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  1. You say you are listening, then fix the LCD rotation issue! Releasing another product with this feature missing is half baked. I can understand that you didn't have the option when the AIO LCD was out and was taking a while but to release the XC7 Elite with this still not fix is unsat.
  2. Try resetting it. There is a pin hole on the commander core. It's the same process as the pro with the steps below. I have had this happen before to me and was able to reset it and reappear in the software. https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057712532-How-to-Perform-a-factory-reset-on-the-Commander-Pro#:~:text=Locate the reset button inside,then plug it back in.
  3. It's almost October 2023, even releasing a new LCD product (XC7 Elite) yet LCD rotation still not a thing. How about fixing this issue that is long overdue?
  4. Isn't it about time you enable the rotation on the LCD? I mean not the GIF/Image but everything! I've had the AIO LCD for the longest and upgraded to this block and still we don't have rotation enabled. But you clearly advertise you can rotate this block on your homepage. What gives? What's taking so long? You might as well update your product page and remove this video on this page as it quite misleading as hell (https://assets.corsair.com/video/upload/f_auto,q_auto/products/Custom-Cooling/CX-9010023-WW/Panel6_video_stealthgray.mp4)
  5. Eh I guess I didn't look at the newest models, apparently in the last 2 month or so a new LCD block came out. Nevermind. Please close this thread.
  6. Long story short, I really like the LCD with the AIO that I sourced a use one to make my loop. I tried to remove the impeller but was getting errors so I had to make the pump active. It would be nice if you can make a CPU block that you can just plug and play so that I don't have two pumps. My XD7 is enough but annoyingly I have to have the CPU pump as well. Would be nice to have a bigger volume inlet than the tiny inlet of the AIO block. I tried uploading a GIF for my setup but it keeps failing... Here is an imgur link. https://imgur.com/a/cXqUkKw
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