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LEDs acting strange on Corsair QL120

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Hi, so for almost a year now i've had 10 QL120's installed in my PC, I build my PC all brand new, the fans are all hooked up to corsair hardware, 6 fans are connected to the Corsair Elite Capellix cooler, the other 4 are connected to a RGB hub and a Corsair commander pro, I use iCue to control the fans and lightning, so no 3th party software or hardware.

Now for the problem, a few LED's from 5 fans always show a different color then what I assign it, currently it's set to all white and some LEDs are pink (as shown in the picture) this is for a few colors, with yellow it becomes red for example, and for some colors it's working perfectly fine, I've been in contact with Corsair customer support, they couldn't fix the issue and send me new fans, they worked for about a day and then it went back to acting weird. 

I've tried fully reinstalling all Corsair software and resetting the commander pro, elite capellix and RGB hub, this didn't help as well...

I've also tried switching the connectors, it doesn't matter in what port the fan is plugged into, the same fan with the same LED's keep acting strange.

I'm all out of ideas, I really hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance!





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There are getting to be a lot of these.  Normally when you see this, it means some of the LEDs (red/green/blue) are not working.  You can verify by setting yours to green and those magenta sections would become dark spots.  However, if you just got new fans it seems unlikely to be yet another immediate multiple LED failure unless you have power surges going on.  Some other users have reported conflicts with their motherboard or other RGB software interfering with the LED assignments.  If that is an Asus Z590 Hero, try turning off the AURA MB effects in the BIOS (Advanced BIOS -> Advanced column -> onboard devices.  This worked for a few other users with Asus and this exact issue.  After that, the MSI software have been a frequent offender, although more often for RAM.

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On 11/11/2021 at 11:07 PM, c-attack said:

There are getting to be a lot of these.  Normally when you see this, it means some of the LEDs (red/green/blue) are not working.  You can verify by setting yours to green and those magenta sections would become dark spots.  However, if you just got new fans it seems unlikely to be yet another immediate multiple LED failure unless you have power surges going on.  Some other users have reported conflicts with their motherboard or other RGB software interfering with the LED assignments.  If that is an Asus Z590 Hero, try turning off the AURA MB effects in the BIOS (Advanced BIOS -> Advanced column -> onboard devices.  This worked for a few other users with Asus and this exact issue.  After that, the MSI software have been a frequent offender, although more often for RAM.

Thank you! I have a Crosshair VIII HERO but i'll try it as well, same with the MSI software, I've never had issues with RAM tho

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On 11/11/2021 at 11:07 PM, c-attack said:

There are getting to be a lot of these.  Normally when you see this, it means some of the LEDs (red/green/blue) are not working.  You can verify by setting yours to green and those magenta sections would become dark spots.  However, if you just got new fans it seems unlikely to be yet another immediate multiple LED failure unless you have power surges going on.  Some other users have reported conflicts with their motherboard or other RGB software interfering with the LED assignments.  If that is an Asus Z590 Hero, try turning off the AURA MB effects in the BIOS (Advanced BIOS -> Advanced column -> onboard devices.  This worked for a few other users with Asus and this exact issue.  After that, the MSI software have been a frequent offender, although more often for RAM.

So, when setting it to green and blue, I get darker colors from t hose LEDs... Red however isn't a problem, it displays red normally, so this would mean I have power surges going on?

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I think power surges are unlikely and it would not be the silent kind.  It would need to be an external problem and likely pop up all over.  


It shows Magenta spots on certain white LEDs.  Instead of the white (255/255/255) Magenta is R:255, G:0, B:255.  So pure green should leave dark spots and blue should not.  What's interesting is when people are reporting this and showing the all white effect, it seems to always be corrupted as magenta.  A bit odd it would always be the green LED failing on multiple different fans.  This is why I am starting to wonder if there is another actor in play.  AMD or Intel, the issue may have an Asus connection.  Try turning off the MB LED zones in the BIOS.  Then uncheck the "enable plugins" box in the CUE settings.  That will disable the Asus plugin.  Then restart the app and Corsair Service (or the entire PC) and see if this helps.  A few reported success with this on Asus boards and the magenta errors.  

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2 hours ago, c-attack said:

I think power surges are unlikely and it would not be the silent kind.  It would need to be an external problem and likely pop up all over.  


It shows Magenta spots on certain white LEDs.  Instead of the white (255/255/255) Magenta is R:255, G:0, B:255.  So pure green should leave dark spots and blue should not.  What's interesting is when people are reporting this and showing the all white effect, it seems to always be corrupted as magenta.  A bit odd it would always be the green LED failing on multiple different fans.  This is why I am starting to wonder if there is another actor in play.  AMD or Intel, the issue may have an Asus connection.  Try turning off the MB LED zones in the BIOS.  Then uncheck the "enable plugins" box in the CUE settings.  That will disable the Asus plugin.  Then restart the app and Corsair Service (or the entire PC) and see if this helps.  A few reported success with this on Asus boards and the magenta errors.  

Unfortunately it didn't work, or I didn't do it right, I have an AMD 5950X btw.
I turned off Aura completely in the bios and turned off plugins in iCue, I restarted iCue and my entire PC, sadly it did nothing.

Here are a few colors: Yellow turns into red for those LEDs, any blue just becomes a darker shade of blue and pink also becomes a darker pink, every other color works fine as far as I can tell.

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Unfortunately that reads like blown green LEDs in those spots.  I am not sure what to suggest for you at this point.  What's concerning is it looks like you have an O11 with 10 QL and there is a bad fan on each of the three 3x120 blocks of fans.  That also means the problem is occurring on two different controllers or RGB channels.  You may need to keep pressure on Corsair Support for a resolution.


Something you might try is setting the HW Lighting for all the QL to white.  Do the magenta spots still appear in hardware mode with CUE not running (manual quit, on boot, etc).  If they do not occur, then we know we are looking at a software problem.  

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I've been in contact with corsair support a few times but I keep getting people who barely know anything and just instantly go with "We will send you new fans if you return the other ones" And when I tell them i've tried that and it doesn't work they say that they don't know either then....

The issue is there all the time, when in bios, when starting up etc, when it goes to the standard rainbow setting you can see when it passes the color yellow it becomes red for example, can't really explain it but you can find the broken LEDs with rainbow as well

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OK, that seems to identify it as a hardware problem.  In theory the controller could cause this, but not two different controllers simultaneously with a repeat performance.  That does point back to the fans again.  I'm afraid I don't have a suggestion beyond that.  Below is another thread and one of the last pictures is just like your build with multiple green LED fails across different controllers.  Unfortunately the one possible solution in that thread did not work for you.



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23 minutes ago, c-attack said:

OK, that seems to identify it as a hardware problem.  In theory the controller could cause this, but not two different controllers simultaneously with a repeat performance.  That does point back to the fans again.  I'm afraid I don't have a suggestion beyond that.  Below is another thread and one of the last pictures is just like your build with multiple green LED fails across different controllers.  Unfortunately the one possible solution in that thread did not work for you.



That's too bad... thanks for your help anyway! Much appreciated, I don't believe I did anything wrong but i'll check the bios a few times just to make sure

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