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New Forum Rules Discussion Thread

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  • 2 months later...
I'm a little late to the conversation but since it's sticky... Why isn't Intel filtered ^^ but I get the filter, This isn't a hardware or support forum, it's a corsair forum, for issues relating to corsair products. But honestly it's not something i'd expect from a company with corsair's history.
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I'm still trying to understand the censorship. I have a competitors case, but use Corsair PSU, Memory, SSD, etc and want to know if Corsair products will fit in my case. How am I suppose to ask the forum what will fit in my case if I can't put the name of the product. Why is "intel" allowed when they make SSD's too?


Sorry to say, but joining this forum has given me a wierd feeling about Corsair as a company. I never thought I would say that. Competition is what makes us strive for perfection, gets the word out about good or bad customer service, but can make or break a company. So the long and short of it is....build a good product, provide good customer service, and continue to be innovative and your customers will come back.

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The name filter has NOTHING to do with censorship specifically and it has been in place for a LONG LONG time. Reread this entire thread before commenting on something you have not researched.


2 more examples, within the last 2 weeks, we have had users either bashing a competitor or requesting tech support from us on a competitors product. Preventing those 2 things are just 2 examples of why the filter is in place.


The filter is NOT an obstruction to you getting quality support on your Corsair product.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Folks,


First, nice job on putting "the rules" together and then creating this discussion thread. I wish more companies did this.


Now the question: Rule 3: ALL YOUR INFO ARE BELONG TO US


Whilst I can understand the rational for this (based upon the text within the rules) I'm curious about it. Specifically, you are claiming that we are giving you all rights associated with anything we post - which is way more "power" than you need to accomplish your stated purpose.


For example - If I take a picture of my build (or of a plant outside my window) and post it here, according to those rules, all ownership of that picture has just passed to you. Which means if I want to do anything else with it, post on my facebook page, etc. I can't do that without asking your permission first.


Heck, I can't even use my normal signature here (that I've used on every other forum/usenet/etc. going back to the 1980s) because you will then own that as well.


So obviously the only way around this is that whenever I need YOU to look at something (to solve a problem for instance) I need to post on my own website first and then just include a link so you can go look at it.


Is that really what you want?


You can still accomplish everything that you say you require just by deleting that first sentence "Any and all information (threads / posts / PMs / images) submitted to this site by members on this forum are considered to be property of said forum."


Oh, and btw, me quoting rule #3 in the 2 places I've done so is technically against the rules of your own forum, because I'm posting copyrighted material without proper attribution.


Is that really what you want?



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Rule number 3 exists to cover us regarding editing / deleting / moving / merging of posts / threads and PM access if needed. You own your pics, build logs, etc. We don't want ownership or the copyright of anyone's stuff.


I can't see something with an AYBABTU reference, HEEEAAAAAALLLPPP!!!!!!, or ROFLMFFAOWPIMP as legally binding :)


For fun I just googled "ROFLMFFAOWPIMP" and apparently a spam forum copied our rules right down to the Ryan Shrout permission note :)

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::pirate:: They copied the whole thing? :laughing:


Too funny.


Thanks for getting back. And just in case someone from legal disagrees with you (can't be too careful):


I hereby give Corsair permission to do whatever they need to do with the information I post to this forum for the purpose of operating and maintaining this forum in a proper fashion. All ownership rights are retained by the author/poster (John Strasser, Scottsdale AZ)


I obviously hang out with too many lawyers. . .

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  • 1 month later...

Please tell me that:




is a joke or a hyper-geeky phrase understood only by uber-geeks.


If not I shall assume that it is just the work of a non native English speaker and be on my way.

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  • 1 month later...

not trying to be rude or anything but i did notice one thing that doesn't hit ere right,


youve got this on the rules thread and says "ALL YOUR INFO ARE BELONG TO US"


this sounds better "ALL YOUR INFO BELONG TO US"


Chris H

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not trying to be rude or anything but i did notice one thing that doesn't hit ere right,


youve got this on the rules thread and says "ALL YOUR INFO ARE BELONG TO US"


this sounds better "ALL YOUR INFO BELONG TO US"


Chris H


Read the post right before yours for an explanation :D:

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  • 4 months later...

I have read the rules several times, and find nothing regarding the moderating of image uploads.


I have three images in two albums that are moderated. The one in the "ASUS Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 System" album is a few weeks old, and still moderated. The two in the "ASUS Sabertooth 990FX in Air 540 Case" album were uploaded last night.


