it or autohotkey than it is to make macros in iCUE - and honestly I can't think of a good reason why it needs to be this way...)
    • Please bring back OSD or give me some way to visually see what profile I'm swapping to, without relying on weird stuff like keyboard/mouse lighting/colors.
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I'd like to see a temperature option (as there is for lighting effects) for the LCD pictures and animation gif files.  So for example below a given temperature I can display my normal hamster wheel animation gif, and above that temperature load a different gif, say my ball of fire animation.


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Recording mouse movement as-is, is basically worthless if you're going to do any tweaking/editing of the results later.


Desperately need a few additional things for recording mouse movement:

  • "Polling rate" on how often it's inserting mouse movement events (i.e. consolidate all the tiny "-1, 1" movements into "all the movements from the last 100ms into one event" with 100ms being configurable as the "polling rate")
  • Record as absolute coordinates (i.e. record that you moved to X,Y instead of recording relative movements)
  • Record clicks as absolute X,Y
  • Option for "Don't start recording events until window focus changes" (I can't really think of a logical reason why I'd ever want recording to start immediately from the iCUE window...)
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  • Corsair Employee
17 hours ago, Pinupski said:
  • Macro Recording
    • Option to record everything as "Keystrokes" instead of Up/Down events
  • Macro Editing
    • Convert everything to Keystrokes (Automatically remove delays between Up/Down events)
    • When you click into a delay value and change it, and hit enter, it does nothing. Tab does nothing. Would be nice for it to "finalize" and confirm, visually, that the change has taken place, and that hitting enter has "done something"
    • Right Click > Add New Event
      • Either - Replace with the 5 options (5 options isn't that many ...) all in the initial context menu, i.e. list as:
        • Add Delay Event
        • Add Keyboard Event
        • Add Mouse Event
        • Add Mouse Move Event
        • Add Scroll Event
      • OR - Change Add New Event to "Add New Event >" (That little side arrow thing that just lists out the options as a side-menu)
        • spacer.png
    • In screens like "Add Event - Delay Event" - hitting "Enter" after entering a numeric value in the Constant Delay field should confirm/close the window and add the event rather than requiring the "Add" button to be manually clicked.
      • spacer.png
  • Assignments / Library / Macro Window: 
    • Make better use of vertical space
      • spacer.png
    • Sub-folders for organizing macros within the Assignments pane (So I can keep my stuff grouped up without having to have separate profiles)
  • General:
    • iCUE macros for the most part have no logical reason to be version dependent and older/newer versions should just do their best to import/retain the original keystrokes/timings/settings.
    • No reason for iCUE macros to be device dependent
    • It'd honestly be really nice if the backend export/import XML looked more like AHK rather than the XML nightmare - or if iCUE macros were just editable as "text" rather  that GUI objects. (Explanation: It's way easier to write psuedo-code to do macro-like stuff in Auto-it or autohotkey than it is to make macros in iCUE - and honestly I can't think of a good reason why it needs to be this way...)
    • Please bring back OSD or give me some way to visually see what profile I'm swapping to, without relying on weird stuff like keyboard/mouse lighting/colors.

Wow... these are all really great ideas! I will be sure to pass them on to our team.

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  • Assignments and Assignment Library - Both need multi-select / bulk operation functionality - I should be able to "Save all to Library" or CTRL+Click select multiple entries to save to the library. Same with adding to Assignments from Assignment Library. This should also work for Copy/Delete.
  • One of the reasons in my suggestion above I highlighted editing macros in a manner similar to writing auto-it or autohotkey scripts is because of  things like Find/Find&Replace type functionality. Say for example I've set a 25ms delay between a bunch of events, but I now know from testing the macro that I actually need a 50ms delay - In Notepad++ or any text editor, and in a lot of GUIs, I can just find/replace "Sleep/Wait 25" with "Sleep/Wait 50" - In iCUE I would need to edit every single event manually. (This assumes I have a lot of variable delays and deleting all delays and then inserting fixed delays between all events isn't viable)
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  • Corsair Employee
18 hours ago, Buzzword said:

I'd like to see a temperature option (as there is for lighting effects) for the LCD pictures and animation gif files.  So for example below a given temperature I can display my normal hamster wheel animation gif, and above that temperature load a different gif, say my ball of fire animation.


That actually sounds really cool, will be sure to pass it on!

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+ Put back the ability to create timers, and to link them to keystrokes, macros, sounds and / or lighting effects. I used this function a lot pre 4.0 and have never understood why it was removed. I made a post asking why, but never got an answer.

+ As Pinupski asked above, and for the same reasons, bring back OSD.

+ Increase the size of the macro recording pane. Even when the iCUE window is maximized the pane still remains too small, and has a scroll bar even though there is all the unused space below.


Edited by Neux
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+ Improvements to the video lighting ambient preset. I currently use Ambilight for this (https://github.com/augustinbegue/icue-ambilight) as it gives a better result then the built in one. Ambilight also has the bonus of applying the effect to my mouse and keyboard. To have this sort of quality and inclusion of devices as a preset in iCUE would be great.

+ In explanation of the above suggestion - if I have 2 lighting channels on the same device I can only set one of the channels to Monitor Mode. I have an LS100 kit using both the 250mm strips and a 450mm strip as lighting channel 1, and 2x 250mm strips and a 450mm strip as lighting channel 2. Both groups of strips are are on a shelf (one on top and one underneath) behind my screen. As I can only set one of the channels to monitor mode I cannot use video lighting for the other channel hence why I use Ambilight (well, that and the superior effect quality I mentioned). I also made a post asking this question, but again never got an answer.

