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Corsair K100 freezes after latest firmware update

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I have gone through the steps with corsair support to hold down the pinhole button on the back whilst plugging it in to try and manually update the firmware on the keyboard, but this has not worked. Same issue arises. Sometimes a couple days without the issue. Sometimes multiple times within a day.

One time icue crashed as soon as it happened, so leads me to believe could be related to icue or drivers in some way, but given most people had this issue with the firmware upgrade, sounds most likely this is the case. Please integrate a way to roll back the firmware from within icue.

This has been going on since I bought this keyboard, and for such an expensive product, would expect it to actually work as a keyboard. Given a $10 keyboard would never have this issue.

- I am on Windows 11

- Using newest version of icue available (have updated 3 times since this issue started with no change)

- Plugged into a USB port direct from the motherboard.

- Changing the polling rate between 1000hz and 8000hz has not made any difference.

- Nothing is plugged into the back of the keyboard USB port.

- Tried various  Lighting options and no change has been experienced.


really need a way to roll back firmware, until this issue is resolved. Seems widespread enough to warrant this.


Corsair support recommended RMAing the Keyboard, but given this is a driver/firmware issue that is widespread, I don't believe this will resolve the issue.

Edited by DrZZZZZ
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@DrZZZZZyou are probably correct about the RMA not fixing it. This seems to be affecting the majority of the keyboards. Everything so far points to an issue in the firmware, so we just need the devs to figure it out. This is probably also related the the "ghost-typing" issue that has been showing up since around August last year. Something is wonky with the macro system in the firmware/hardware layer.

The software records and plays back, but from what I've seen it is simply a playback of a series of keys. If you record and playback using the hardware system, it records exact timings, down to the millisecond. Hence why we see the perfect ghost-typing, complete with pauses, corrections, etc.

What I think might be happening is that whatever buffer holds the characters during the macro recording process fills up. If it is not properly boundary-checked, the next keypress is recorded into memory in an unauthorized location. This buffer overrun, could quite possibly freeze up the keyboard and any software linked to it.  And the reason I say it might be a buffer is that is seems dependent on the amount of KB input it receives before it crashes. Playing a simple game takes many hours between crashes. Typing of scripts and stories usually cause crashes every hour.

We probably can't supply much more info at this time, unless some new issue arises. Let's hope they figure this out soon, I think they're on the right path though.

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Just had my first non-gaming freeze while typing an email. The 'R' key was constantly being inputted, yet the lights on the keyboard had not frozen. The keyboard was otherwise unresponsive and had to be unplugged to fix, as normal.


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Same thing here. Happens randomly. Sometimes multiple times in a game session, same game, different game. Really sucks because it wont work again until I unplug it from motherboard USB and reconnect it. Just gets stuck sometimes walking forward when it freezes. Also happens when just typing or browsing the web. Horrible for a very expensive keyboard. Never had this problem with any other corsair products. Has been happening for weeks. This needs to get fixed. 

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I have had 2 types of lockups. Not sure if both are related, or if others are having these too?

This first is a total freeze of the keyboard. Nothing works. The lighting effects get stuck, no key inputs work, num-lock doesnt work etc. Which I think is what the majority of users in this thread are getting?

I have had this type of lock-up twice in the last week. The only fix is to un-plug the keyboard and plug it back in.

Both times I had this happen was mid-typing. Not had it while gaming yet.


The second type of lockup I have had twice this week also is like a 'half' lockup.

So the RGB effects will freeze and stop working, and any profile change in iCUE wont change the affect on the keyboard. However it continues to work as a keyboard. So typing etc is unaffected.

I have the keyboard connected to a USB switch, which goes to my work laptop and gaming PC. I can recover full function by simply switching the keyboard to the other computer and then back.

The switching between computers 'fix' does NOT work for the full lock up. The only way to recover from that is to unplug the keyboard for a second and plug it back in.


I love this keyboard, and am hopeful we get a firmware fix asap. The longer this goes on... the more ill be loosing faith in Corsair, who up till now have been one of the best brands to deal with, and whoes products have generally worked very well.

Edited by xPETEZx
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Just throwing my hat in as one more person who is experiencing the same issue as others in this thread after updating to v1.11.39. I don't really have anything else to add as any troubleshooting that I've done on my own has already been done by other people in the thread.

