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Corsair One i164 Bluescreens

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13 minutes ago, vett93 said:

With iCUE, my CPU is also idle at 1% utilization. I set the min speed of the top fan at 950rpm. The CPU temp is around 45C at ambient of 22C. This is for idle.

When stress test, I set the top fan at 1,750rpm and the CPU temp is around 85C. I have a 16-core/32-thread CPU, R9 5950x. 

Oh, different CPU and fan.

Mine is Intel and the stock fan is max at 1400rpm only

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I'm just another unlucky one that started having the random BSOD's after about a year and a couple months. I have the i165 and they just started out of the blue. It would just reboot for no reason with no dump files being created. At first it was maybe once or twice a month. Next thing I notice was iCue stopped recognizing the system. Then the reboots became more and more frequent up until about a month and a half ago when it became so frequent and then totally unusable. After about 10 second of windows loading it would crash and stay stuck in a reboot cycle.

I assumed it was the drive after reading these forums so I installed windows onto my sata drive to test and it ran fine for a couple weeks with no issues, although obviously a lot slower. Like others I opted for the Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB model. After I got it installed I downloaded Samsung's Magician software to monitor the new drive and doubled the fan speed from 25% to 50% in iCue. 

Everything has been smooth since with the driving sitting between 55 and 60 degrees under everyday work use. I do game regularly for about 2 to 4 hours a day as well but have not done much gaming with this new drive yet. I will update with more info later if anyone is interested.

I looked into the heatsink drives but I'm not sure if they will even fit. It would be nice to have a second fan on the bottom pushing air up through the system. I love the form factor of this thing but as the saying goes, size does matter. :(

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  • 1 month later...

Agree with the comments and sentiments in this thread. Thanks to users who have posted fix related stuff.

Bought an i145s in December 2020 from Corsair web store (UK) and it started failing in June 21 (you all know why.) Finally replaced under warranty by Corsair in September 21.

The replacement now looks like it is starting to fail too after 3 months of use…….

Seems to be a far from an isolated issue and I am really not convinced this thing is fit for purpose.

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Same issue here with my i165. Seeing volmgr issues within event viewer. BSOD screens are getting more frequent then before. 

Ticket opened with support but if there support is anything like their sales I'm very nervous about them contacting me in a timely manner. 

If I'm understanding this correctly the issue is caused by an overheating SSD or faulty SSD? 

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I downloaded the Samsung Magician and it appears the SDD is dying. At boot up the temp was already sitting at 50c and it's currently climbing. Current temp is now 56c and I expect this to continue to rise. 

What is the solution here? RMA the drive? Is that really a solution? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Corsair is just killing its brand by the design.
I requested RMA 4 times just for the SSD failure. Everytime it cost about 1~1.5 month to delivery. Like the others said, it's all about the SSD problem.
And it happened again last week, I gave up RMA and changed the broken SSD to samsung 980PRO 1T (I recommend the 970 EVO or PLUS since i164 doesn't support 4gen) with heatsink by myself, it works very well.

The max temperature now is 58C even running expensive games. (previously it was 80 ~ 94)

I really can't understand why Corsair just don't change the SSD and keep sending back the same new machine with the same problem. It is just wasting our time. Changing better SSD just cost around $200, who care when you buying this PC cost around $4,000?

I will never buy or recommend a corsair PC again though I satisfy the result of changing the SSD by myself.

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10 hours ago, chainzhang said:

Corsair is just killing its brand by the design.
I requested RMA 4 times just for the SSD failure. Everytime it cost about 1~1.5 month to delivery. Like the others said, it's all about the SSD problem.
And it happened again last week, I gave up RMA and changed the broken SSD to samsung 980PRO 1T (I recommend the 970 EVO or PLUS since i164 doesn't support 4gen) with heatsink by myself, it works very well.

The max temperature now is 58C even running expensive games. (previously it was 80 ~ 94)

I really can't understand why Corsair just don't change the SSD and keep sending back the same new machine with the same problem. It is just wasting our time. Changing better SSD just cost around $200, who care when you buying this PC cost around $4,000?

I will never buy or recommend a corsair PC again though I satisfy the result of changing the SSD by myself.

May I ask what heatsink did you buy for your ssd?

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  • 2 months later...

Glad I found this thread. I'm having the same problem but I bought my i164 back in Oct 2019, so I guess I've been lucky not to run in to issues sooner. 

I have random blue screens and over the last few days it's become a daily occurrence and I'm unable to see my M2 in the BIOS unless I power off for a while. 

Guess it's time to try an Evo Pro. 