Edited by Neux
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  • Corsair Employee
17 hours ago, Neux said:

+ Improvements to the video lighting ambient preset. I currently use Ambilight for this (https://github.com/augustinbegue/icue-ambilight) as it gives a better result then the built in one. Ambilight also has the bonus of applying the effect to my mouse and keyboard. To have this sort of quality and inclusion of devices as a preset in iCUE would be great.

+ In explanation of the above suggestion - if I have 2 lighting channels on the same device I can only set one of the channels to Monitor Mode. I have an LS100 kit using both the 250mm strips and a 450mm strip as lighting channel 1, and 2x 250mm strips and a 450mm strip as lighting channel 2. Both groups of strips are are on a shelf (one on top and one underneath) behind my screen. As I can only set one of the channels to monitor mode I cannot use video lighting for the other channel hence why I use Ambilight (well, that and the superior effect quality I mentioned). I also made a post asking this question, but again never got an answer.

Thanks for the detailed explanations and photo reference! 

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  • Corsair Employee
6 hours ago, Cigibroke said:

1- If i don't close ICUE before the shut down the pc, all dashboard details are lost at nex boot up.

2- ICUE can not control my PNY XLR8 DD4 Rams, do you have any plan for managing PNY rams on ICUE software?

Will let the team know, sorry about that inconvenience! As for future plans we are not allowed to comment about it 😉

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Take a look at the free FanControl app on GitHub here: FanControl

Watch the video on the page from JayzTwoCents to see what it can do. Specifically features like being able to do average, max, difference type custom sensors. For example there is no need to be blasting the case fans on high when the ambient temperature is high. FanControl can use the difference between say your motherboard VRM temp and a temp sensor located near the front input fans. as an input to a custom fan curve.

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On 6/30/2022 at 3:57 PM, hst12 said:

Take a look at the free FanControl app on GitHub here: FanControl

Watch the video on the page from JayzTwoCents to see what it can do. Specifically features like being able to do average, max, difference type custom sensors. For example there is no need to be blasting the case fans on high when the ambient temperature is high. FanControl can use the difference between say your motherboard VRM temp and a temp sensor located near the front input fans. as an input to a custom fan curve.

+1 for this.

If it's confusing for new users put it under an advanced tab in the option menu.

Also please allow us to switch between hardware lightning and software lightning independently of other perefials, like say I have my memory on a static red color then i see no need for it to run under software mode and draw unessesay resourses.

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  • Corsair Employee
On 6/30/2022 at 3:57 PM, hst12 said:

Take a look at the free FanControl app on GitHub here: FanControl

Watch the video on the page from JayzTwoCents to see what it can do. Specifically features like being able to do average, max, difference type custom sensors. For example there is no need to be blasting the case fans on high when the ambient temperature is high. FanControl can use the difference between say your motherboard VRM temp and a temp sensor located near the front input fans. as an input to a custom fan curve.

Love this, thanks!

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  • Corsair Employee
10 hours ago, Widde said:

+1 for this.

If it's confusing for new users put it under an advanced tab in the option menu.

Also please allow us to switch between hardware lightning and software lightning independently of other perefials, like say I have my memory on a static red color then i see no need for it to run under software mode and draw unessesay resourses.

Totally get this, thanks for this input!

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iCue feature request.

I've got a fair few Corsair (and Elgato) products, the most recently added is the "H150i Elite LCD" in the 360mm size.
Whilst watching the performance figures to see how it compared to the 110mm fan on my air cooler and had an idea for a couple of features that could maybe be added into the iCue software.

(1) We can watch the CPU load, we can watch the GPU temperatures and fan speeds but we can't watch the GPU loads.
(1.1)I would like to see the GPU load added to the iCue Dashboard. Maybe even going as far as adding in just about all the available system sensors, something along the lines of HwInfo. I really liked that tool but it doesn't play nice with iCue.

(2) I'm using a triple screen setup. a 32" telly as my main screen then 2x 22" screens to the right of that for more screen space. The trouble is I can only just read them at the position they are in, and need to turn my gaze away from my game to read anything.
I've used other system monitoring tools (HwInfoand and MSI Afterburner) in the past. These other tools were compatible with "Riva Tuner Statistics Server" and allowed for On Screen Display (OSD) of all/selected system sensors. 
I would like to see either(or both of):
(2.1) Compatibility with RTSS added
(2.2) Some variation of RTSS built into iCue.

(3) I have three "Stream Deck XL". There is a plugin for HwInfo so that system monitoring can be done from the buttons of the StreamDeck . But I can't find a plugin for iCue that would do likewise.
(3.1) Is there a plugin and I just can't find it?
(3.2) If there isn't such a plugin can I please suggest that one be made..

Many Thanks

(p.s. the AIO cooler keeps my CPU about 8 - 10°C cooler than what my Air Cooler did. Very nice indeed. Easy to install too. Looks good too.) 

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Feature request.

An option to group fans across multiple controllers, i.e 5000T + H150i and then the ability to assign that group to the K100 wheel, allowing the wheel to toggle between the cooling presets for all the fans in the group.


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