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iCUE Causing Windows 10 Instability

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On the latest and previous versions of iCUE I have experienced a multitude of system hangs and crashes that are next to unbearable. This includes game crashes, system notification sounds coming in 10+ seconds late, Discord sounds being delayed, and even system sound settings not functioning as expected. After arduous testing over many days and reboots, I took a look at the windows reliability monitor and noticed iCUE being the only other software that "Stopped working". Once realizing this, I uninstalled the software and all system behavior returned to normal. This is a MAJOR bug that I would love to see rectified as I like Corsair and would love to fully utilize my gear with a software such as iCUE that *should* make controlling my RGBs hassle free. 


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  • Corsair Employee

As that screenshot points out the faulting module is a Windows system level DLL meaning that iCUE itself is not going to be the cause of all the issues. What you are likely running into is some sort of conflict due to outdated third-party software leading to a crash. You are also on a build of Windows 10 that is over 1.5 years old from October 2020 which is no longer maintained by Microsoft unless you happen to be on the Education, Enterprise, or IoT Enterprise edition.

Our recommendation would first be to make sure your BIOS and chipset drivers are fully updated, and then update to the latest official release build of Windows 10. From there check each program one by one making sure each program is fully updated. Once you have done all of that then test by making sure that no other third-party application is running other than iCUE to see if the issues persist.

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