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  • 2 weeks later...

K100 control wheel. Control the lighting for all devices you add, instead of just the keyboard RGB. Allow us to add more devices to turn down the light by the control wheel.

ICUE -  Add the option to move the devices in the order we like to see them. As ICUE scrambles devices all over the page in some random weird order.

Are you listening to us?

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I'd love to see what @Ardalista asked for.

Also, lots of people asking to rename devices in iCue. This is a basic and obvious functionality that just isn't difficult to implement (and the internet tells me it used to be supported pre v4)  Please add this - I have a lot of hubs and fans and it's terrible to deal with not naming them. 

Identifying devices by LED color when you click on them in iCue is great, but it would be better if it was used to make an initial identification of devices before renaming them. 

Hell, I'd be happy even if we could rename them in the config file, as could be done in iCue v4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We need a timer adjustment when using multiple controllers for fans and RGB. I am using two controllers and the startup for the RGB is different between both controllers. It can easily be fixed with a delayed start timer for a controller to either slow down one or speed the other up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

1. Microsoft Dynamic lighting support

2. the ability to say that my ram is on the left side of my keyboard mousepad etc. so that I can use effects like Visor without it looking completely stupid..

BTW the second suggestion has been on the "TO-DO" list since 3-27-2018. Here is the proof. We are coming up on 6 years and I still can't use lighting link effects properly. I am on the verge of giving up on the whole ecosystem. My next build will likely not have any Corsair products. Good luck to those who still cling to hope!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Make iCue do a single update not multiple all requiring a reboot of the PC.

It's been awhile since I did an iCue update. I forced a check today and it downloaded and updated then asked to reboot. After rebooting it told me there is another update, so downloaded, updated and rebooted again. On reboot it told me there was yet another reboot. So download, update and reboot for a third time...

This shouldn't be necessary. Just update to the latest drivers, not who knows how many interim drivers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Add shutdown lights mural by default.

Edited by doverkan69
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1. If you have 2 commander XT Core connected combine it into a virtual single device with extra elements. It is a pain to select each commander to regulate the fans.

2. Make profiles for videogames in the cloud so users can copy default profiles for each game and modify with that base. For example for Counter strike, custom ilumination, macros for fast buy, etc, that people can upload to the cloud to share or download from others.

You should work more on usability of application, you need invest a lot of time to learn how to use it. I suggest you to add a tour that shows the best things you can do with it for every device.

Edited by doverkan69
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am new to iCue, but have good experience in using similar software from Logitech, Razer, and SteelSeries in setting advanced macro and key mapping for gaming. (btw, it means I picked Corsair over these 3 brands at this moment 😉 )

For Macro, after recording, could we have a single button to set all delay to a fixed value? (SS does have it) It seems I have to focus on each and every delay event to set it. And when the delay event is over 1,000 ms, double click on the number doesn't work as it would select the number before or after the comma.

For Macro, as I need to edit those event delay. I try to maximize the icue window to make my editing easier. But the macro event panel always remain in 7 rows only, not matter how the iCue window is resized. This is very annoying and drove me to write this comment. 

For keyboard, my old keyboard before switching to Corsair has 2 win keys in left and right, I use a key disable software that recognize those keys as LWin and RWin, so I suppose Microsoft Windows have internal code for more than one Windows key.  In iCue, I am able to disable the left windows key, and map the right application key as windows. During the setting, I found in iCue I can only map a key that is physically existed. (the type to search for a key is more or less the same) Would it be possible to map the right Application key as RWin?  The way iCue work without that LWin and RWin can meet the majority of my needs but not in case I switch between gaming and other apps, I have to make multiple profile in iCue that is not the easiest way. I wish to be able to keep using that key disabling softare. 

btw, at the very beginning I am very confused between "Key Assignments" and "Hardware Key Assignments", and have to search the Internet for information. It is probably a good idea to add some on screen hints for new users. For now, I still not so sure about how Hardware* works. I wonder if there should be a button to copy all software profiles as hardware profiles, rather than doing that one by one. (but it actually do not matter to me as I don't use hardware profile yet) And best of all, provide me an option that automatically copy software profile to hardware whenever I make change. I just want to keep them in sync without manual work. 

Thank you!


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One more point about Key Assignments.

There is a "bug" that reset Key Assignments name. When I want to add a new key assignment, I naturally do from left to right that:
1. At the 1st Assignments panel, click +, then give it a name. 
2. At the 2nd Assignment Type panel, select Macro or whatever
then do the setting at the 3rd and 4th panel

Whenever Assignment Type is set, the name I manually entered in the first Assignment panel got reset. I think the software should be intelligent enough to know I have manually entered a name, so it wouldn't reset my name. 

Ideally, if I didn't manually rename the assignment, I wish the software just give a default name with the assignment type plus Key, e.g. name it as Macro-G1. Maybe somewhere in settings you allow us to enter a default naming pattern. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to preface this by saying that: 1) I'm not going to dig through 11 pages to see if someone else has made the recommendation I'm about to. 2) I created an account SPECIFICALLY to post this. 3) All the people talking about QoL improvements but not addressing this are missing the elephant in the room. 4) This is the less insulting version of what I was going to say, as I realized it's better to be constructive as opposed to insulting.