Only difference on my end is that holding down the pinhole button on the back whilst plugging it in doesn't allow me to replace the firmware, the keyboard shows up as SE_BLANK_RT_FAMILY instead of CRP_Disabled.

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Another K100 owner here, experiencing the same issue described by many others here: K100 freezes, repeats the key I was typing endlessly, and requires me to unplug the keyboard from my PC to resolve. Problem started after firmware v1.11.39 installed. I have nothing plugged into the keyboard USB, but I do also have a Corsair Virtuoso XT headset being managed in iCUE as well. No hardware key assignments on any profile. I have also submitted a support ticket with all details. While this is being resolved, I'd love the opportunity to rollback to the previous stable firmware. Thanks!

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after so much time i decided to return my k100 to amazon and get a full refound. i already placed a 1 star review of the item.

its ridicolous how corsair IGNORE their customers. more than 1 month to fix a firmware? are u an indie low budget company?

this is so f***ing stupid.

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What i dont get is to market your keyboard being capable of store up to 200 onboard profiles only to not being able to use this function after 1 firmware update 

Hopefully the fix it soon rather than later because this keyboard is unusable right now 

PD: 8 days and counting since i submitted my ticket and im still without answer. Not even a "we are aware and working etc etc" 

I hope u have more luck with you tickets 🙃


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44 minutes ago, serfi said:

What i dont get is to market your keyboard being capable of store up to 200 onboard profiles only to not being able to use this function after 1 firmware update 

Hopefully the fix it soon rather than later because this keyboard is unusable right now 

PD: 8 days and counting since i submitted my ticket and im still without answer. Not even a "we are aware and working etc etc" 

I hope u have more luck with you tickets 🙃


my ticket are managed quite fast but support has no clue at all .

they continue to ask u:


  • What version of iCUE are you on?
  • What firmware is your K100 currently on?
  • Have you tried a soft reset of your keyboard using these steps?:
  1. Unplug your keyboard.
  2. With the keyboard unplugged, hold down the ESC key.
  3. While holding down the ESC key, plug the keyboard back into your computer.
  4. After about 5 seconds, release the ESC key. You will see the keyboard lighting flash if the reset is successful.


after u reply:


Please provide the following so I can determine the best way to assist you moving forward:

- A copy of your original purchase invoice (PDF, or photograph as a jpg/png file.)
- Photograph of the information panel on the back of your keyboard
- Confirmation of your full shipping address and telephone number




I can put in a request for a RMA return for a replacement keyboard.


all in 3 DIFFERENT MESSAGE (why the hell didn't you ask for everything in one message? to waste my time?)

i can confirm that CORSAIR DOES NOT HAVE ANY SOLUTION ON THIS PROBLEM RIGHT NOW that exclude the RMA. IT'S USELESS TO OPEN MORE TICKET looking for a fix. the only solution right now is the RMA. so guys .. RMA or refound just like i did.

  • Haha 2
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  • Corsair Employee

Understand your frustration and can see how the freezing behavior can be very annoying.  Our internal teams are working to identify what is causing this type of behavior and provide a solution that will correct it.  In the mean time there are a few things all of you can do to help with the process:

  • Submit a ticket through our support site: https://support.corsair.com/
  • Attach iCUE logs following a freeze to your ticket: iCUE Settings > General > "Export System Info and Logs"
  • Confirm if any of your hardware profiles in iCUE have unintended macros saved to the keyboard by following the steps below:


For the Hardware Key Assignment, you will need to check the hardware profile on the keyboard itself.  If you don't have the profile saved to iCUE, you can perform the following to save it from the keyboard to iCUE:

  • Select the Keyboard
  • Select Device Settings
  • Select 3dot option next to profiles slots on the keyboard
  • Select "Copy to iCUE"
  • Select the Hardware Profile just coppied in the upper left corner of iCUE
  • Select the Hardware Key Assignments tab for the keyboard


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Hola tengo el mismo problema con mi k100 :(

tengo la versión 1.11.39, mi teclado es nuevo todavía cuento con garantía de amazon pero al darme cuenta que es un error de software me estoy reservando a no devolverlo.

la captura de pantalla es descargando el perfil por default que se encuentra en mi la memoria del teclado y aparecen esas teclas macros asignadas...

el problema con mi teclado es que por lo menos 1 vez al dia se queda congelado completamente y no hay nada que lo haga reaccionar hasta que lo desconecto y vuelvo a conectar....



