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Force Series 3 and Force GT Firmware Update Ver 1.3.3


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your comp-coll's changelog:

Fixed a rare condition that may cause Windows Blue Screen error when the primary-configured drive woke up from either a SATA slumber mode or S3/S4 modes

Fixed a rare condition that may cause Windows Blue Screen error when the drive was configured as primary with OS installed

Fixed a corner-case issue that may cause the drive to stutter or Windows freezing screen when a media read error occurred

Further improved robustness of Secure Erase operation to prevent possible low-level data structure corruption

Significantly improved TRIM handling to enhance system stability

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your comp-coll's changelog:

Fixed a rare condition that may cause Windows Blue Screen error when the primary-configured drive woke up from either a SATA slumber mode or S3/S4 modes

Fixed a rare condition that may cause Windows Blue Screen error when the drive was configured as primary with OS installed

Fixed a corner-case issue that may cause the drive to stutter or Windows freezing screen when a media read error occurred

Further improved robustness of Secure Erase operation to prevent possible low-level data structure corruption

Significantly improved TRIM handling to enhance system stability


Remember that not all SSDs using the SF controllers are the same. Competitors change logs cannot be directly compared. Our change log is posted.

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I have tried updating firmware without rebooting (after removing AMD SATA driver) and tried to upgrade firmware with a reboot. Windows Auto updates AMD SATA driver after restart and I'm right back where I started.

This works in windows 7 x64 professional. Might work in others.




Computer Configuration/Admin Templates/System/Device Installation/Device Installation Restrictions.


To the right find 'Prevent installation of devices not................Make it enabled.


That stops windows loading drivers. Reboot after uninstalling the driver.


This is the part I can't remember. I think once you boot up again you have to go back & set it as 'not configured' then load the driver you want.


You might have to try a couple of times if I'm not right.


It's either that way or load the driver then set it back. I think windows might prevent the driver loading even manually.

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Hey all,


I followed steps on how to update to firmware 1.3.3 and now I can't install AMD drivers. I downloaded them, installed, restarted pc and it still shows MS drivers for my SSD.


I uninstalled them and restarted PC and it installed MS drivers again. I did manual update drivers, located where they are in the folder and when I click on the driver to install, it says windows not supported. I tried both 32 bit and 64 bit drivers.


I have Windows 7 64-bit


Could you guys please help me?


Thank you.

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Never mind, I figured out. Speeds actually decresed in the write section by a lot. Used to be around 100mb/s and now its in 70's mb/s, and the only reason I updated to 1.3.3 from 1.3.2 is that today my browser started to freeze and not respond. Otherwise I really love my SSD :)
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what would you suggest if it wants to reboot after uninstalling AMD driver? I have tried updating firmware without rebooting (after removing AMD SATA driver) and tried to upgrade firmware with a reboot. Windows Auto updates AMD SATA driver after restart and I'm right back where I started.

I usually update firmware by removing ssd drive and updated on another pc. I was hoping not to have to do that. I have 1.3.2


When you uninstall, select the option to delete drivers from the pc which it will ask if you want to do. Rinse and repeat :sunglasse

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Hey all,


I followed steps on how to update to firmware 1.3.3 and now I can't install AMD drivers. I downloaded them, installed, restarted pc and it still shows MS drivers for my SSD.


I uninstalled them and restarted PC and it installed MS drivers again. I did manual update drivers, located where they are in the folder and when I click on the driver to install, it says windows not supported. I tried both 32 bit and 64 bit drivers.


I have Windows 7 64-bit


Could you guys please help me?



Thank you.


You could also pull out your original motherboard disk and pull the drivers from it or do as I suggested in PM.

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I'm still happy i bought Corsair in stead of the comp-coll's :)


+1 still solid so far, also put the computer to sleep overnight and have been using it for 5 hours after wake so far without issues.


The changelog is highly appreciated too. I really hope that Corsair can negotiate a more open agreement with the next chipset provider without all this NDA crap for changelogs, which I think is ridiculous.

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The changelog is highly appreciated too. I really hope that Corsair can negotiate a more open agreement with the next chipset provider without all this NDA crap for changelogs, which I think is ridiculous.


I would like that too but I don't think it will happen. This is an extremely competitive industry. It's been this way for years across the industry and I don't see any signs of it changing.


No controller manufacturer, MOBO maker, chipset maker, etc wants to air out ALL of their dirty laundry. And, the more they tell publicly, the more it tells their competitors.


For example, I can tell you for a FACT that pretty much every MOBO BIOS update has a lot more changes in it than is listed in the public change log. But, they are not going to reveal it all and especially if it is a problem the they identified internally. If they found it themselves and fixed it, they certainly aren't going to tell on themselves for having the issue to begin with.

