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Unable to boot with XMP CMK16GX4M2B3200C16 on Asus z170 pro gaming MB


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"Did you try slots A2/B2 for two sticks? This is the recommended configuration."



yes I did try that as well


currently working on setting memory frequency manually not Auto which seems to be helping anyone know what "Memory Scrambler" is in the Asus Bios?

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currently working on setting memory frequency manually not Auto which seems to be helping anyone know what "Memory Scrambler" is in the Asus Bios?




"Memory controllers integrated into certain Intel Core processors additionally provide memory scrambling feature that turns user data written to the memory into pseudo-random patterns. As such, memory scrambling prevents forensic and reverse-engineering analysis based on DRAM data remanence, by effectively rendering various types of cold boot attacks ineffective."

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Hey Wafox,


out of interest have you tried the Corsair Ram in the Gigabyte board? and the G.Skill Ram in the ASUS board?


just interested to see how the ASUS works using a different memory manufacturer and if the Corsair ram works in another Mobo brand without issues.




It works fine in the Gigabyte board. No errors or issues. Putting the G.SKILL in the Asus Z170 pro gaming gives me the same issues. So in short it's the board.

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Ok guys, I just purchased a 6700k, along with a Asus Z170-A board and a 16GB 2x8 kit of 3000mhz Dominator Platinum(CMD16GX4M2B3000C15). I got the board and everything set up and enabled XMP out of the box and all seemed well. Installed all the drivers etc, then went to update the BIOS. The board came with 1402 and I updated it to 1702. Immediately, it went into a bootloop, so after a while, I shut it down, and was prompted with a Overclock failed screen, I hit F1, and loaded defaults and it booted, but obviously at 2133mhz. I messed with settings and searched through thread after thread about this until finally I decided to try rolling back to the BIOS that came with the board. That WORKED. But, it did not have the Skylake microcode fixes, so I tried the next bios update, 1602 which did, and IT WORKED as well. So, I figured it was just a specific driver bug, and left it at that, and went on with life thinking that all was well and I would just have to screen the bios updates as they came in. Wrong. If I turn my PC off for more than a hour or so, and try to cold boot, it resumes bootlooping even on 1402/1602. I have to either load into the bios with memok or force shutdown and power on again to get the oc failed screen. Nothing seems to fix this specific issue. Not manual VCCIO or SA voltages, or manual RAM voltages, etc. Just wanted to chime in with my experience and see if anyone else had any suggestions/input.


Edit: I have been attempting to overclock for the last few days...have had nothing but crashes, and yea, that is usually normal, BUT they have almost all been memory related, I ran whocrashed a few times, and decided to reinstall windows just to be safe. I went through with it, grabbed all necessary updates and drivers, and started again, same results...so I decided to just give up for a bit, revert to stock(with XMP set), and run the same stability tests for a bit to make sure my system is stable at stock. It's not. I am going to try running it without XMP, but in the past that hasn't worked either...I'm thinking my Ram may be the issue here, so even if it does pass a stress test with 2133(bleh), I'm going to run memtest all night tonight and go from there.

Edited by Soulshot96
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  • Corsair Employee
Which skylake microcode fixes are you referring to for 1602? Try realoding the 1402 bios again and see if that gives you any memory issues. Sounds like a wonky bios release to me for all 3, but could also be the memory. Keep me updated.
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Which skylake microcode fixes are you referring to for 1602? Try realoding the 1402 bios again and see if that gives you any memory issues. Sounds like a wonky bios release to me for all 3, but could also be the memory. Keep me updated.


I'll be sure to try that too. I've been checking to see if its driver related. Been running driver verifier, getting BSODs every single time, doesn't even make it to the password screen. I'll be sure to downgrade again and try that as well though. Gonna also try both sticks individually. Might reinstall windows again as well. This is gonna take awhile lol.


Edit: and it said microcode fixes in the description of the update, I assumed it was for the hanging issues with skylake.

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Which skylake microcode fixes are you referring to for 1602? Try realoding the 1402 bios again and see if that gives you any memory issues. Sounds like a wonky bios release to me for all 3, but could also be the memory. Keep me updated.


Ok, I've been running windows driver verifier to see if any of these BSODs are related to a driver, first, I got Asus Ai Charger, so I uninstalled it. Then I decided to try the newest BIOS again(1702), and of course, it didn't boot with the XMP profile, so I set it to 2133, and attempted to boot(still have driver verifier on mind you), it failed, another BSOD. So I downgraded to 1402 again, which booted with the XMP profile, still got a BSOD though, so I tried 2133. Nope. Still BSOD. This time the dump says it was caused by Asmedia XHCI Host driver. So I uninstalled that, and will be trying to boot with driver verifier again. If that fails, I may move on to trying a single stick...


