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Corsair MP400 Poor Write Performance

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So first of all I want to say that this is the second time I am having this issue.

The first time I format my Windows SO and the speeds returned to normal :





After one week where the disk was about 30% the problems returned :


(I removed a lot of data and the disk is only 11% FULL so this is definitely not acceptable at all. )




After removing data the speeds changed from 200 to 400.


I am on the last firmware. And I already tried a lot of fixs that were posted here for the similar issues with the Mp-600 .


Do someone has some ideia how to fix this ?

Edited by CmchPt
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  • 4 months later...

i m ok everything about your command. But nothing changed this is normal ? because write info "Experience data speeds up to 3,400MB/s sequential read and 3,000MB/s sequential write speeds, many times faster than traditional SATA SSDs.*"


Since you've mentioned that you've already tried the TRIM/fast-boot fixes from this thread: https://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=202134


Could you attach a Crystal Disk Info screenshot?


Please contact our tech support group at https://help.corsair.com as well if you haven't already.


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