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I too have had this problem.  Read the numerous entries on the subject and found one that seems to work.  Set the fan to extreme.... Not sure why this seems to work but haven't had the BOS in several days since the change. Hope this helps others.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

To add my 2 cents: I had the exact same problem with my i160 from 2019. BSOD, reboot into Bios, M2 not showing up. I've contacted tech support in October 2021, still within the warranty and received a new (the same) SSD. I've installed it and the problem was gone for about 4 months. Then it returned and I've installed a Samsung EVO, the problem was gone for about 2 months. 

At first it seemed to be temp related, but the problem occured right after the 1st boot in the morning. I tried to run it with an open case - the temp stayed below 60°C but it got worse, maybe less BSOD but still stuttering and then not responding at all... so the SSD can't be the issue. Two days ago I've installed a new mainboard. Asus ROG Strix Z370-I Gaming. It has a similar layout and is compatible with the rest of the hardware (with new firmware to support 9th Gen CPU). The Asus has the SSD mounted on the front (instead of the back like the original MSI) and it's under a heat sink. The problem is, that without much air flowing through the system, the temps still climb to 65°C idle. But again, the SSD should handle these temps.

While gaming and the main fan speeding up, the temp stays again below 60°C. So far so good, the issue was gone at once, everything is running smoothly. 

Edited by voxymo
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On 11/3/2020 at 12:57 AM, llhell said:



I bought my i164 about 10 months ago, running Windows 10 and so far the experience was great.

A about 1-2 weeks ago, I started getting repetitive BSoDs.


Sometimes the PC would just blink back into boot.

Sometimes a BSoD would appear for a quick second, not even enough for me to see what is the error, and afterwards there is no memory dump to explore.

Sometimes the UI would crash, things like start menu, chrome, becoming unresponsive followed by a crash or freeze.


Today things got worse, with the BSoD taking me directly to bios. After choosing 'exit', bios menu shows up again. Only after turning the PC off and back on I managed to boot back into Windows.


These happen multiple times a day, not related to the PC getting hot or under stress, sometimes when I'm not even using it. On the contrary, it has yet to crash when I play video intensive game.


I fear this is the SSD failing. Or otherwise a bad driver.

I tried rolling back to Nvidia drivers from 3 months ago but still having the same issue.


Can anyone recommend how to identify and debug this issue? trying to figure out the cause of this but not sure where to start.



after I uninstalled icue. Every problem solved. NO longer exists BSOD. I have no idea why. just accidently watched on the youtube which said that icue would crash the computer. This BSOD problem has been struggled me for 1 year and now I completely solve it.  

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I bought the i165 in May 2020 it started getting the BSOD in just 7 months. I sent it back for repair and it took them about 3 months to “fix” the issue. It was fine the first couple weeks then the BSOD started appearing again and it’ll boot straight to bios. I didn’t bother sending it back again cause the support isn’t really helping. I’ve tried everything with no fix so I have this PC collecting dusts in my room. I then found this thread just this week and immediately bought the Samaung 980 Pro SSD. 2 days in and so far everything is working great. 

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I've had an i165 since Aug 2019 and started getting BSOD in Dec 2021.  The BSODs were intermittent at first but in the last few weeks could happen multiple times a day and it would never return a diagnostic code.  On some occasions it would reboot to BIOS and I could see that it did not recognize the SSD (thanks to this thread I knew to look for that symptom.). I replaced my SSD with the Samsung 970EVO Plus (thanks frode.bjerkholt for the recommendation and for the instructions on how to get access to the SSD) 9 days ago and so far everything has been stable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well bad news, exactly a year after replacing the original M2 with a Samsung 970 evo plus 2tb in my i164, I've started having the same issue again.  So it looks like either the Corsair burns through the M2s with heat coming from the GPU being so close and sandwiched, or the M2s are failing because of something else.  I realize that switching the M2 resolves the issue but I find it strange that I bought my 970 evo plus 2tb on May 14, 2021 (would likely have installed it within about a week) and my new BSODs started on May 21, 2022, exactly a year.  And before that, I had purchased my i164 in May 2020 and the default M2 started failing in April 2021.  So both M2s I've had with this PC have both failed exactly after a year.

For me, May is where temperatures start going up and up to 30 degrees celcius (86 fahrenheit) so this would coincide with the failure rates for me.

Prior to these new BSODs, it had been a year of smooth sailing after installing the 970 evo plus 2tb.

Oh and for more information, in the end, the original M2 that came with the i164 would not even let me install Windows while booting from a UEFI Boot installer.  It would allow me to format and set partitions and would start the install but would eventually fail with an error that the selected drive did not exist.  So the M2 was dead at the end and I'm guessing this is where I'm going as well.