Toasted brought to my attention that they are not visible to other forum users due to their moderation.


Is there something that I need to do to have these images approved/released?


Will I be notified if for some reason they are not approved/allowed with the reason why so that corrections can be made?


Thanks for the help.



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  • 1 year later...

It wasn't that long ago when Yellowbeard said it's been ages since Corsair has censored anyone's post that mentions a competitor product.


Now we have Wired quoting the info below like hes going to go around acting like North Korea. Only reason a company acts like that is if they have something to hide.




This forum is here for the express purpose of supporting current and future users of Corsair Memory. Please do not discuss competing products or their suppliers by name on this forum, either in a positive light or a negative one. Such posts or threads will be edited or deleted at our discretion. Please contact the makers of that product for help. As stated above, their names are filtered out from public view.


If you have questions about non-Corsair products that do not compete with Corsair (e.g. operating system, routers, video cards, etc.), please post in the appropriate sub-forums. Start out with the Hardware Related and Software Related (Non Corsair Questions) areas. Note that Corsair employees do not monitor these areas, but they will move posts / threads to them from the Corsair areas if needed. If you see a post in the wrong area, please report it so that it may be moved to the correct location.

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It wasn't that long ago when Yellowbeard said it's been ages since Corsair has censored anyone's post that mentions a competitor product.


Now we have Wired quoting the info below like hes going to go around acting like North Korea. Only reason a company acts like that is if they have something to hide.

This post has been moved to this thread as it's the proper place to discuss the rules.


As Yellowbeard mentioned above:

... we have had users either bashing a competitor or requesting tech support from us on a competitors product. Preventing those 2 things are just 2 examples of why the filter is in place.


The filter is NOT an obstruction to you getting quality support on your Corsair product.

This forum does not exist to bash Corsair's competitors, nor does it exist to help market their materials. If someone wants to mention their products, fine, but there IS a line.


And as the sig says, I don't work for Corsair. I've been on this forum since before Corsair has. I'm here to help the community. I've had to moderate Corsair posts in the past (and even my own). I don't have favorites.

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It wasn't that long ago when Yellowbeard said it's been ages since Corsair has censored anyone's post that mentions a competitor product.


Now we have Wired quoting the info below like hes going to go around acting like North Korea. Only reason a company acts like that is if they have something to hide.


I am just an user here, and I disagree with you. You see.. when freedom is given, some make good use of it, some abuse of it.

It's like some big e-shop site(s) laying the stress on reviews from users, then introducing "select reviewers" and rankings to be part of those and receive free merchandise. You think it is a good idea. Short after you realise what it is leading to, reviews (and "this review was useful" votes) becoming a meaningless trademarket, and you regret it is allowed.


Same here. If mentioning other brands is allowed, some will do it honestly, but some will do it in an ambiguously purposed way. What to do then? Remove some posts?


I agree with this policy. The Internet is full of non-brand-tied forums. This is a place to talk Corsair.


I also appreciate the stern way they "censor" insults and offences here. There are too many forums where insults and yahoo-language are allowed, as long as you speak for a minorance and the mob is against you. Here this is prevented firmly. All in all I'd say this forum's quality is on par with Corsair's overall quality.

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Same here. If mentioning other brands is allowed, some will do it honestly, but some will do it in an ambiguously purposed way. What to do then? Remove some posts?


I agree with this policy. The Internet is full of non-brand-tied forums. This is a place to talk Corsair.


While its true,,this forum is for Corsair products,,users cant comment and discuss only Corsair

One example would be if trouble shooting ram,here the m/b brand needs to be also addressed and so on.

Corsair has relaxed its policy somewhat and I think it demonstrated their confidence in the Corsair brand.




I also appreciate the stern way they "censor" insults and offences here. There are too many forums where insults and yahoo-language are allowed, as long as you speak for a minorance and the mob is against you. Here this is prevented firmly. All in all I'd say this forum's quality is on par with Corsair's overall quality.


Actually I can attest to the fact that their very tolerate and understanding in many ways.,,,if not I likely woulda been given the boot long ago;):

I think they understand that were prone to mistakes and only expect that we learn from having them re-occur...

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Rule #3 - Talks about BBCODES and Quoting sources.


Rules #16 - Talks about reporting Violations of Rules and Codes.


Appears to me that there is a QUOTE under #16 that would be better under #3 as an example. And should it not have an Open " and a Closing " ?



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