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Introducing the new CORSAIR iCUE (v4.X) - Megathread

Corsair Nick

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It is still supported for use in the iCUE 3 software. If you do not wish to update your products you still have that as an option to control those devices.


Any info about Void Pro Rgb Wireless SE?


Edit: Would log be of any help?

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I'm curious to upgrade but I have an older H110i cooler that isn't supported. What's the recommended way to handle this if I do want to upload? Just keep version 3 installed in case I need to make changes?


Believe me. So far v4 is not a real upgrade.


I didn't go back to v3 since I encountered no major problems and my lighting setup needs no more tweak.


v4 is so far a downgrade. I know it will be better later but there's no need to jump to it now.

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Hello just installed iCUE 4 so far i have encountered a few problems.

connecting to Philips hue bridge makes the program crash as soon as it starts.

No Hydro X pump/fan profiles.

Names of sensors in the dashboard change back after restart.

cant change names of fans/temp sensors


but it looks promising.

The best fix so far is the i do not get any error message every time i shutdown the pc because i have asus xonar running

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Also had an issue with Hue crashing on start. I went to: C:\Program Files\Corsair\CORSAIR iCUE 4 Software\modules >philips_hue.dll and renamed it to philips_hue_old just so i could get the program to boot.

I then installed the most recent update (4.9.350) and that fixed the crashing problem with Hue. Now my icue software can see my hue devices but no luck actually making any of them work. I want to re-run the setup wizard but if i try it just reports "Successful" every time and doesn't actually run.


Anyone know where i can reset the hue settings back to default?

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Those devices have been EoL and discontinued for several years. It is not realistic to expect us to continue to put development resources into keeping old, and discontinued products supported in our new iCUE 4 software. If people have those products and do not wish to upgrade there is the last version of iCUE 3 that can still be used.


You cant mix and match new products with corsair?

Understood, i'm done with the brand.


You dont seem to understand the perspective that this STOPS upgrades - if i want to use a new AIO from corsair in 6 months i need the new iCUE... and oh wait installing icue 4 uninstalls icue 3, so now my existing hardware is dead.



Yeah, if your new software removes the old software you have a problem. If you're gunna remove support the programs should have been seperate and independant, this is forced obsolescence.

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I also have the issue of icue 4 crashing everytime on startup if it's paired with a hue bridge (square one). A quick way to even get the program to start is just unplug the bridge and icue will start just fine, once in just disable the bridge in the icue settings.
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The iCUE software is hardware accelerated like most Windows 10 programs these days. It was also hardware accelerated in iCUE 3.


the program was, not the installer


we now have a 3D youtube filled installer. Whyyy?



Also, you seem to have skipped over my v3/v4 issue entirely


1. If i own old corsair products, i must use V3

2. If i buy new products from here on, i must use V4

3. I cannot use both at the same time


So... if i buy a single new corsair product, i have to bin my working headsets? How long before AIO's and keyboards join the EOL purge?



If a new products software demands i uninstall the software for my old products, it needs to support them. - You buy a new mouse or keyboard and suddenly your headphones get disabled... what kind of message does that send?


You need to sort this out with the hardware guys, even if its an "icue 3 legacy" cut down program with basic support for discontinued devices only.

Edited by Mussels
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Bit of a concern there bud, You are basically saying Corsair products have a "use by date" of around 4 years, This is quite the red flag.


All companies put their products into EOL after a numbers of years, especially if they offer more than one product that is similar or better in functionality and not one company is going to support multiple devices all the time as it's not cost effective.


Every product you buy has a used by date from food you eat to electronics you buy.

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All companies put their products into EOL after a numbers of years, especially if they offer more than one product that is similar or better in functionality and not one company is going to support multiple devices all the time as it's not cost effective.


Every product you buy has a used by date from food you eat to electronics you buy.


yes, but corsairs put their foot down and said you cant mix new and old products together.


none of their competitors do this, so that is a red flag and a good reason to either protest it, or not buy new products (why would i buy a new corsair product knowing i'm forced to upgrade software and ditch my working hardware?)

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yes, but corsairs put their foot down and said you cant mix new and old products together.


none of their competitors do this, so that is a red flag and a good reason to either protest it, or not buy new products (why would i buy a new corsair product knowing i'm forced to upgrade software and ditch my working hardware?)


