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Force Series 3 and Force GT Firmware Update Ver 1.3.3


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I've download the firmware 1.3.3, but the .rar just contain the 22756.vic and 22757.vic.


When I use the Corsair_FieldUpdater_v1.1, and launch the update with the 22757.vic, it's upgrade to the 1.3.2 at maximum, not the 1.3.2...


Moreover, I can't turn my SSD to AHCI, when it boots on logo screen I have the BSOD and he never boots on Windows...


How can I upgrade my SSD ??


He always stay on 1.3.2 :'(

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I'm trying to figure out if I'll need to do some extra adjustment on Linux to get this working right for me.


Also, this 1.3.3. will work for GT 60GB?

Also, I cant' find how to change the IDE to AHCI mode on my motherboard(Asus m2n68 something) Is that a good reason to not update the firmware?


Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Please, tell me what does the phrase "All users should perform a complete clearing of the BIOS after the update."


If BIOS of SSD, but how? There is a special software for "clearing of the BIOS"?


Reset your motherboard's BIOS to defaults.

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Hi All,


it's my first post here, so greetings to everybody.


I am one of the many who suffered freeze/hang issues with Force GT (60 GB in my case) & 1.3.3 firmware.


I'm not sure if newer 5.02 FW is supposed to fix such problem, but I upgraded anyway. Well, the upgrade happened two days ago, and today (5 minutes ago) I experienced my first hang/freeze after the FW upgrade.


The only difference I can tell is that, with older 1.3.3 FW the PC freezed for a random time between 30 seconds and 3 minutes; this time the hang would apparently last forever (at a certain point I got tired and pushed the RESET button...). Another difference: with previous firmware I could trace the problem in Windows Event Viewer (it appeared as a more or less long list of "SATA driver timeout" error events). This time no trace of such events in Event Viewer (maybe if I didn't press the RESET button they would have come, who knows).


Anyway, it looks like the newer firmware is not resolutive, at least in my case.


Waiting for someone to confirm whether 5.02 FW solved his/her freeze issues or not.


Best regards,


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Have you done the following?


After your update if you still have issues, we strongly recommend the following steps:



1. Complete clearing of the BIOS. This is a good idea after any firmware flash of any device.


2. Secure erase the SSD. For some users, cloning of the drive works, for others it does not. This may be dependent upon the cloning tool used.


3. A clean installation of the OS if you experience instability after a BIOS clearing and secure erase.

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Please read the information we have already provided before posting questions. They have likely already been answered.


Waiting for someone to confirm whether 5.02 FW solved his/her freeze issues or not.


Best regards,




Have you done the following?



After your update if you still have issues, we strongly recommend the following steps:



1. Complete clearing of the BIOS. This is a good idea after any firmware flash of any device.


2. Secure erase the SSD. For some users, cloning of the drive works, for others it does not. This may be dependent upon the cloning tool used.


3. A clean installation of the OS if you experience instability after a BIOS clearing and secure erase.


Ihave see the new firmware 5.02,is suggested to upgrade the new release?


Here is the Force Series 3 5.02 firmware update. Please read the following before you attempt to update your firmware.






If you are stable and do not have issues, we suggest that you do not flash your firmware.

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Force 3 120 GB, ver 1.3 -> ver 5.02 worked OK on Win7 32 bit with AMD 850 chipset, tho mobo is an Asus M4A89GTD Pro USB 3.


1: Logged in as Administrator

2: Device Manager: Uninstalled AMD Sata drivers 4-5 times,

deleted drivers, restart until I got:


Driver date: 21.6.2006

Driver version: 6.1.7601.17514

Digital signer: Microsoft Windows.


Then I started the update program, right click, Run as Administrator,

I followed the instructions included as pdf,

and 10 seconds later the firmware was of version 5.02.

The update did NOT work with AMD drivers as pointed out on the forum.

Point 2: above is VERY IMPORTANT.


Performance is as stated, 550 MB/s. I will not install the AMD drivers again,

"if it works, don't repair".

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Its failing to update with a properly configured PC and different chipsets for me, marvelle/intel sata2/3 ports tried. Seems that the files from 1.3.3 differ in size despite they should be the same excluding the 5.02 file of which are not the same files. I dont get why the previous revisions are different... look at the file sizes from 1.3.3 and then compare the last 2 files for the Force 3 GT 120gb with the 5.02 download. They should be the same files as thats suppose to be 1.3.3/1.3.2 correct? It shows it flashes successfully but no flash really occurs. I even updated the mobo bios to latest to resolve some other hardware issues of which made no difference and tried with and without the latest intel drivers.
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Please read the information we have already provided before posting questions. They have likely already been answered.


Hi Yellowbeard,


sorry, I posted in a hurry without carefully reading the tips before.


Here is what I did:


  1. Updated motherboard BIOS to the latest version
  2. Loaded BIOS default factory settings
  3. Booted Parted Magic, performed Secure Erase of the SSD (Force GT, updated to firmware 5.02)
  4. Re-installed Windows 7 (Ultimate x64) from scratch


Everything went fine, until I decided to install the latest version ( of the Intel AHCI driver (Rapid Storage Technology). After installing this driver, I experienced lots of freezes and BSODs. The system was so unstable that I could not even make it run long enough to *uninstall this damned Intel driver*.


I had no other choice than re-install Windows again. To be sure, I performed another Secure Erase before reinstalling again.


Now I'm stuck with the Microsoft generic AHCI driver. I don't see visible performance differences compared to the Intel driver, but the conclusion I've drawn so far is that *in my case* the Force GT and the Intel RST Driver can't live together.


I don't know if others experienced the same issues.


Best regards


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