Update: Now it has picked a Nvidia driver as the culprit...I am beginning to think that this is something hardware sided. But, Just to be safe, I am going to reseat the cpu, ram and my GPU, and reinstall windows, again. After that, if the problem persists, and hell, even if it doesn't. I am going to run memtest while I sleep tonight.

Edited by Soulshot96
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  • Corsair Employee
Ok, I've been running windows driver verifier to see if any of these BSODs are related to a driver, first, I got Asus Ai Charger, so I uninstalled it. Then I decided to try the newest BIOS again(1702), and of course, it didn't boot with the XMP profile, so I set it to 2133, and attempted to boot(still have driver verifier on mind you), it failed, another BSOD. So I downgraded to 1402 again, which booted with the XMP profile, still got a BSOD though, so I tried 2133. Nope. Still BSOD. This time the dump says it was caused by Asmedia XHCI Host driver. So I uninstalled that, and will be trying to boot with driver verifier again. If that fails, I may move on to trying a single stick...


Update: Now it has picked a Nvidia driver as the culprit...I am beginning to think that this is something hardware sided. But, Just to be safe, I am going to reseat the cpu, ram and my GPU, and reinstall windows, again. After that, if the problem persists, and hell, even if it doesn't. I am going to run memtest while I sleep tonight.



Sucks when the issue takes this long to troubleshoot, so just let me know if I can help in any way.

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Sucks when the issue takes this long to troubleshoot, so just let me know if I can help in any way.


Thanks for the support.I'm stumped right now. I reinstalled windows fresh. With only one stick of RAM installed, on the default out of the box BIOS, got all the latest drivers installed for everything off Asus's site. And decided to enable driver verifier again, and it immediatly bsod'd before it had fully finished rebooting. The dump blamed the Asmedia XHCI driver so I uninstalled it, and restarted again. Bsod. This time it blamed a NVIDIA driver component. At this point I decided to reboot over and over with each stick in a different slot...tested each one in evey spot possible. No change. After that i disabled driver verifier and loaded into windows. I then launched Asus realbench, and set up a 15min test with 16gb ram. Got 7 minutes in and got a tdr, followed by a bsod...I threw in the towel after that and loaded up memtest86 and I'm gonna run it all night. At least rule out 2/3 of my new components. My first CPU/mobo/ram upgrade in 4 years...and this happens lol. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. Stuck on mobile now though so gonna be slower to see replies and more prone to awful typing ;)


Edit: should also note that I did reseat the CPU, checked the pins in the socket again as well. Set all BIOS settings to default AND I was running the memory at auto settings(2133), with no XMP to be safe.

Edited by Soulshot96
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About the cpu microcode update. Are you referring to this issue related to Prime95 ?



Edit: Also about your RAM issue, have you tried to tweak the RAM timings (3000mhz 15-17-17-35 --> 3000mhz 15-18-18-36 for example) As the second to fourth timings are less impacting performance than the first one, it may work without any performance lose.


Edit2: Same for "Command rate" (2T instead of 1T). But it may be already at 2T by default. on my motherboard "Auto" choose 2T by default.

Edited by ryuzaka
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About the cpu microcode update. Are you referring to this issue related to Prime95 ?



Edit: Also about your RAM issue, have you tried to tweak the RAM timings (3000mhz 15-17-17-35 --> 3000mhz 15-18-18-36 for example) As the second to fourth timings are less impacting performance than the first one, it may work without any performance lose.


Edit2: Same for "Command rate" (2T instead of 1T). But it may be already at 2T by default. on my motherboard "Auto" choose 2T by default.


Yea, I am referring to the issue with Prime and other, specific high workloads. Also, I have tried setting the timings manually, but I haven't set them up yet. At this point though, I have ran memtest86, for 8 hours straight, and it passed all 48 passes(just let it do default), at XMP 3000 15-17-17-35 just fine with 0 errors. So, at this point, I think it's something else. Possibly my mobo....or cpu...or maybe even GPU, even though that was 100% A-ok before I upgraded my cpu/mobo/ram...idek anymore.

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I'm experiencing this same issue with an Asus Z170-WS motherboard, an i7-6700K, and my 4 x 8 GB set of 2800 mhz Corsair Dominator Platinum (CMD32GX4M4A2800C16). This is really annoying because my set of RAM is on Asus's QVL for the motherboard (and I specifically checked for this before buying).


