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LL120 Fans intermittent flashing RGB


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My fans RGB have almost completely stopped working. They flash red intermittently but for the most part stay dark. I have the Lighting Node Pro and Channel 2 works fine, where the LED Strip is connected.


This all worked fine two days ago. I tried replacing the Node Pro and same results. Also reinstalled iCUE to no effect.


I've attached images of my current setup and a gif of what the lights are doing. Any help would be appreciated.




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It's possible that you have a bad fan. Have you tried to rearrange the fans at all?

Here's the thing - these fans operate in series. Fan A sends the signal to Fan B which then passes to to Fan C ... and so forth. The fan hub exists to facilitate this.

So one bad fan can take down the lot. You need to try them one at a time. Once you have one that you know lights up, put that in slot 2 and make sure that both fans light up. If that's the case, then the fan in slot 1 is good.

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