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  1. It would be nice to design the lights for one fan, right click > "copy fan design", and then easily apply to all the other fans in your system. I would prefer to deal with the layers once and then broadly apply it; not having to deal with every single fan.
  2. I just adopted the iCUE Link system: 360mm AIO and 13 QX fans. The first thing that stuck out upon first boot is how bright the QX fans are in comparison to the AIO LEDs. There is only one brightness slider that controls every single light on the System Hub. There is no per-device brightness control. I'm personally fine with that, but only if the brightness on the AIO LEDs is tuned properly. Either AIO brightness needs to come up to match the fans, or the QX brightness needs to come down to match the AIO.
  3. My request involves Windows scaling/resolution and iCUE. I use an LG C9 65" television as my computer monitor. The recommended scaling by Windows is 300%, and it looks great from the couch. Unfortunately, iCUE is not optimized for this scale/resolution combination. I would think these display settings may be common for HTPC gamers, and it would be nice to see iCUE play friendly at this scale.
  4. Thought I would check in. New iCUE Link user here. 13 QX and the 360mm AIO. I was waiting for a wizard to instruct me on re-ordering my lights, but it never came. It appears after a little research, nobody is able to reorder their fans with this new patch. I do hope Corsair has a fire under them to fix this. First, close to no 90 deg cables available, and now can't reorder my fans. Love Corsair, but not the smoothest product rollout.
  5. iCUE 5 is out....still can't rotate the specs screen on the LCD 🤣
  6. Could we please get an update on flipping the LCD screen display? I had no clue this would be an issue when I bought this product...people build PCs in all sorts of fashions; this is an incredibly limiting factor when it comes to using this product.
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