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iCue Link Max brightness reduced due to hub power limitation and pump noise

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Same thing happened to me as well this morning.  It was caused after a firmware update to the Link hub.  I have 6 devices plugged into each port (6 fans on one, 4 fans and the AIO and LCD (which count as 2) on the other).  System has been working fine until this update.  Built in September.

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1 hour ago, tomwarren said:

Corsair are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. 


Hope they fix this soon ... i thought its a problem with my pc

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3 hours ago, tomwarren said:

Of course the information above is accurate lol

“If yes and the information above is accurate, then there may not be a workaround with the false flag instantly generated on load.“

Not your information. The statement from the Project Manager saying the error message is generated automatically when CUE 5.12 meets FW 1.8xx. 

Edited by c-attack
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55 minutes ago, c-attack said:

“If yes and the information above is accurate, then there may not be a workaround with the false flag instantly generated on load.“

Not your information. The statement from the Project Manager saying the error message is generated automatically when CUE 5.12 meets FW 1.8xx. 

Oh I see. Let's hope they fix it ASAP. It's a little irritating to suddenly have your RGB nerfed down.

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I feel like we're paying exorbitant amounts of money to be beta testers. In 6 months I've had to replace 4 out of 10 of my QX120 fans due to them randomly starting to rattle. The time warp effects are all jittery and horrible looking after the last few updates.  And now this...

I can pretty confidently say this will be my last build predominantly using Corsair gear.

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I have the same error after firmware update.  Also it gives me the overcurrent error only when i'm playing Halo single player,  after few minutes fans start blinking red and i have to reboot the system. Temperatures and loads are fine. I'm doing tests but for now I'm only seeing the problem on Halo.


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2 hours ago, Slider_556 said:

I feel like we're paying exorbitant amounts of money to be beta testers. In 6 months I've had to replace 4 out of 10 of my QX120 fans due to them randomly starting to rattle. The time warp effects are all jittery and horrible looking after the last few updates.  And now this...

I can pretty confidently say this will be my last build predominantly using Corsair gear.

That's kinda worrying. I've only had mine since the end of November and I had to replace a single QX120 so far because it was starting to rattle.

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  • Corsair Employee

Hey everyone, I wanted to briefly comment before the weekend and just let everyone know that this is something we're aware of and chasing. 

Looks like the team has figured out the issue is related to the current (old) firmware not playing nice with our new device logic. We'll be prepping a new firmware that addresses this and communicate more information next week (I hope) with info related to when the new firmware will release. In the short term, you can either dismiss the brightness warning and deal with the lower brightness until we have the new firmware out or step back to 5.11 since it shouldn't run into this device count logic issue.

The warning has no bearing in terms of cooling or performance, but it will dynamically step the brightness down if you have more than 7 devices total, not 7 per channel like it should be doing.

I'd just like to say I'm sorry this happened and that it's annoying. Give us a little bit of time and we'll fix this as soon as possible. In the end, this FW update should be a big upgrade for the everyone, expanding the total number of devices per controller from 14 to 24, and allow people to chain a lot more stuff on one channel, making building with LINK even easier. Especially for people running a 360mm LINK cooler with an LCD that are struggling to stay under 7 devices per channel with that product counting as 5 devices (including the fans).

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13 hours ago, shocksim said:

Hey everyone, I wanted to briefly comment before the weekend and just let everyone know that this is something we're aware of and chasing. 

Looks like the team has figured out the issue is related to the current (old) firmware not playing nice with our new device logic. We'll be prepping a new firmware that addresses this and communicate more information next week (I hope) with info related to when the new firmware will release. In the short term, you can either dismiss the brightness warning and deal with the lower brightness until we have the new firmware out or step back to 5.11 since it shouldn't run into this device count logic issue.

The warning has no bearing in terms of cooling or performance, but it will dynamically step the brightness down if you have more than 7 devices total, not 7 per channel like it should be doing.