I am pretty sure the RAM itself is fine, as I successfully ran this exact same set of RAM on X99 (with an overclocked 5820K) under both XMP profiles it comes with (2800 @ 1.2V, 3000 @ 1.35V). The RAM has also passed Memtest multiple times.


With my current motherboard (Asus Z170-WS), enabling XMP on my RAM, even at stock clocks for my CPU, causes the computer to randomly go into a fail to boot -> restart loop. Each time it fails to boot, it's with code 41 (which isn't in my manual, but appears to be RAM related on other Asus boards).


System works perfectly as long as XMP isn't enabled.


This fact pattern appears to align with what people are experiencing in the thread.


I've read through the thread and tried some of the solutions that worked for other people.


Reseated the CPU and checked for bent pins - didn't work. Tried an entirely new CPU - didn't work.


Updating the BIOS didn't fix it.


I've increased VCCIO, VCCSA, and RAM voltages to no avail. Manually setting the timings to the XMP timings hasn't worked.


Overclocking the CPU lets me boot (sometimes), but then I experience memory-related or driver-related BSODs (different driver each time) under load.


Anyone have any idea of what to do?

Edited by JDragon
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  • Corsair Employee
I just want to say that I purchased the ASUS Z170- Deluxe along with CMK16GX4M2B3200C16 and it loaded XMP just fine. This is just to reinforce that the issue is not with our memory. I have also ran AIDA64 for many hours without any hiccups.






Edited by Corsair Henry
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I'm experiencing this same issue with an Asus Z170-WS motherboard, an i7-6700K, and my 4 x 8 GB set of 2800 mhz Corsair Dominator Platinum (CMD32GX4M4A2800C16). This is really annoying because my set of RAM is on Asus's QVL for the motherboard (and I specifically checked for this before buying).


I am pretty sure the RAM itself is fine, as I successfully ran this exact same set of RAM on X99 (with an overclocked 5820K) under both XMP profiles it comes with (2800 @ 1.2V, 3000 @ 1.35V). The RAM has also passed Memtest multiple times.


With my current motherboard (Asus Z170-WS), enabling XMP on my RAM, even at stock clocks for my CPU, causes the computer to randomly go into a fail to boot -> restart loop. Each time it fails to boot, it's with code 41 (which isn't in my manual, but appears to be RAM related on other Asus boards).


System works perfectly as long as XMP isn't enabled.


This fact pattern appears to align with what people are experiencing in the thread.


I've read through the thread and tried some of the solutions that worked for other people.


Reseated the CPU and checked for bent pins - didn't work. Tried an entirely new CPU - didn't work.


Updating the BIOS didn't fix it.


I've increased VCCIO, VCCSA, and RAM voltages to no avail. Manually setting the timings to the XMP timings hasn't worked.


Overclocking the CPU lets me boot (sometimes), but then I experience memory-related or driver-related BSODs (different driver each time) under load.


Anyone have any idea of what to do?


I've spent 4 days dealing with the RAM issues and bsods. Tested everything and I'm failing sure it's the mobo. RMA'd it today. Hopefully the replacement works...

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your bios different , convenient to install the motherboard bios




Z170-A BIOS 1702

Improve system stability


I know lol, but the latest BIOS for the Z170-A is older, and was, at least for the board I just RMA'd, awful. Would NOT run my Dominator Platinum at XMP speeds. When older ones WOULD. This update came out today, for your board, and all these boards are based on the same chipset, hence me hoping for a update for my board as well.

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ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming - Updated BIOS 1206 - Max Memory Speed 3100 with just the standard memory voltage for its rated speed of 3200. boots consistently at 3100 so i guess its a little better as 3000 was the max before on 1204.


3200 still doesn't want to boot, even with some extra VCCIO and SA voltage.


so yeah try harder ASUS, thanks!

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ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming - Updated BIOS 1206 - Max Memory Speed 3100 with just the standard memory voltage for its rated speed of 3200. boots consistently at 3100 so i guess its a little better as 3000 was the max before on 1204.


3200 still doesn't want to boot, even with some extra VCCIO and SA voltage.


so yeah try harder ASUS, thanks!


I'm just hoping they update my Z170-A bios and I can get 3000 again like with the older revisions...all but the newest one post at 3000.

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ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming - Updated BIOS 1206 - Max Memory Speed 3100 with just the standard memory voltage for its rated speed of 3200. boots consistently at 3100 so i guess its a little better as 3000 was the max before on 1204.


3200 still doesn't want to boot, even with some extra VCCIO and SA voltage.


so yeah try harder ASUS, thanks!



Tell a lie! its still rubbish and failed a cold boot! so back to 3000. this whole situation is pathetic, something is going in the bin soon, memory or mobo or BOTH!

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