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Removing 5000X motherboard cable cover

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Hi, I have a 5000X case, which was assembled by my retailer. They left the motherboard cable cover installed. I tried removing it, taking out all 4 screws, but it seems I can't pull it out without removing my top-mounted 360mm AIO (not a Corsair one, the CoolerMaster ML360 Illusion).

There is almost no space between the AIO and the top of the cable cover, so I can't pull it back towards the inside of the case and get the top of the cable cover detached from the slot-like thing. In the videos I watched with an empty case, the cable cover comes off very easily after unscrewing, while I tried for a long time and couldn't get it to budge at all.

I wanted to ask and make sure before trying it: Do I have to remove my top 360mm AIO to remove this cable cover, or is there a simpler way of pulling it out that I couldn't find? Thanks in advance.

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