As Corsair have said old hardware will still work with iCue v3.x and while it does not have the new UI (which is the only benefit of v4.x) it still works as expected, so your not really missing out on much.

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I was on the way to have another problem solved with version 4, but this morning had the same issue... sometimes in my LS100 setup the last strip starts to display incorrect color (yellow or purple instead of a personalized white). Need to unplug both power and USB and plug back in to get it back to work.

This is my setup:




Also version 4 does not allow custom setups to use Video Lighting like version 3.



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As Corsair have said old hardware will still work with iCue v3.x and while it does not have the new UI (which is the only benefit of v4.x) it still works as expected, so your not really missing out on much.


You cannot run 3.x and 4.x on the same PC


You cannot support new and old devices on the same PC.


stop thinking about it from the perspecting of owning one corsair product.

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As Corsair have said old hardware will still work with iCue v3.x and while it does not have the new UI (which is the only benefit of v4.x) it still works as expected, so your not really missing out on much.


Frankly thats bullocks.


You have a ecosystem where everything works in 3.x

Corsair launches a new keyboard.


Your options now, if you want that keyboard, is to:


Run 4.x to control lighting of the keyboard, leaving X number of products in your current ecosystem non-controllable.


Or keep 3.x and forget about controlling the lighting on your brand new keyboard.


Customer friendly. No. Forced upgrade. Yes.


Also, the argument from Corsair that "You cannot expect us to support old hardware bla bla bla". You have to be a more than normally dedicated fanboy to buy into that one.


All major competitors when it comes to lighting ecosystems are backwards compatible even with newest versions. Even when switching to a new UI etc.


Did anyone loose compatibility when Asus introduced AC and Creator on top of Aura? No.


Gigabyte going from RGB Fusion to Fusion 2.0? No.


And so forth...

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Hi all, loving the new Ui for v4. Working brilliantly until now.

Just reconfigured everything after starting afresh with the new v4, but trying to save the onboard profile for my K70mkII and M65 Elite (to have static lighting when they're in use with my work laptop) and it won't let me save them. Infact, even though I did a full de-install of v3 before installing v4, it's still got my old hw lighting in my keyboard (I know this is in the memory of the KB itself though.)


Trying to overwrite these with the new ones I've made, and it's not letting me save over or delete the onboard memory. The options to do anything just aren't clickable.

I've tried in my default profile, and also in the profile for each of the Keyboard and Mouse to delete the old and save a new one. Just nothing works.


Any ideas?

Link to pictures if these help


Thanks in advance :)

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Frankly thats bullocks.


You have a ecosystem where everything works in 3.x

Corsair launches a new keyboard.


Your options now, if you want that keyboard, is to:


Run 4.x to control lighting of the keyboard, leaving X number of products in your current ecosystem non-controllable.


Or keep 3.x and forget about controlling the lighting on your brand new keyboard.


Customer friendly. No. Forced upgrade. Yes.


Also, the argument from Corsair that "You cannot expect us to support old hardware bla bla bla". You have to be a more than normally dedicated fanboy to buy into that one.


All major competitors when it comes to lighting ecosystems are backwards compatible even with newest versions. Even when switching to a new UI etc.


Did anyone loose compatibility when Asus introduced AC and Creator on top of Aura? No.


Gigabyte going from RGB Fusion to Fusion 2.0? No.


And so forth...


To me it's one of two things. Either forced upgrade, courtesy of Corsair's bean counting department, against any kind of good judgement, or lack of time and resources from Corsair software development team.


Seeing how V4 didn't change from V3 (massive resources impact, list of bugs longer than a day without bread.. granted it just came out, it's to be expected), i really can't figure out who is responsible for that situation ^^'


Either way it's pure BS, be it marketing or technical.

I use old wireless logitech mice with my laptop at work along with my gaming one at home.. both setpoint and G-hub run fine and dandy simultaneously. If they had forced me to chose one or the other, that would have sucked, but in their case it's product segmentation, regular vs gaming.

Here, Corsair just ditches support to all their products older than 4 years or so? No need for bad press or advertising competitors. It's a perfect example of shooting oneself in the foot.


Next on product boxes : Compatible only with iCUE V3 / Compatible only with iCUE V4 ? How do you tell customers that if they buy a new product they lose all support to the ones they already own?

Whoever came up with that business model needs to be fired ASAP honestly ^^'

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Ok, maybe im ether blind, or nobody has asked this yet, but is there a way to link a scene with a profile?