Now what to do?  We can't keep replacing the M2 every year..... or would buying one with a good heatsink that fits resolve the issue permanently....

Quick rundown:

-Bought i164 in May 26 2020
-Received DOA i164 May 29th 2020 (Dead CPU cooling pump, and then stopped posting)
-Received replacement i164 June 4 2020
-Started having M2 failures April 25 2021
-Replaced original M2 with Samsung 970 Evo Plus May 14 2021
-Started having M2 failures May 21 2022 (So far I've had three, the other two were on the 25th and today.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have my fourth machine now. Can you imagine the insanity? I've bought my i164 in 2019 December, and since then I've replaced 3 times due to this same issue with SSD heating up and BSODing endlessly. I have used my last machine since last December, and it was OK, since 2 months ago there were some hiccups, like for 2 days I was getting BSODs again, then I noticed that somehow iCUE has changed its version and this version doesn't have any fan settings, and fan was working in regular setting. I reinstalled it and upped the fan to 100%, and the issue was gone, the SSD heat was down, though still wasn't as perfect as before, something has changed, as if some material (SSD connectors, SSD itself, etc.) deteriorates and the heat issue becomes worse every passing week. I was gone for a month and had left the machine at home, put a blanket on top of it to keep it from any dust etc. When I returned just 3 days ago, my machine is again having problems, BSOD in the first moment of booting, then again many times afterwards, iCUE's version was again changed and fan was working at a lower setting. I fixed it again, but now the heat issue has somehow gotten worse, the temperature I read from SpeedFan is now never below 40C, while it was near 30C beforehand, the temperature in my area hasn't changed, and the machine was turned off with no way for it to gather dust in any way, so this mystery has confused me further.

In short, I am again unsure about what to do, I am out of warranty now, and wouldn't even want to get help from the slowpoke corsair support anyways, they couldn't even replace a machine less than a month of time, I don't want to imagine the amount of time they'd need for a repair that would require me to pay for. Anyone tried a solution without replacing the SSD and getting it killed as well? Like some SSD heatsink, or other solutions? I am beyond regretful wasting my money on this prebuilt machine, never again Corsair, and never again any prebuilt systems.

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Do you guys monitor the M.2 temp? What is the normal temp for the M.2 and its controller when you use the PC?

Mine is 49c and 65c (with ambient temp 28c).

Depending on your fan setting, if the M.2 is constantly at a very high temp, it will die sooner or later.

Anyone knows how much space is available over the M.2 between the GPU? There are countless M.2 cooling products I can get here and try it out (e.g. heat sink, thermal pad, etc.), but I need to know the space limit before buying some to test. I guess this will help many people.

Screenshot 2022-06-16 020527.png

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Hey folks, just joining in to say I've had and am now having the same issues with my i165. This is my 3rd device after RMAing the previous two with identical issues. It's clearly a heat issue as each time it's been as we start getting into summer although I have moved back from the US we are having a warmer week here in the UK and on cue, the PC has started crashing / having BIOS loops etc. Having gone through the thread I've now set my fans to maximum so will see how that goes. I am now out of warranty so not sure I have the will to try to keep going through this every 12 months. Depending on whether the fans to max solves the problem I suspect I'll give up on the brand which is such a shame as I love the form factor and quiet running of them but it's clearly a compromise too far

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On 6/15/2022 at 7:09 PM, eric418 said:

Do you guys monitor the M.2 temp? What is the normal temp for the M.2 and its controller when you use the PC?

Mine is 49c and 65c (with ambient temp 28c).

Depending on your fan setting, if the M.2 is constantly at a very high temp, it will die sooner or later.

Anyone knows how much space is available over the M.2 between the GPU? There are countless M.2 cooling products I can get here and try it out (e.g. heat sink, thermal pad, etc.), but I need to know the space limit before buying some to test. I guess this will help many people.

Screenshot 2022-06-16 020527.png

I have fitted a Corsair MP600 Pro ssd to replace the original failed SSD. It fits on my i145s although the flat cables connecting the GPU to the front of the motherboard make contact with the heatsink.


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Sorry don’t have before data.

Currently running bios default fan control, and temp is 53….. which is slightly hotter than i would like.

What ought to be usable airflow over the SSD is I think compromised by the GPU flat cables, which a) largely occupy the airspace over the SSD and b) as you can see in the photo serve to stop heat coming off the SSD; note the fabric and foil.

I suspect the nature and position of the GPU cables are material to the overheating issue.

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