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ICUE 4 Unsupported Products

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Yes, I'm not buying any more corsair products if this is how you want to run your business :wtfeh: At least you could have asked me if I want to upgrade to the new version if you knew my pretty essential hardware like the CPU cooler will not be detected anymore :mad: Thanks for adding more work to my schedule...
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Thanks for NOT WARNING those of us that have unsupported hardware. I have limited bandwidth and wasted hours downloading WORTHLESS software and now I have to do download the WORKING software AGAIN. When all needed to know was that the new version would not support my headphones.


What a bleeping wasted and bandwidth.

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I got a notification that an update was available for iCue. I updated and everything was gone. A completely empty dashboard and no way of adding my hardware.


All Corsair products I have, case, power supply, keyboard, mouse, water-cooling, memory, mouse pad, was all bought in recent years. And all are on the list of "obsolete products" (ok, the case and mousepad were never in iCue obviously).


You do not state why support for these products was dropped in version 4, but being a software developer myself, I am 100% sure it would have been possible to continue support in version 4. If your software developer tells you it is not, fire him and hire me instead. I will make it work.


For me this means it was a marketing decision and not a technical issue.

This is sad, and for me this ends my love for Corsair. I liked having everything from the same brand. I am currently looking for a gaming headset. But it will not be from Corsair this time, nor will any other future product. I liked Corsair, I really did.

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I just created a user in the forum to say that I'm really disappointed with the support for an old hardware. So we need to update the water cooling system because of "reasons"?


last corsair product for me, you cant rethink that measure



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I received a notification "iCUE sensed the thermal probe attached to port #1 on LS1000 starter Kit. Are you trying to setup CORSAIR Hydro X Series Custom Cooling"


I do have 2 LS100 Starting Kit, and NO I do no have or try to Setup CORSAIR Hydro X Series Custom Cooling. I have a H115i elite.


Dismissing the notification will bring it up the next time iCUE us loaded

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  • Corsair Employee
I received a notification "iCUE sensed the thermal probe attached to port #1 on LS1000 starter Kit. Are you trying to setup CORSAIR Hydro X Series Custom Cooling"


I do have 2 LS100 Starting Kit, and NO I do no have or try to Setup CORSAIR Hydro X Series Custom Cooling. I have a H115i elite.


Dismissing the notification will bring it up the next time iCUE us loaded


We're aware of this bug, and will be resolving it in an upcoming update to iCUE. Outside of it popping up every time you restart iCUE, it shouldn't impact anything.

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wtf. dropping support for old things with lights well.... but dropping for AIO that are working perfectly?

I got a prompt to update from icue3 to icue4 and now 1 of my 5 corsair products, that is the most important, lose support.

I constantly change fan speeds, so while gaming is higher that when im just surfing the web.


why the ***** do you push an update and never tell me that one of my products is going to lose support? so i just cancel the update.


holy *****, corsair dev team is one of the worst i ever experienced. constant problem with every f*cking product, every update on icue3 break something, if not ****ting the configs, breaking macros, remapping, everything.


how can the dev team be so ****? do you even test your software of we a re bunch of free QA testers that need to waste a lot of time dealing with your ****ty software that you push everyday?


we pay premium tag for trash quality support. now i cant manage an AIO that works perfectly fine because having 5 AIO in a almost 1gb program is too hard.


My next build im sure is never going to use this trash brand, so many headaches.

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Could you please release a small update to iCUE v3.x that includes a proper warning regarding updating to iCUE v4.x and unsupported products if applicable?


I am currently running iCUE v3.38.61, and I just got a notification toast from iCUE on Windows startup that an iCUE update is available (iCUE v4.11.274) without any warning that it will remove support for my H110i. The update button inside iCUE does not warn me of this eiher. You should be perfectly capable of warning me of this literal breaking change to my setup when you detect a product unsupported in iCUE 4. See attachment.