I'd just like to say I'm sorry this happened and that it's annoying. Give us a little bit of time and we'll fix this as soon as possible. In the end, this FW update should be a big upgrade for the everyone, expanding the total number of devices per controller from 14 to 24, and allow people to chain a lot more stuff on one channel, making building with LINK even easier. Especially for people running a 360mm LINK cooler with an LCD that are struggling to stay under 7 devices per channel with that product counting as 5 devices (including the fans).

Thanks for the  informative post - looking forward to the FW fix soon.

Same issues here.



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There isn't a path backwards.  The modular nature of CUE 5 makes it necessarily server side.  The installer always pulls down the current version and corresponding modules, regardless of the Installer nomenclature. Rolling back also creates the possibility of the something like we are seeing now, with more recent device FW (that does not roll back) interacting with older software modules not programmed to interact with it.  At this point the swiftest resolution is pushing out the Link Hub FW 2.xx update that was intended for this CUE 5.12 release.  

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11 hours ago, c-attack said:

There isn't a path backwards.  The modular nature of CUE 5 makes it necessarily server side.  The installer always pulls down the current version and corresponding modules, regardless of the Installer nomenclature. Rolling back also creates the possibility of the something like we are seeing now, with more recent device FW (that does not roll back) interacting with older software modules not programmed to interact with it.  At this point the swiftest resolution is pushing out the Link Hub FW 2.xx update that was intended for this CUE 5.12 release.  

Corsair should seriously rethink that pairing then. iCUE has had some problematic bugs recently, so not being able to downgrade is surprising. I suffered through iCUE forcing precision pointer on mice in an update earlier this year, too.

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Rolling back wouldnt be that hard. Have corsair provide the files, Take your computer offiline to preform the downgrade of icue and/or firmware, turn off auto updating in icue, reboot, and then put you machine back on internet.

All my gear is corsair to keep everything in one eco system. i have that so i can turn off all RGB, with the center button on my mouse.

corsair isnt forcing the updates on us, we are the ones that allow them. This issue has hit me too, im one that has to have 2x link controllers due to having 21 fans, my gpu block and pump with the screen. Even though I do not go over the 7 devices per channel I was hit with the nasty drop in brightness. I was perfectly fine until i updated last week. 


I do agree lately there have been some rather nasty bugs, one I wish Corsiair would fix is there issue with MSI, but more importantly right now this brightness thing is super annoying. Sorry didnt mean for the pictures to be so big... removed the pc ones.




2024-03-06 08_41_48-.png

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Lovely. Mine just got updated and started getting the same dumb alert. 
I am glad I run daily 9am backups so I can roll back since it seems this is taking a long time to fix as it just happened to me and the first post here is from the 28th 😕

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  • Corsair Employee

We've got a candidate firmware that's working its way through testing right now. Once we're confident that it doesn't introduce any other issues, we'll either release it as a Beta FW or push via the FW update server. Goal is to have something available this week if possible. 

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7 hours ago, shocksim said:

We've got a candidate firmware that's working its way through testing right now. Once we're confident that it doesn't introduce any other issues, we'll either release it as a Beta FW or push via the FW update server. Goal is to have something available this week if possible. 

Will this fix the annoying red blinking of the fans as well? Because that is honestly starting to get REALLY annoying to have the fans start blinking red within 5 minutes of playing a game even though everything is completely fine, temps are fine, everything works as it should..

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  • Corsair Employee
5 hours ago, silveraga said:

Hello, i updated the firmware 2 days ago and started having the red flashing light issue. Do we have an ETA on the new firmware? I can't find an older firmware to temporaly fix the issue for now. @shocksim

All firmware before the firmware that we will release has this issue, so it doesn't matter whether it's 1.6 or 1.8. I also posted on Monday that we'll have something this week. That's the best ETA I can provide and we're still working towards that. 

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Please fix this asap ...... it's supper annoying. 

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On 3/13/2024 at 8:02 PM, shocksim said:

All firmware before the firmware that we will release has this issue, so it doesn't matter whether it's 1.6 or 1.8. I also posted on Monday that we'll have something this week. That's the best ETA I can provide and we're still working towards that. 

Given that it's now Friday, I assume this is slipping to next week?

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