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voyager air meets smart lg tv


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So my question simply is: can i wirelessly get my tv and drive to communicate so i can play files off the hdd without needing to connect it to the router and if so, how i would go about doing so.

Would there be a 3rd party app possibly that might work either on the tv or drive? If not would it be possible to get an app created for the tv?


Thanks for any help,



(Answer: Make sure you have your VA updated to latest firmware, then its just a matter of connecting to the AV through the TV's network settings. To then access content, press the input key on remote and scroll to the VA)

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if you have a ip for your VA,just get a 3rd party software for streaming installed on your computer and itll work with your tv.i use media player and media-home to stream on all my tv's...

you have to use it in conjunction with your computer tho

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But what then is the point in having the VA if a pc is needed? why would you buy the VA when you could put a much bigger drive in the pc and just stream off that? When buying the drive corsair said it could stream wirelessly to smart tv's yet no where can i find any evidence of this being done :(


Atm the best workaround i can think of is simply connecting the VA direcetly to the router but then that goes back to my previous point of paying twice as much for a smaller HDD, thats all the VA is in this aspect...

Apart from this problem tho it works great in the car and everywhere else i take it.


After a little looking i found this, seagates solution:



They have just created an app pretty much identical to their smart phone variant for smart tv's, works exactly the same.


How could i go about approaching corsair for a similar app for the VA?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i may be wrong and its only my opinion but

if the VA has an ip and theres a streaming program installed on the VA,would this allow it to stream?i dont see how as theres no OS on the VA to run said program as the VA is basically a wireless storage unit

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You need to find out if your TV has WiFi capability. If it does, you should be able to connect to the Voyager Air. No app will be needed as a smart TV with WiFi will have a rudimentary OS with network browsing and playback capability.


This is the same as how I have done it HERE with my smart DVD player.


Check your owners manual for the TV. Also, the model # of the TV would be helpful.


And yes, the VA does support DLNA devices.


And, why would you not want to connect it to your router? Is your TV connected to your router?

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Firstly not to sound like a douche, but the post name did mention smart tv :)

Hmm i had updated the firmware but had not tried to connect the TV to the VA since before the update, after trying now it works fine so thanks a stack for that one haha. The reason i dont want to connect it to the router is that it sits in the lounge room next to the tv so the parents can easily get to it to use with their pc's for data transfer and taking it with them whenever they go on trips. Neither are very tech savy and so this is the best option for simplicity sake, and even then i already have a hdd attached to the router for automatic backups of their pc's.

Cheers for the help, Will edit my post name to solved :)

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Firstly not to sound like a douche, but the post name did mention smart tv :)


That's why I suggested that you read your manual. If your TV is WiFi capable, I'm sure it says so in the manual. Smart TVs and smart DVD players use pretty much the same type of OS so it doesn't matter which you reference in an example. Also, when you get the same brand of TV and smart DVD player they typically have a unified OS like the Panasonic Viera system in my links.



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