I have no plans of replacing my H110i anytime soon, and I'd very much prefer avoiding getting notifications for updates to a version that will remove support for my hardware. A clear warning along with a "do not notify me of updates to iCUE 4 again" option or similar should be the bare minimum here. This really goes without saying, but a clear warning should save a large amount of your customers from a lot of frustration, as well as your own customer service department, especially considering you're actively notifying us of an update to a current working setup. For all your customers know, this could be a critical security update. This would be a win-win situation.


Edited by Hazno
Added some additional text to my last paragraph.
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Well, Corsair. That is a real, real bad move. With icue4 you brick my headset completly, you can still use it, sure, but there is no way to set anthing at it anymore. Is this a joke? Are you serios? You brick fully functional hardware? I think its not the right way to deal with our planet! If you not reconsider this decision, i will sort out ANY Corsair hardware (3x LT100, Void RGB Headset, Dominator Platinum RGB, ST100, H150i, AX1200i, 2 Commander Pro, icue Nexus and tons of rgb fans) from my pc, sell it on ebay and will never ever touch Corsair anytime again, even though i've been satisfied from your support, till you came out with this step.


Whats next? No support for PSU? LT100? ST100?

Edited by andreaz70
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So since there are some people saying that the hardware warranty is only five years and software support is shorter than that, That warranty should start at the date of purchase correct? I purchased my mouse and headset in August of 2016 and since we haven't reached August of this year yet, I'm still within my hardware warranty. Since Corsair felt the need to release an update that forcibly caused 2 of my products h100i and my scimitar to become inept (not working as advertised/intended), how do you plan on fixing this? You gonna refund me? Maybe replace them with newer products that are supported, for free?.... Yeah, I didn't think so.


Before anyone thinks about asking, I already reverted to iCue 3, the problem is my side keys on my MMO mouse (you know the function that is my whole reason for buying it in the first place), no longer respond even if I select the profile manually. My mouse is my biggest problem. I was already looking to replace my AIO because I've had it for so long that the water in it has probably evaporated considerably since I first purchased it.


Needless to say at this point but, I'll say it anyway, when I start upgrading I'll be seeking all non-Corsair products, I don't want ANY of my components or peripherals tied into iCue AT ALL!!!


Also my headset works fine but I didn't have any special settings for it so... yeeeah

Edited by Nefd2hell
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Typical garbage marketing decision.


I wouldn't mind if I was given a warning when prompted to update, but no. Common sense usually dictates that an update that has a significant impact should be one where you have to go out of your way to update.


It shouldn't take me updating, realising my mouse isn't showing up, coming to the forums and finding it out isn't supported anymore.


Now all my button mapping on my mouse I use for work has vanished with your crappy software implementation being the culprit. Your not Apple and people will very quickly jump ship lol.

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Oh, if Apple released an update of IOS that rendered all iPhones 8 and older to be unuseable, trust me, people would jump ship :) that's basically what corsair just did.

Apparently, nobody thought of adding a simple check to see if all the installed hardware was compatible before pushing the update. Besides the dishonest business practice, the software is evidently unfinished and has been rushed into release for some unknown reason.

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right. oki... that was Corsair.

I'll do a friendly tag to my fella stock traders about this "Excellent marked move".

My hope is that they dont start a firesale... making the corsair stocks take a permanent abyss dive into the unknown. Bad move corsair, bad move


Im off to Asus... after x years of Corsair products..

Who's to blame? the entire company from CS> dev> CEO


EDIT... do NOT reply with a standard : "we are sorry to hear you are feeling this way ...blablabla...


@Technobeard edit my "foul language"... if i was you i've start looking for a new job...reason? 18 years in CS. it starts with the company dont give a rats *** in thei're customers, then its heading for automation in every link in the buisness... first thing to cut the cost? CS, then marketing, then production. I really dont understand how CEO can do this stepes without feeling the cuts of revenew. WAKE UP mister !!

Edited by k-i-b
removed foul language
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Hey, just digged out my Corsair Forums account to create an answer here.


