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Force Series 3 and Force GT Firmware Update Ver 1.3.3


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With 1.3 I would see a freeze maybe every other week at the most, after a ton of work, PC being on for 5-12 hours and so forth. For the speed increase, I accepted it.


1.3.2, I did not have enough time with the firmware to make an opinion.


1.3.3... Pc has been running 24/7 since install. Have had it go to sleep tons of times and wake it back up... running all sorts of programs. So far, since the release date I have not had a single issue. Will report if I do, but so far, very pleased!

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Bad news for me guys, my first BSOD with 1.3.3 update today ... let's hope it's the last ... :[pouts:


It was one of the STOP BSODs, event log output below:


The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000109 (0xa3a039d8a30bd4f0, 0xb3b7465ef588a446, 0xfffff80003452be0, 0x0000000000000001). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 102711-6411-01.

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2 more BSODs in the last few hours ... they are both STOP ones, the second also mentioning CLFS.SYS which is very similar to the previous BSODs I would see.


So upset about this, I had my heart set on keeping this drive. Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated, the SSD was rock solid until today.

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Interesting. Will have to test that one myself. You POSITIVE it was after the 1.3.3 and not due to disabling of C-states or BIOS update?


EDIT: Just tested it myself. Enabling C3-C6 states did indeed produce the same, lower results as usual. Firmware 1.3.3 has nothing to do with that bug, only Gigabyte's implementation of the C-states has.


I don't have same results with you. C3 - C6 states were always enabled at my system.


And I'm certain than the upgrade did the trick cause I benchmarked the ssd right before and after the upgrade.

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For me, my initial 1.2 FW had a few random restart and was unable to detect SSD. Everything else fine.


Updated to 1.3.2, i only had BSOD twice and it was encountered with a few random freeze while surfing the internet..


Updated to 1.3.3, I had short pause/lag when i am downloading programs.. And got a long pause/hang when it finishes the download...


Anybody encountered the same problem as me on 1.3.3?

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I do everything as directed by the instructions, and everything seems to work flawlessly, except my Firmware version doesn't upgrade to 1.3.3. It just stays at 1.3. I've tried to update it twice with the Windows 1.3.3 update, and once with 1.3.2, all with the same result. I get the green check mark and everything, but when I rescan, it stays at 1.3. I've also checked the version afterward with Seatools, which also says its at 1.3. My HDD crashes everyday and I need to get this solved. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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I had the same problem. Ensure:

1) You right click on the updater and "run as administrator"

2) Select the correct firmware file, by matching it to the signature file that is already on your hard drive, exactly as the instructions are laid out.

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Thanks for your reply.

Ya. I did all those things, exactly as stated in the instructions. I'm not new to computers, and I'm positive that I did those things correct. My computer has crashed twice today and its really starting to get in the way of my work... Any other ideas? Anything else I could try?

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@yuxiang856, are your LAN drivers uptodate?

if you have Intel lan, one on that board dont download it from ASUS, take it straigth from Intel.


hmm, i downloaded the Lan update from Asus when i was using FW1.2 and FW1.3.2 and it was running fine..


I'll try the intel update and see if there is any differences.. Thanks.. =)

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+1 still solid so far, also put the computer to sleep overnight and have been using it for 5 hours after wake so far without issues.


The changelog is highly appreciated too. I really hope that Corsair can negotiate a more open agreement with the next chipset provider without all this NDA crap for changelogs, which I think is ridiculous.


thanks for the sleep update. I am trying 1.3.3 tonight. If it will wake without issues I will be very pleased.

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So many people complaining, most are legitimate so not knocking them but I wanted to pop in and say HOT DAMN! I love my force gt 120gb drive! Bought mine when they first came out and had a few minor issues but mine went mostly stable with 1.3 (a freeze every other week or so it seemed) and it seems totally stable so far with 1.3.3. I am running an AMD setup, no marvel stuff or issues for me. Guess being an AMD fanboy all these years paid off in some ways as the Intel fanboys got the stick with the marvel controller. The drive is freaking BLAZING fast. Makes working on my PC a totally different experience. I go back to my office and have to use my laptop and it feels like I went back in time 10 years. Windows logo does not even get 1/2 way through its animation before the PC loads to the desktop with my gt drive! Programs like visio or any office programs, the loading screen only flickers for a millisecond and they are loaded. Other programs are simply instant open. Total sickness.


Anyways, wanted to extend a thanks for a change rather than the common complaint! This drive is hardcore stuff. I hope others end up reaching drive nirvana like I have.

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Interesting development on my end, I BSODed when booting from my WD drive, so my issue doesn't appear to be SSD related ...


That's obviously both good and bad, I LOVE this SSD and now I don't have to part with it ... yay ... but now I'm left wondering ... is it my RAM?? Is it my motherboard? Is it my graphics card?? :eek:

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Interesting development on my end, I BSODed when booting from my WD drive, so my issue doesn't appear to be SSD related ...


That's obviously both good and bad, I LOVE this SSD and now I don't have to part with it ... yay ... but now I'm left wondering ... is it my RAM?? Is it my motherboard? Is it my graphics card?? :eek:


could it be an AHCI driver situation? I ran across this while trying to update firmware.Maybe this is what happened when you changed boot drives?maybe it's possible?not sure.


"Some operating systems, notably Windows Vista and Windows 7, do not configure themselves to load the AHCI driver upon boot if the drive controller was not in AHCI mode at the time of installation. This can cause failure to boot with an error message if the SATA controller is later switched to AHCI mode."-wikipedia

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So many people complaining, most are legitimate so not knocking them but I wanted to pop in and say HOT DAMN! I love my force gt 120gb drive! Bought mine when they first came out and had a few minor issues but mine went mostly stable with 1.3 (a freeze every other week or so it seemed) and it seems totally stable so far with 1.3.3. I am running an AMD setup, no marvel stuff or issues for me. Guess being an AMD fanboy all these years paid off in some ways as the Intel fanboys got the stick with the marvel controller. The drive is freaking BLAZING fast. Makes working on my PC a totally different experience. I go back to my office and have to use my laptop and it feels like I went back in time 10 years. Windows logo does not even get 1/2 way through its animation before the PC loads to the desktop with my gt drive! Programs like visio or any office programs, the loading screen only flickers for a millisecond and they are loaded. Other programs are simply instant open. Total sickness.


Anyways, wanted to extend a thanks for a change rather than the common complaint! This drive is hardcore stuff. I hope others end up reaching drive nirvana like I have.


I just updated to 1.3.3, so far so good. I think I am headed towards the light!:sunglasse

update: running for 2 days now, just had a random reboot.

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you see it by clicking the nick.


Edit: I would delete that nVidia drivers and get it so msACHi drivers is installed, as firsth post says..

If you have issues updating using the Microsoft AHCI driver, you may need to update using the latest driver from your drive controller manufacturer. The reverse is also true. If you have issues updating using the latest drivers from your controller manufacturer, we suggest you try the latest MS AHCI driver.


..Sry english isnt my main language and to me that sounds hard txt, but i dont mean it as so, im just too happy to get the difference ;)

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On my two GT 60's, I upgraded to 1.3.3 direct from 1.2 without any major issues. However, I had to use the Microsoft AHCI1.0 driver on my Crosshair V motherboard running Windows 7 64-bit. I tried the three different AMD versions shown in the box below but all would immediately fail to update with the 00000057 error code until I switched to the Standard AHCI1.0 driver that comes with Windows 7.



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