So I've been using Icue for a few years now and my frustration with the software has reached a boiling point. My recommendation is to completely retool the profile system and/or start from scratch. Profiles are a mess, you have the ability to make multiple mouse dpi presets in a profile, but cant switch between them from the mouse; you CAN however switch between profiles, thereby making presets redundant and meaning I need multiple profiles with the exact same macros. Which is a quaint problem to have because each time you plug a corsair peripheral in, said product INJECTS a new profile into icue! Isnt that neat? The fact that your in-house QA team looked at this and thought, "yeah, this is exactly what we need." Is so laughable it makes me wonder if you didnt needlessly bloat your software to sell more nexuses. Other companies have done this better for years, so why is your software still so bad? The deviced already have local profiles on them, that's what they're injecting, so either remove those and make new hardware add features to your icue profile, which would include multiple presets that the hardware can switch through as opposed to cycling through multiple profiles, or stop injecting those into icue and instead have icue profiles MANAGE the profiles stored on each device, meaning the profile switch mouse keys ONLY work on the mouse and dont affect my keyboard.

you should either have global profiles ONLY in the software and not on the hardware, and hardware cant switch between them UNLESS THAT'S A KEY PURPOSE OF THE HARDWARE LIKE THE NEXUS; or local profiles ONLY on the hardware, but managed by icue independently of each other



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As much as I like the "Rain" effect, I'm not a fan of the colors applied to that RGB setting. I'm hoping the next update will offer "Rainbow Rain" (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet). For now, I've had to settle with Rainbow Wave coming down vertically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


I've got 2xCommander Core XT, 1xH150 (1xPump and 3xSP120) and 2xTriple AF120 fans (total 9xRGB fans).

I'm using iCUE app. I enjoy it but I feel it could be doing more so I'm sending my suggestions.


1 - When detecting new hardware it should go through a wizard to identity and calibrate the device. 

The user should type the device and his attached devices: name, type, calibrate the lightning and PC case location using a picture of a 3D representation of a standard pc case and ask the user select or drag it in.

With device name it is easy to identify on dashboard and mural.

With device type it should use Corsair optimization per model each one and let user select quiet/balanced/performance.

With device calibration we know the correct lighting position or order.

With fan calibration you can pre position the fans in the murals.


2 - Create a new screen only for cooling with all the devices and attached devices together, it should look similar to the commander core XT cooling option.


3 - Allow the users to select multiple sensors in cooling preset and use the highest as the temp so if any temp if higher, it should react as configured.


4 - Have a Cooling preset "Custom Curve (RPM/Temp)" RPM is easier to work if you worried about noise.


I'm available if you need any more help. Also I appreciate if you could remove the open ports left by the app.





Edited by PresenceOfMind
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  • Allow me to resize the window smaller than the huge limit you have set.
  • Why does ICUE still after all these years so much ram compared to other software of the same type like Logitech g hub for example, surely there is some sort of memory leak and that's why the program crashes randomly at times
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New to having a full icue system up and running and loving it.

Have two immediate suggestions:

- Please let us disable profiles, although I can mitigate that somewhat by reasigning the profile key on the K100 to only switch between selected prfiles.

- Turn off the LCD screen on the H150 ICUE, i turn off lights at night but I can still see something coming from the LCD. Or set lowest brightness.

- Please allow the size of the app to be remembered, I have so many sensors now they dont fit on the standard size.


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Please allow us to resize the sensor width or at least a toggle option to the old size before the most recent update.

I used to be able to fit all of my sensors in one screen until the recent update, now its so much worse and all because you guys decided to make the graphs wider or whatever reason. But fine, you can have it as an OPTION not a forced change.

This was before the updateiCUE_2024_04_20_23_07_32_251.thumb.jpg.214701b02ee7d9568f97be9fccc69d84.jpg

And now this is after the update.

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Would it be possible to make is so rebinding the FN key stops it from functioning? If you rebind it to another key, it still activates the FN function. Nothing Seems to fix it.



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On 4/29/2024 at 11:28 PM, - V - said:

Please allow us to resize the sensor width or at least a toggle option to the old size before the most recent update.

I used to be able to fit all of my sensors in one screen until the recent update, now its so much worse and all because you guys decided to make the graphs wider or whatever reason. But fine, you can have it as an OPTION not a forced change.

This was before the updateiCUE_2024_04_20_23_07_32_251.thumb.jpg.214701b02ee7d9568f97be9fccc69d84.jpg

And now this is after the update.

be able to creste groups and select a size for each graph (normal/compact) like we see in ram would be interesting

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I do like some of the new mural features. However I desperately want the old light settings back as well. I loved to have the ability to control each light and i miss the rain and other old light settings too.  I would spend hours messing with the lights. 

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Can someone look into moving one/both of the positions of the Link socket on the fans, because when you are doing a water-cooled system the fittings on the radiators get in the way, which means it's a dead end for the link system. 

Didn't anyone try this on your own radiators first before going public, great on the Link AIO's as the pipework as been moved to accommodate for this problem.  

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On 4/29/2024 at 11:28 PM, - V - said:

Please allow us to resize the sensor width or at least a toggle option to the old size before the most recent update.

I used to be able to fit all of my sensors in one screen until the recent update, now its so much worse and all because you guys decided to make the graphs wider or whatever reason. But fine, you can have it as an OPTION not a forced change.

This was before the updateiCUE_2024_04_20_23_07_32_251.thumb.jpg.214701b02ee7d9568f97be9fccc69d84.jpg

And now this is after the update.

Yes please. three columns is pretty good for having three items in the same row.

Please bring it back

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Posted (edited)
On 5/7/2024 at 5:17 PM, PresenceOfMind said:

Yes please. three columns is pretty good for having three items in the same row.

Please bring it back

Dude its bothering me so much lol

To add one more suggestion. Allow us to change the order of our devices. This is such a basic thing that I couldn't believe it was missing. Let us drag and drop our devices on the home page and up top in the order that makes sense to us.

This last one is just wishful thinking but I'd LOVE to see RivaTuner integration with iCUE. it has all the OSD functionality you'd ever need, all you guys would have to do is integrate it in a way that would allow us to put things like coolant temps in OSD. That would be awesome but idk if there are legal loops to jump through since RivaTuner is part of MSI afterburner.


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