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Commander Pro

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Hi, I recently installed Corsair Commander Pro and connected 2 Corsair ML140 fans to it. From the management of the fans, through iCue, I set the "silent" profile and they run at around 1500 rpm fixed. Does this seem normal to you? considering that the fan range goes from 400 to 2000. Did I install the commander wrong? I connected the USB cable to the MOBO and the SATA to the PSU.


MOBO: Asus Rog z390 e-gaming

CPU: i7 9700k with H115i pro

PSU: RM650x




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Those presets are meant for something else.  It's trying to run a fan curve designed for liquid temperature but using CPU temp as the control variable.  Those two things have dramatically different ranges and it keeps the fans sitting at 1400-1500 at idle.  You need your own curve.


Cooling tab and + to create a new curve.  A graph will appear below.  You need to choose an appropriate control variable (sensor).  The best choice is one of the 10K thermistor probes from the Commander Pro pack and you stick the sensor end in the rear exhaust (inside or outside the case).  Exit air temp is the best indicator of whether you need more case fan speed.  You can use another near the front intake as a contrast point.  However, this will take time for you to learn the normal temperature range.


For a quick fix, use GPU temp or motherboard temperature.  Most people have a decent idea of the low-high marks for that.  Then design an acoustically appropriate fan speed on the points below.  It's usually easier to type values instead of dragging the points, but either way works.  Make sure you assign each of the two fans above to the new "Custom 1" when you are done.  

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