Captura de pantalla 2023-01-21 122148.png

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I don't know if this is related to the issue but if u hold Caps the RGB starts to stutter


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On 1/20/2023 at 11:59 PM, Corsair Nick said:

Understand your frustration and can see how the freezing behavior can be very annoying.  Our internal teams are working to identify what is causing this type of behavior and provide a solution that will correct it.  In the mean time there are a few things all of you can do to help with the process:

  • Submit a ticket through our support site: https://support.corsair.com/
  • Attach iCUE logs following a freeze to your ticket: iCUE Settings > General > "Export System Info and Logs"
  • Confirm if any of your hardware profiles in iCUE have unintended macros saved to the keyboard by following the steps below:


For the Hardware Key Assignment, you will need to check the hardware profile on the keyboard itself.  If you don't have the profile saved to iCUE, you can perform the following to save it from the keyboard to iCUE:

  • Select the Keyboard
  • Select Device Settings
  • Select 3dot option next to profiles slots on the keyboard
  • Select "Copy to iCUE"
  • Select the Hardware Profile just coppied in the upper left corner of iCUE
  • Select the Hardware Key Assignments tab for the keyboard


u already posted this 2 weeks ago. u know?

"Our internal teams are working to identify what is causing this type of behavior and provide a solution that will correct it"

ye sure... 1 month to fix a keyboard that does not work.... lol.. i mean.... the keyboard! like.... what can u do with a keyboard that doesn't work? nothing! it's useless, it's trash.

and in the meantime u don't even have the access to the previous firmware! ur "support team" send me via ticket  the APP_K100_RGB_Optical_Firmware_v0.30.257 made the 17 DECEMBER 2020!! 2020!!! HELLOOOOO we are in 2023!! and he said "that firmware file was the only one I personally had access to".

ahaha really? this is the support?? sending a 2 years old firmware?

oh and the better has to come... if u try to upload it via icue u get "INVALID FIRMWARE" error in icue! hahahaah

your incopetence is skyrocketing Corsair!

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+ 1 to this. Constant lockups with the keyboard, and now, I cant even update the firmware.  

I am getting closer and closer every day to ditching corsair products. It used to be corsair was the better option to razer, since corsair actually supported the items. 

I have sent in a ticket, but, I'm about to smash this thing and take it back to best buy..

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  • Corsair Employee
11 hours ago, Multiply said:

Got the Same Problem also cant update the Keyboard 

when can we expect that to get this problem fixed its anonying as ********...



32 minutes ago, lag0matic said:

+ 1 to this. Constant lockups with the keyboard, and now, I cant even update the firmware.  

I am getting closer and closer every day to ditching corsair products. It used to be corsair was the better option to razer, since corsair actually supported the items. 

I have sent in a ticket, but, I'm about to smash this thing and take it back to best buy..

The firmware 1.11.39 was pulled a little over a week ago which is why you are seeing the error.  Post below is mine from earlier in this thread.  Once a solution is available to all of you, the update link will work as intended, and we'll update all of you as well.



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On 1/8/2023 at 3:39 AM, josh125 said:

Exact same issue here.

Got myself a K100 RGB after Christmas, issue started after updating the firmware.

The keyboard can randomly freezes now, It's actually infuriating especially when playing online competitive games. I have died multiple times due to my keyboard cutting out. Have to unplug it and plug it back in to fix it.

I have an online exam in a week with camera and all that stuff. Imagine if I have to get under the table to unplug the K100.

By the way, Corsair replied two times in two months, with useless replies I've read here a thousand times.

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3 hours ago, Javierlota said:

I have an online exam in a week with camera and all that stuff. Imagine if I have to get under the table to unplug the K100.

By the way, Corsair replied two times in two months, with useless replies I've read here a thousand times.

Yeah, one would think the "Flagship" product of the keyboard line would be getting lots of  attention to make sure it worked properly. This is awful.

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On 1/23/2023 at 12:38 PM, Takkero said:

Does it fix the issue?

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