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Mouse macro doesn't work on multiple monitors?


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So I have two monitors on my PC, they are different sizes.

I wanted to make a macro that includes mouse movement, but the cursor position cannot be set on my second monitor, whatever pixels value I put, it only applies to my main monitor.


I need the macro to be used on my 2nd monitor, is there a way to select which display to run the macro on, or is it possible to merge the pixels values for both monitors?



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  • Corsair Employee

Our team is aware of this and are looking into it.

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  • 2 years later...

Has there been any progress on this topic since 2021?
I have the Same problem still in 2024.

A feature that allows a Window to be selected first, then the Macro Running would help.

Otherwise, an option to check how many Monitors there are, then to be able to select it by Number would work.
(Windows assigns a Monitor Number to each Monitor Attached in their API.) - Just show those Monitor Options in the Icue Software as a Macro Running Criteria, if more than 1 monitor is found.

I have 4 Monitors connected to my PC and one of them has a different Resolution, so being able to specify the Monitor is Essential for me.

Edited by Electro_One
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