I hit the update button in the iCUE software leading me from version 3 to 4 when I realized that my Corsair mouse (Scimitar) is not detected anymore.


5 minutes ago, I just read that this was intentional and I'm out of luck expecting a (stupid) mouse to work the way it should with updated software because it is.. what now... 5-6 years old?


I do not condone Corsair transitioning me over to a new software version without warning me in their in-house iCUE software that I'm not able to use my product anymore if I insist on security-related updates. I also do not condone Corsair forcing me to replace a 5 yearold mouse for the sake of me purchasing a new product of their lineup - this is not sustainable and plain uncool.


My next mouse/keyboard devices will certainly not be made and sold by Corsair.


There goes a previously loyal customer.



PS: Yes, I am pissed. And I'll tell my friends to stay away from Corsair whenever it comes up.

Edited by nakami
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There is one thing you can do that the BLEEPS at Corsair did not tell you to do.


Download and install the CORRECT software, the 3.86 software. Which is what I after wasting hours downloading the borked crapware.


It yo do that you get what you had before they gits failed to warn us that they were abandoning us in the worst possible way.

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I have an h110i actually 2 of them. and I keep hearing this is a discontinued old product. Well I bought mine 6 months ago with a 2 year warranty so I now own warranted hardware that is out of software support? Wtf is this. I’m owed support for a fairly new product that is indeed in my warranty period! I plan to contact Better business on this as it’s absurd to spend on a product that’s said to be unsupported months after buying. I have a desk full of this crap hardware and I expect it supported on current software.
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I'm disappointed in the removal of support for my H110i GT.


This will certainly be a factor when it comes to choosing the suppliers for the parts for my next build.


I have previously always had Corsair coolers, RAM and cases, so i hope what they saved on not doing the job properly, on iCue, will be worth it for them in the long run.

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Not even sure if my Current Void headset is supported in iCue 4 or not, but I'm cutting my losses while I can.


I dropped my Corsair Commander Pro in exchange for a AqauComputer OCTO. Now I can see my sensors in AIDA and not have to alt-tab to bloatCue.


Reformatted PC to remove all traces of Corsair iCue and now run OpenRGB to control RGB on my MM800 and ST100 without issue.


Set a profile before I reformatted and saved it to my K95 and Nightsword, so here is hoping I never have to reinstall iCue.


Bonus is my CPU idles properly without odd spikes.


Sad end to almost 20 year love affair. I'll still be a fanboy, but not a blind one. Not spending another cent on Corsair, only used or just completely avoiding.


Get out while you can. Having your cooling system tied to unreliable software is a loaded gun.


You've been warned.

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I am completely flabbergasted. My cooler is on this list (H110i GT). I came here because the cooler disappeared after this "upgrade" (ew).


I remember when you changed from CUE to iCUE (lolwut) v3 and the app was unstable for several versions.


Now you change to v4 which to me just seems like an interface change with functions just reorganized and you remove functions!?!?!??! Do you people have no shame? My cooler is working perfectly fine, I bought it in 2016 and it runs great but when I bought it, it was promised that I'd get software control, and I don't see any valid technical reason for removing that since it's basically monitoring sensors and changing pump speed. I think the colors could be changed too depending on certain variables like CPU temperature.


I highly doubt that code was removed from your app since it's still abysmally large after installation. It takes out 1.96 gigabytes from my SSD and you actually *REMOVED SUPPORT*!?!?!?!??!


Due to the durability of your pump, when this one failed I was going to replace with another Corsair but not now, because of principles. These things are made of finite resources and nobody should have to feel forced to upgrade to retain functions they were using just fine. No social/environmental/sustainability responsibility in your business and while some people may not care about that, I very much do. It's such a waste. I won't upgrade and I won't buy Corsair again. If anything this puts me off completely from these "smart" functions, and will save me money by buying simpler products from other manufacturers. Just a real shame I cannot monitor pump performance and change the parameters to make it quieter/run faster depending on the need.


