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Where is the User Manual?


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Please don't say at http://www.corsair.com/downloads. There isn't one there, only a quick start guide and that comes with the keyboard. It tells me how to hook it to the computer and to download the CUE software.


Surely out there somewhere there is an explanation as to what the functions are for some of the additional keys on the keyboard. Right now the box the keyboard came in gives more information about the keyboard then the entire Corsair web site.


Maybe I bought a keyboard I was already supposed to know what all the buttons were for? If that's the case, I guess I need to return it, 'cause the basics I know, but there are a few I have no clue about.

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What buttons are you perplexed by? The MR button records a macro to one of the G-keys. Hit MR -> G-Key -> Macro -> G-key to record. M1-3 is for different modes, although you will need to install CUE to take advantage of this. I think everything else is really self explanatory as far as the keyboard goes.


Also you're going to return a keyboard because there's no manual? In the time it took you to type that you could have just asked wtf those keys do lol.

Edited by Inheritance
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  • 1 month later...

I'm afraid I have to politely disagree. A manual is I think essential to a system this powerful and complex. (A manual does exist, but not for CUE V2. Find it here: http://www.pdf-manuals.com/corsair-k95-rgb-mechanical-gaming-keyboard-ch-9000062-na-305535manual.)


I almost returned the 95 keyboard last week from frustration similar to what Dauthus described. It's not just the mystery keys; it's more about the complex CUE UI and the many options that are either invisible (sometimes) or difficult to understand. I'm glad I didn't return it, though, because once you've figured out some of the UI, the keyboard becomes quite a time-saver even if not used for gaming.


After spending several hours bumping around trying to figure out how to do a few simple things like creating actions that launch programs, I got tired of the missing v2 manual. The existing one has pictures that don't match CUE 2, features that don't work the same as described, and so on.


Having worked in the computer field for three decades, I've discovered that many of my fellow nerds believe that clear, simple explanations of basic concepts are not necessary. Perhaps even insulting. They also sometimes confuse the newbie's lack of knowledge with a lack of intelligence.


Perhaps Corsair is working on updating the existing manual. And they will then put the .PDF file for it on the same Web page where you download CUE 2. Until then, we customers must root around the forum, YouTube, and so on...piecing together what I hope will eventually be a comprehensive, clear, manual with step-by-step walkthroughs for all the features.

Edited by Era
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I just received my K70 today and I am also disapointed in the lack of any manual. Not so much in using the keyboard but for the Cue software. Whoever wrote the software needs to be fired. I gave up on it and just unistalled the software. I was so lost and there wasn't any manual at all for the software. I paid way too much for a basic keyboard that just lights up. Without a manual I am probably going to return the keyboard to Amazon.
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These keyboards are excellent and you can do a lot with macros and color cues and such. Don't give up...Some clues can be found here in this .pdf manual for CUE v1. (So far there's no manual for CUE v2, the version we're now using.)



No need to get it from a 3rd party site, the CUE 1 manual is still available in the product page under the FAQ & SUPPORT tab. Here's a direct link to it: http://softwaredownloads.corsair.com/Files/Gaming-Keyboards/Corsair-Gaming-RGB-Keyboards-Software-User-Manual.pdf

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Thank you for the link, but how would we new customers like me (and many others) who just bought this keyboard figure out where to find this on the Corsair Web site?


I wasted my time locating the 3rd party source.


Here's what I think makes sense: Put a download link for this out-of-date manual right there with the CUE 2 download link. And clearly label it: "Manual for previous version of CUE. We're working on a new manual for CUE 2.0. Thanks for your patience."


I'm old. I don't like spending hours on some unnecessary research after I've paid nearly $200 on a new keyboard. When you're old, you want to enjoy life, not waste your time on silliness. Time of which you have little left...


Why are documentation and efficient user interfaces an afterthought sometimes? For many techies the mantra is: "We understand what we built, why don't you?"

Edited by Era
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The Manual was available in the downloads area before, my guess is that the removed it from there when they released CUE 2.x in order to replace it with a new one (which is not yet out though).


A CUE 2.x download with a 1.x manual would indeed be confusing for new users downloading the latest version.

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Never mind, I did return it. Nothing like a company that doesn't have support and allows a community to make fun of it's customers on it's support site.


Adios. Have fun all. Enjoy your gaming community.


no ones making fun of you but sure be super touchy lol.

What I was saying is in the time it took you to write up that, you could of easily asked the questions you has about the keyboard.


And yes stuff like this is more annoying then someone just asking their question.


PS: the user forums is not their tech support department.


I politely disagree with your thinking. A clearly described and titled CUE Version 1 Manual would be far less confusing that the current no-instructions-at-all situation. That's my belief anyway, respectfully yours, Era :lastyear:


No one is saying there shouldn't be a manual. There should be a manual, idk why there isnt. But the OP question was not about the lack of a manual for the software.


"Surely out there somewhere there is an explanation as to what the functions are for some of the additional keys on the keyboard."

"I was already supposed to know what all the buttons were for?"


There are a total of what G-Keys + M-Keys + Media Keys + Win Lock + Brightness Toggle. So a total of 18+5+4+1+1 = 29 Keys that he could be asking about.

I'm not about to assume he's lost about the media keys. Or the brightness toggle and window lock....


I'm just asking that he stop this "If that's the case, I guess I need to return it, 'cause the basics I know, but there are a few I have no clue about." and just ask...

Edited by Inheritance
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Much about CUE is not self-explanitory, my dear Inheritance. I say that with kindness and understanding. Well, partial understanding. Of your comments. Hoping for better relations and a revised manual. :eek:


First off, my dear Era. I never said here that CUE is self-explanatory.... If you actually read what i typed. I said the keyboard is pretty self explanatory. Not CUE.


Please stop putting words in my mouth...

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Yes, this manual is full of excellent information. Just what we hoped for. I've been trying to find out where to access modes for two weeks! Now this kind fellow explains that modes are gone, so no wonder I couldn't find them. Evidently they'll come back renamed files. Anyway, studying this official unofficial manual will be a great help to me. Also, personally to Inheritance, I'm very grateful that you posted this link to the documentation. Plus, I promise to never again put anything in your mouth.


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  • 2 months later...

Anybody here ever heard the phrase RTFM???


howabout WTFM!!




Well, rather than return my keyboard, I managed to track down this thread, and uninstalled cue2. I installed cue1, and within 5 seconds I am doing what I what I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to do in cue2....


It's called type lighting.... makes sense! Where is it in cue2, I have no clue.


whatever. at least now I can get back to work.

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  • 1 month later...

thank you inheritance.


any way you can make that manual where it can download as a pdf?

I'm trying to set up this new K95 keyboard and i'd really like to print out and download the manual for ease of use.


dang. the user manual is HUGE!!!



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