I have about 20 profiles which are bound to both cooling and also keyboard lighting. Each profile is linked to a game, so when a game launches it sets my keyboard lighting just the way i need it (only relevant keys light up).

Not that its a huge issue, as im not exactly looking at the keyboard while playing, but was wondering if this was still a thing?

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Hello just installed iCUE 4 so far i have encountered a few problems.

connecting to Philips hue bridge makes the program crash as soon as it starts.

No Hydro X pump/fan profiles.

Names of sensors in the dashboard change back after restart.

cant change names of fans/temp sensors


but it looks promising.

The best fix so far is the i do not get any error message every time i shutdown the pc because i have asus xonar running


You can get around the sensor name changing issue by changing the names in the configuration file C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Corsair\CUE4\sensors


might take a little trial and error. But change the name of the sensor their, then close and reopen icue.

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  • Corsair Employee
Ok, maybe im ether blind, or nobody has asked this yet, but is there a way to link a scene with a profile?


I have about 20 profiles which are bound to both cooling and also keyboard lighting. Each profile is linked to a game, so when a game launches it sets my keyboard lighting just the way i need it (only relevant keys light up).

Not that its a huge issue, as im not exactly looking at the keyboard while playing, but was wondering if this was still a thing?


Scenes work in the same manner as "Instant Lighting" did in iCUE 3.x where it will apply the same lighting to all your devices at once. Just like Instant Lighting, it can't be assigned to a profile and essentially overrides your profile lighting until disabled.

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  • Corsair Employee
Hi all, loving the new Ui for v4. Working brilliantly until now.

Just reconfigured everything after starting afresh with the new v4, but trying to save the onboard profile for my K70mkII and M65 Elite (to have static lighting when they're in use with my work laptop) and it won't let me save them. Infact, even though I did a full de-install of v3 before installing v4, it's still got my old hw lighting in my keyboard (I know this is in the memory of the KB itself though.)


Trying to overwrite these with the new ones I've made, and it's not letting me save over or delete the onboard memory. The options to do anything just aren't clickable.

I've tried in my default profile, and also in the profile for each of the Keyboard and Mouse to delete the old and save a new one. Just nothing works.


Any ideas?

Link to pictures if these help


Thanks in advance :)


Do you have the mouse and keyboard connected to a USB hub or anything other than directly to the back of your PC? Also which version of iCUE 4.9 are you running on?


Just tested this on my M65 Elite and it worked. Basically went through the following steps:


  • Selected the M65 Elite
  • Clicked Device Settings
  • Clicked the 3 dots next to the hardware profile
  • Selected "Delete"
  • Clicked Confirm on the prompt
  • Selected Hardware Lighting
  • Added a Lighting Layer
  • Selected Color Pulse
  • Selected the Zone
  • Selected two colors
  • Clicked Device Settings
  • Clicked on the "Add Current Profile" box with the plus sign
  • Clicked Save on the prompt

Shutdown iCUE to test if the lighting applies.

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I just wanna add to the thread: I ordered a new K65 RGB Mini lately but found out my old H100i v2 cooler wont work with iCue4 and the new K65 mini won't work with iCue3...I'll probably return the K65 honestly and start making plans to leave the ecosystem. Even if I didn't mind running 2 separate pieces of software, it seems like I can't. Also just bought a scimitar elite...maybe I'll return that and get razer huntsman mini + naga.


Anyway, please add legacy support. I can't imagine what new features are preventing old hardware from getting support. Seems more like a play to get people to buy new things. I would actually buy more of your things if you KEPT legacy support going. Just saying.

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I just wanna add to the thread: I ordered a new K65 RGB Mini lately but found out my old H100i v2 cooler wont work with iCue4 and the new K65 mini won't work with iCue3...I'll probably return the K65 honestly and start making plans to leave the ecosystem. Even if I didn't mind running 2 separate pieces of software, it seems like I can't. Also just bought a scimitar elite...maybe I'll return that and get razer huntsman mini + naga.


Anyway, please add legacy support. I can't imagine what new features are preventing old hardware from getting support. Seems more like a play to get people to buy new things. I would actually buy more of your things if you KEPT legacy support going. Just saying.


This is exactly what i've been warning about since this came out... it's going to cost them customers if they update an existing program and remove support.


It either needs to be a seperate program where both can run at once, or it needs to support everything that ever worked with icue 3.x

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