Shameless and customer-unfriendly decision I don't care what anybody says, that's what it is. Upgrade a water cooler!!!!!!! Madness. I understand in IT things have to be upgraded but this is a water cooler and it's still working perfectly, there is zero logical sense in this.


I'm sure someone will point out I can still run iCue 3, well if there was nothing wrong with it then why would Corsair make a major version release? Security holes could be found and exploited, that's why customers expect upgrades. And let's not talk about capitalism and the company needing money to survive, things will break and replacements will be bought, or people will upgrade by choice not by being forced, also new customers buying for the first time. This is greed, plain and simple. Corsair does not have my money in the future, and this goes for the K70 RGB being a non-standard layout so I cannot just go buy a set of key caps because the spacing isn't compatible. It's just gross.

Edited by dfejiubwf92h498
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Not even sure if my Current Void headset is supported in iCue 4 or not, but I'm cutting my losses while I can.


I dropped my Corsair Commander Pro in exchange for a AqauComputer OCTO. Now I can see my sensors in AIDA and not have to alt-tab to bloatCue.


Reformatted PC to remove all traces of Corsair iCue and now run OpenRGB to control RGB on my MM800 and ST100 without issue.


Set a profile before I reformatted and saved it to my K95 and Nightsword, so here is hoping I never have to reinstall iCue.


Bonus is my CPU idles properly without odd spikes.


Sad end to almost 20 year love affair. I'll still be a fanboy, but not a blind one. Not spending another cent on Corsair, only used or just completely avoiding.


Get out while you can. Having your cooling system tied to unreliable software is a loaded gun.


You've been warned.


Nice to see another convert to AquaComputer. I went with an Octo for fan/pump control and a Farbwek360 for RGB control this time. Their hardware and software is superior to Corsair's in every way. I have been using Corsair products for years, but decided against it for my Ryzen build. I read too many reports of loud whining Capellix pumps and the non-ending bug saga that is iCue. I did use Corsair RGB fans so I do have 2 Lighting Node Cores but I use SIV to control them. No iCue, Aura, or Armoury Crate on this rig. I would like to get full control of my Dark Hero, G.SKill RAM, and ThermalTake PS fan but I am not willing to install Aura, Armoury Crate, iCue, or TT DPS-G to do it. I am looking into Open RGB, JackNet, Aurora, and SignalRGB. Is OpenRGB working well for you?

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I'm so, so glad I decided not to buy any more Corsair products after the iCue 1.x to 2.x debacle showed them to be a rudderless company when it comes to their software architecture. iCue just told me to update to a new version that turned out to be incompatible with both my mouse, and my keyboard. Genius work, Corsair!


I'd say you should be warning people that the update you are pushing is incompatible with their hardware, but who am I kidding? That would require foresight and competence.


This stuff is old enough now, seems like it's time to just get rid of it and move on.


Sure, I could downgrade, but since there have been multiple security vulnerabilities discovered in iCue over the years, and Corsair is certain to stop development on the 3.x version now that 4.x is out, that seems a risky thing to do.

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I've always found Corsair to be good with their support when I've reached out, however to have hardware still under manufacturer warranty (in my case the Hydro Series H115i) though no longer supported by the new iCUE v4 is disappointing...


And I am again prompted to update iCue even though my Hydro Series H115i is not supported?...

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And I am again prompted to update iCue even though my Hydro Series H115i is not supported?...


Yes, and you cannot turn it off. You could block iCue in your firewall, but then you also would not receive notifications about firmware updates for the devices you have, and you still want to receive those.

You will just have to remember to ignore the iCue notification and not accidentally click update, our you'll be going through the whole uninstall/reinstall process again.

It is just hard to believe that Corsair could not come up with a better solution to this whole debacle. In fact, I am sure they could, if they would just invest the necessary resources. But if you do not care about customer loyalty, why would you care about this?

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