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Everything posted by DevBiker

  1. That's certainly odd. Questions for a bit more detail: Is the "bleedover" between fan 4 and 5? Or 5 and 6? I think it's 4 & 5 but want to be sure. Does this only happen with Fan 5? What happens if you rearrange the fans on the hub? Does the issue move with the physical fan or is it always the fan in Port 4/5 on the RGB Hub? You've said "essentially the same" but let's be more specific.
  2. Set it to Static Mode, Black (0,0,0). Hit Apply. Done.
  3. If the pump gets the full 12V, it will operate properly. If it doesn't, it won't operate properly and very well may fail in a short period of time. As long as the fans are connected to the pump, the pump will control the fan speeds. It won't have anything to do with the setting on the fan header; that is only there to give the pump power, not to control the fan speed or anything else. You will use Link to set and control your fan speeds. But you are seeing 0 RPM and the "unknown USB device messages" because the pump doesn't have the correct amount of power. So set it to 100% in the BIOS. That is the only fix.
  4. Oh, no, not at all. See Zotty. And I'll have more soon as well But ...between multiple Commander Pros and Lighting Node Pros, I think we both had the cables. It could well be, possibly, that a cable was missing from your LNP. Hopefully Corsair will just send you the cable.
  5. I think I understand the problem. You have a Lighting Node Pro. It came with ONE cable to connect the LNP to a Fan Hub Controller. You purchased, standalone, a second RGB Fan Hub because you have more than 6 fans and, therefore, needed the second hub. However, you do not have a cable for this second hub. Correct?
  6. You can click on one of the "balls" and use the arrow keys.
  7. From what I understand, it's a hardware limitation. Who knows ... maybe we'll see it in the next generation of coolers.
  8. With the H80i v2, you can only have one color at a time. Sorry, dude.
  9. Well, they have one coming. They won't confirm or deny but we all know it's coming ... the H150i Pro ... sometime really, really soon.
  10. Are you taking out the supplied SP fans? IF yes AND we can confirm that the controller in the case will work with the LL fans (and I really do think that it will), THEN: IF you are getting the CoPro, you can get 6 individual LL fans and the Expansion Kit - you won't need the Lighting Node Pro or the Fan Hub that comes in the 3 pack. ELSE (if you are forgoing the CoPro), you will need the 3 pack to get the Lighting Node Pro (LNP). Either way, yes, the strip expansion pack is all you'll need. The CoPro is not required for the RGB. You will, however, need that OR a LNP. And yeah, the Commander Pro seems to be in short supply, which is driving up the cost. It does seem to be in stock @ Corsair.com (at least in the US).
  11. Some thoughts/comments: The 3 Pack of LL fans comes with a 6 port hub and a Lighting Node Pro. You don't need to 3 packs ... save a couple of $$ and get 1 3 pack and 3 singles. I don't know for certain if the fan hub that comes with the case works for the LL fans; I would think that it does but I wouldn't want to steer you wrong. Hopefully someone from Corsair or with a 570X can pipe in with a definitive answer. The Commander Pro does not come with LED strips. However, you do have a Lighting Node Pro in your LL 3 pack so you can get just the LED strip expansion pack. Again, saves you a couple of dollars. With that, the Commander Pro is actually optional for your RGB setup. That's not to say that you shouldn't get it, just that you don't need it for the RGB. It will give you better fan control over the motherboard controls (those are soooo 2017) as well as the temperature sensors and the USB hub. I, personally, quite like the CoPro - I just got a second one for my home server in addition to the one on my personal tower. I find the temp sensors very handy for precise control over noise and fan speed based on something other than CPU temp, which is somewhat meaningless for airflow control when you have liquid cooling.
  12. Here's a dirty little secret: the AIO pump header, at least on the Asus boards, is just a normal, 1.0A fan header that's set to 12V/100% by default. That's it. And guess what? You can enable Q-Fan control for that header and use it just like any other fan header. So what's best, IMHO? Having a dedicated SATA connection for the pump. No silly 1.0A limitation, guaranteed 12V and available 5V and 3.3V rails if you need them.