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^ Well said. I work in a... similar industry that requires lots of firmware updates and software updates. Normal joe has only the slightest idea of what overall changes were made by looking at a released changelog. I would have to say 50-95% of what is actually changed in a major release is never put forward by ANY company. Which is why I find it funny when people absolutely DEMAND a change log. They are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. But if it gives them a warm and fuzzy then good for them.


Another reason I always update, even if the update does not directly apply or if I am not having issues. I know many other things were tossed in or little things corrected :) Only on a rare occasion has it ever bitten me (bad release or pre-mature release) so I always have backups fresh and ready to implement.

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Have you tried the suggested steps noted in the .PDF file and on the download page?

yes, of cource, secure erase, update bios, turn off power plug, reinstall windows, trying different sata ports, update firmware... only one problem disappeared after upgrading to 1.3.3 - after freezing the hard drive no longer disappear from the BIOS :mad:

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I would like that too but I don't think it will happen. This is an extremely competitive industry. It's been this way for years across the industry and I don't see any signs of it changing.


No controller manufacturer, MOBO maker, chipset maker, etc wants to air out ALL of their dirty laundry. And, the more they tell publicly, the more it tells their competitors.


For example, I can tell you for a FACT that pretty much every MOBO BIOS update has a lot more changes in it than is listed in the public change log. But, they are not going to reveal it all and especially if it is a problem the they identified internally. If they found it themselves and fixed it, they certainly aren't going to tell on themselves for having the issue to begin with.


Thanks Yellowbeard & Garage1217 for your explanations. You're absolutely right about MOBO BIOS updates too, the Gigabyte guys still have yet to acknowledge the boot cycle issue that's affecting heaps of people for instance and their BIOS updates are very very vague on details and definitely are missing information.


I'm just grateful that Corsair are at the top of their game with updates, the turnaround time for 1.3.3 was excellent, well done!!

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For me 1.3.3 has been the worst yet, clean install of windows 7 come to turning on pc and blue screening over and over just on the windows logo, had to go back to my segate 7200rpm drive which is working perfect on marvel or intel controller
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+1 still solid so far, also put the computer to sleep overnight and have been using it for 5 hours after wake so far without issues.



Bought 3 of them last month, 2 Force3 60Gb and 1 Force3 120Gb.

I'm a network administrator, so I asked one tech in my company to install them on my PC, install and tweak windows 7.

So far I never never experienced any problems, no slowness, no freezes, no blue screens.

Also since everything's working fine with the firmware 1.3.2, I don't think that I'll update those drives.

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I was stable with 1.3.2 firmware but I took the chance of upgrading to 1.3.3.


Stable till now with 1.3.3 also but I also noticed something very pleasant as a bonus.


My Gigabyte mobo had an issue with the force 3 write speeds -significant decrease- if C3, C6 states are enabled (at bios settings).

The issue (with which I had learned to live with) disappeared after the upgrade to 1.3.3.


Thumbs up for Corsair. If my system remains stable (like it was with 1.3.2 firmware) I will be a very pleased customer from now on.


I would like to remind that when I bought the ssd I had serious issues with BSOD's and freezes which got resolved for me through the process of applying the submitted firmware upgrades.

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I was stable with 1.3.2 firmware but I took the chance of upgrading to 1.3.3.


Stable till now with 1.3.3 also but I also noticed something very pleasant as a bonus.


My Gigabyte mobo had an issue with the force 3 write speeds -significant decrease- if C3, C6 states are enabled (at bios settings).

The issue (with which I had learned to live with) disappeared after the upgrade to 1.3.3.


Thumbs up for Corsair. If my system remains stable (like it was with 1.3.2 firmware) I will be a very pleased customer from now on.


I would like to remind that when I bought the ssd I had serious issues with BSOD's and freezes which got resolved for me through the process of applying the submitted firmware upgrades.


Interesting. Will have to test that one myself. You POSITIVE it was after the 1.3.3 and not due to disabling of C-states or BIOS update?


EDIT: Just tested it myself. Enabling C3-C6 states did indeed produce the same, lower results as usual. Firmware 1.3.3 has nothing to do with that bug, only Gigabyte's implementation of the C-states has.

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For the problem of:

Fixed a rare condition that may cause Windows Blue Screen error when the drive was configured as primary with OS installed

I was having that EVERY TIME I woke up my Alienware m17x R1 so I am looking to do the 1.3.3 update.


When I download the correct package of "Force GT 120GB" which is what I have as my primary drive, and I run the Corsair_FieldUpdater_v1.1, I don't have any drives at all in the list of available drives.


Any suggestions on what I should do? I do have Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit, I have the ACHI turned on in the Bios. The controller is nVidia nForce.


I'm in Norcross Yellowbeard, near Ginstar and Atlanta Bread Company off of Jimmy Carter....(hint hint)

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