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Sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere and I just missed it. I just didn't see my exact issue. 

One of my RAM sticks doesn't match the other. Not just a different shade of blue like some of the others, but a random color. Right now I'm running the Corsair blue scheme through iCue and the right stick is yellow instead of light blue. Sometimes it's not the whole stick, but just a portion of it will be a different color (i.e. the top 1/3 of the stick will be red or orange or something). It's not always the same stick and it's pretty random. It should all be synched, except for the mobo. Everything is controlled through iCue (H150i Elite Capellix, Commander Core, Lightning Node Pro, and LL120 fans).

I honestly think the problem is with my Mobo. I have a Gigabyte Aorus Pro AC B500, and it has been finnicky from time to time with my RAM. Sometimes it doesn't register both sticks in Bios, but they are both running according to Task Manager and other benchmark tests. And the XMP profile never says that they are running over 2133 (they are 3600). To be clear, the performance of the RAM has been where it should be, it's just the mobo doesn't reflect that in its stats. 

I just don't want to ignore the issue (it's just a color mismatch when its static) and it turn out to be something bigger that I should've fixed earlier. 



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Just made the observation on my system, my (2) DDR4 sticks glow the same color and pattern on power up. But once I log into Windows and iCUE loads, the sticks glow different colors as you describe. This would seem to point to the iCUE software and a configuration setting.

I actually regret installing iCUE, as everything was working so nicely without it. But once I installed it the problems began. I now have things configured almost the same way when I wasn't using iCUE at all. Uninstalling iCUE doesn't return things to normal either so I'm stuck using it.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with your memory.  You need to load iCUE and find the setting to make the sticks glow the same color and pattern if that's what you like.  I actually like them appearing different. It adds spice to my life 🙂

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Most of the RAM color issues reported end up being related to conflict with motherboard RGB software programs. In CUE turn off the “enable plugins” switch and check the other program to make sure it’s not actively set to access the RAM. That said, this usually affects both sticks, not one or a portion of one. Also if you see this when CUE is not running, there may be another cause. 

Things you can try.. 

1) Force update the firmware on the RAM. Check for updates -> (none) -> force update. Start with this if it’s not behaving with CUE closed. 

2) Clean install for CUE. As much as it is a royal pain to redo all your configurations and settings, this is the most effective means of getting rid of underlying problems that reside in those files. Make sure you export and valuable profiles before wiping the files. See the link. 



None of this should affect RAM frequency and that is a BIOS level setting. Add your RAM to the CUE dashboard. It should tell you the actual frequency you’re currently running. 

Edited by c-attack
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  • 4 weeks later...

It's actually started effecting my RAM. Well, what I mean is the RAM is actually starting to act up. I notice occasionally that the speed has slowed so I go to Task Manager and look at the performance and it shows that I only have 1 DIMM. Still not sure if it's a RAM issue or Mobo issue. I'm getting a new  mobo soon though, so I guess I'll see if that helps. If not might be time to replace the RAM. Unless Corsair covers the RAM since it's only a few months old. 

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If sticks are dropping out of the Windows RAM memory pool, that is going to be a hardware issue — motherboard or RAM. You can try running any of the popular memory tests to see if it returns errors, but I would be tempted to try a slot swap first. Switch the two sticks in their B <-> D slots. If this is a RAM issue, the problem should travel with the module. If the new stick in slot D now misbehaves while B returns to normal, then that is some type of MB/BIOS issue. 

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  • 9 months later...

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