  13. One comment ... if you read the blog post, it says "rotate the cooler’s pre-installed bracket and remove it." While true, that's not the whole story. If you grab the bracket and just rotate it, you won't get anywhere. At all. Instead, if you are holding the bracket with the copper cold plate "up", then you need to push down slightly on the bracket. This releases the clips and allows you to then "rotate the cooler's pre-installed bracket and remove it".
  14. Ah, yes, definitely. The default curves are geared more towards internal case temps (from the temp sensors) than the CPU temp.
  15. If that works (and I doubt that it will), it won't be supported. And you'd likely still need a fan hub. The fans take 4 pin cables, not 3. MSI does have board with a dedicated "Corsair" header that would support the RGB strips and possibly the fan hub. One note: As much as folks complain about Link here, I've (personally) found Aura to be worse - continually crashing and sometimes consuming up to 30% of by 7700K CPU. YMMV, of course.
  16. This is odd ... we're starting to get a couple of these. So ... some questions ... what temps (Group) are the fan profiles based on? What kind of Fans are they? Have you manually set the to 4-pin or 3-pin (as appropriate)?
  17. It's a sticky on the forum (http://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=168801) ... but yeah. Shoulda been in the manual. Can't argue that. Glad it helped. :D:
  18. Just wait ... the mythical, magical H150i Pro is coming. It's been seen. We have pictures ... any day now ...
  19. For the additional fan, you can either go old-school and connect it to the motherboard or you can get a splitter and connect two fans to a single commander port. Now, you won't be able to control the fans individually so you'll want to connect two identical fans to the splitter.
  20. You would need another RGB Fan Controller Hub (http://www.corsair.com/en-us/corsair-rgb-fan-led-hub). Since it looks like both of your Commander Pro RGB channels are also connected (to the RGB lights?), you'd also need another Lighting Node Pro or you could use the push-button controller that comes in the HD fan multi-packs. AFAIK, the Lighting Node Pro is not available separately. If you plan on controlling the fans from the Commander Pro, you'd also need some splitters. If I understand your current setup and what you want to do correctly, it would look something like the following (new items highlighted) ... with the new LNP possibly replaced by the push-button controller:
  21. Assuming that you have one of the Corsair coolers ... Many of the Corsair coolers plug into a fan header on the motherboard (usually CPU Fan). This is for power only, not control. It does report RPM to the motherboard so it doesn't give you a warning about no CPU fan. It is also very important that you set the fan header that the cooler is plugged into to 100%. With what you described, you wouldn't need to have any splitters. (Zotty needs them because he has 10 fans - 2 of them are controlled from the cooler and 8 from the C-Pro.) The cooler fans can be plugged in to the fan header from the cooler. The other 6 fans go into the C-Pro. No splitters required. That said, splitters can also be a matter of convenience; if you want to manage 2 fans as a single unit with a single fan curve, then a splitter would help make that easier ... you'd manage them as though they were a single fan. I have some of mine set up like that for exactly that reason. You'll need one of the LNPs, not both. You can also plug the USB for the LNP and the cooler into the C-Pro, and then the C-Pro into the motherboard USB header. Now, when you say "2 RGB LED strips" ... is that 2 individual strips or 2 of the 4-strip expansion packs? One node on the LNP or C-Pro can control 4 strips (1 expansion pack). You would also need to use 2 RGB Fan Controller Hubs for your fans; they only support 6 at a time and you can't use splitters with them at all. How you split them up between the controllers is totally up to you. Just keep in mind that you'll be able to have effects between fans on a single LNP/C-Pro RGB LED node. So if you want to have Pong on six of the fans, they should all be on the same controller and the order of them will matter. This is one option. You do have some flexibility in how you arrange things since you'll have a mostly-unused LED Fan Hub. Hope this helps: (And Zotty did the original drawing; I copied this from his)
  22. MarianoSilva ... can you confirm what version of Link you are using?
  23. The Commander Pro doesn't use the motherboard fan headers or connect to them at all. It uses its own fan curves that you configure in Link. It also has 4 additional temperature sensors that can be used as the temperature source for those fan curves. What I don't know is if those fan curves will be used if the Link software isn't running or if it will just use the default fan curves.
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