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[Fix] High CPU Usage of iCue 3.3.103!


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Today i received my new K70 RGB Rapidfire and you can add to working devices list. This model is not affected by this bug.


I am going to label that no keyboards have been to known to produce this bug. Thanks for the details!

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profile_h115i.xml causes the issue for me, has anyone compared this profile to the pervious version of icue one?


For as stupid simple as that is, I guess I am wondering why I didn't think of this? This might be a good start, though there could be differences between the versions. As I don't have any of the devices causing the higher CPU usage, could you give it a go? Just make sure to back it up, also only if you are comfortable with this. I forget not everyone is comfortable or likes to tinker.

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For as stupid simple as that is, I guess I am wondering why I didn't think of this? This might be a good start, though there could be differences between the versions. As I don't have any of the devices causing the higher CPU usage, could you give it a go? Just make sure to back it up, also only if you are comfortable with this. I forget not everyone is comfortable or likes to tinker.


Yesterday i tried to replace profile of my mouse in 3.3 with profile from 3.2 and iCUE can't detect mouse after start. There is some version control like in lighting profiles what prevents from using files from another versions.



But i found another interesting things - brightness slider in iCUE for my Dark Core RGB only has two positions on/off and there is the only way to adjust the brightness (as someone suggested in my question in mouse thread) is to set the opacity in static color effect. But after a little investigation of the contents of the xml-profile file, I modified it and now I have a smooth brightness adjustment with 20 steps (5%). Why Corsair Devs doesn't do it if mouse perfectly support this smooth adjustment function? If i'll have a free time i'll continue to investigate the profile file.

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Thankfully I decided to manually backup all of my 3.2.87 profiles before deciding to roll back to 3.2.87 from today's update, the profiles folder in Appdata/Roaming/Corsair/CUE/Profiles does not restore your profiles if you back that up and restore the contents!...


New problem is that version 3.2.87 gives me an error on importing my 3.2.87 profiles saying "The profile selected is from a newer version of CUE and cannot be imported"!! Any way around this??

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Edit 5: After some more and more and more and infinite more time spent on this state of art Corsair's code, I have to let you know that they changed the things in profile database, converted when updated to the new iCUE build. So, guess what?! If you want to roll back to the previous version, your profiles wouldn't be compatible with it and no tool to convert them to the previous format is provided, if you are wondering yourself... So, for precaution, always get your profiles backed up anyway even if you are reverting to the previous build in case of the new ones isn't restored to the profile library when update again, when they should be showed up again. Although they are not in the profile lib if you roll back to 3.2.87, they still are in the profile folder: %appdata%\Corsair\CUE\profiles. So when you update again to 3.3.103+ they should be back again into the lib.


Just faced this issue also, 3.2.87 profiles exported in 3.3.103 not able to be imported back into 3.2.87. I backed up the data from %appdata%\Corsair\CUE\profiles but that was after I had updated to 3.3.103, sadly restoring that data didn't restore my profiles. Is there any solution to this or are we faced to have to update to 3.3.103 again and go through the tedious troubleshooting steps to find the high CPU usage culprit to get our profiles back?

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Could someone upload the profile_h115i.xml from 3.2.87?


I got it from a friend...didn't work when I just tried to replace the old one. So I tried to go through and see the changes and edit it back and forth. Couldn't get it to work. No matter what I did. Maybe you will have better luck. Here ya go.


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Just faced this issue also, 3.2.87 profiles exported in 3.3.103 not able to be imported back into 3.2.87. I backed up the data from %appdata%\Corsair\CUE\profiles but that was after I had updated to 3.3.103, sadly restoring that data didn't restore my profiles. Is there any solution to this or are we faced to have to update to 3.3.103 again and go through the tedious troubleshooting steps to find the high CPU usage culprit to get our profiles back?


Unfortunately I don't have any clue of a possible solution.

I backed them up exporting from 3.3.103 anyway and make some screenshots from my most frequently used profile (and the most complex one) to make it again from scratch and rolled back to 3.2.87.


At some point they have to release a fix for this issue and hopefully I don't have to concern myself about making them again, but if it's the case, I have the backup AND the installer from 3.3.103 to do the update and upgrade of my profiles the way it supposed to be made.


I prefer to not do this search for some workaround as I don't have the time to spend on it. I have to work to pay Corsair's expensive hardware. :laughing:

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It seems like the %appdata%\Corsair\CUE\profiles get's corrupted during the 3.3.103 update process maybe.. If your fortunate to have a Macrium system image backup prior to the update restoring the whole %appdata%\Corsair\ from your backup will restore everything..


Edit: Another thought is there is something within the %appdata%\Corsair that's get changed or added preventing the profiles from working. If I get a chance I may have a dig and look for it.

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I noticed the same thing after the update. I have a k95, scimitar, void wireless, commander pro, 2x lighting nodes, and 7 ML fans connected. just disabling the headset RGBs completely solved the issue. This is especially concerning because my headset wasnt even turned on!

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I got it from a friend...didn't work when I just tried to replace the old one. So I tried to go through and see the changes and edit it back and forth. Couldn't get it to work. No matter what I did. Maybe you will have better luck. Here ya go.


Thanks wanted to compare them both see whats different.


Just compared them the newer one has about 12/13 new lines but other than that they are identical.

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After reading this post, I can CONFIRM that "Fix #3" has FIXED my iCUE.exe high cpu usage on my 7600k (@5ghz). CPU usage was at 28-30%, and after removing the XML file for my H100i V2 the CPU usage dropped to the normal ~0-1% range. As instructed, I saved a copy of the XML file for the AIO somewhere else, just in case.


If you're wondering, the XML files can be found at this directory: DRIVELETTER:\Program Files (x86)\Corsair\Corsair Utility Engine\devices


So, it appears that indeed if you are out there reading this, and you're seeing high CPU usage for Corsair iCUE.exe in win10 Task manager, AND have a Corsair AIO, then solution #3 from the original post should take care of you.





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same here.




Out of curiosity, are you guys referring to Void Pro USB or wireless? I have the wireless and lighting effects are active. I was running 14-20% CPU but to drop below 2% all I had to do was remove the H115i XML profile file.

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I tried many of your resolutions but none work for me. Moving some of the xml file can make the cpu usage drop from 11% to 7% but it should be < 1% if it actually works as expected.


So the only way I can do is downgrade my iCue version and live with the old bugs. I guess they will release patch in at least one month.


I've been waiting for the bug fixes for 3.2.87 for more than one month. Now I must continue to wait for the bug fixes for 3.1.131. I don't know what to say to explain how disappointed I am (maybe a bit angry).

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Thank you for this! My problem was the lights on my RAMs, as soon as i disable the lights on them my usage went from 35% to 0,9 -1,5% usage.

I understand that this is an early access program but this is a very big and common problem for many users and corsair should have cought this before a release.

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