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CUE Feature Suggestions

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Light Effects:

- Making light effect to start after other effect has ended - most important to me.


- Random colors in Advanced Mode

- Delay light effects by speciefied time or by random time (with limits)

- Grouping of lighting effects

- Bound Light effect to macro.

- Precise Time Windows setting for SOLID and GRADIENT effect in advanced mode.

- Start on iddle x seconds. Stop on button press.



- Add option to limit macro to run only once in x seconds. Like in games when using a ability has a cool down.



Change profile or light effect if selected pixels on screen are close to selected color. That way I could make keyboard blink when low health in game.

Edited by Daimon
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They already try to deal with chatter at the firmware level as far as I know.


They do, based on the specs of the switch. If any switch doesn't hit the specs then that anti-chatter in the firmware is ineffective. There are enough posts on this.


Providing user-configurable anti-chatter (very easy to achieve) would negate any issues with switches that don't hit the specs without having to RMA the keyboard (or purchase a replacement if it's out-of-warranty). The feature would make sense for the frustrated end-user AND Corsair.

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They do, based on the specs of the switch. If any switch doesn't hit the specs then that anti-chatter in the firmware is ineffective. There are enough posts on this.


Providing user-configurable anti-chatter (very easy to achieve) would negate any issues with switches that don't hit the specs without having to RMA the keyboard (or purchase a replacement if it's out-of-warranty). The feature would make sense for the frustrated end-user AND Corsair.


You might be able to tune an anti-chatter in CUE but its not that easy and they run the risk of a user messing around with it and then wondering why their board doesnt work when they double tap.

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Apologies if this has already been requested/suggested. If it was, I missed it.


Windows 10 had the ability to "automatically pick an accent color" based on your desktop wallpaper. You also have the ability to shuffle a folder of images as a wallpaper. I do this, and when my wallpaper changes every minute, all my titlebar colors change to match the current wallpaper. It's pretty sweet actually.


I would absolutely love it if CUE had the option to alter the color on my devices based on my window-border color. That way, every time by background and accent color changes, by devices would all change to match.


Thanks for reading! I recently jumped into corsair accessories. So far I have the MM800 RGB Polaris Mouse Pad, the M65 Pro RGB FPS Gaming Mouse, and the K70 RGB RAPIDFIRE Mechanical Keyboard. I'm hoping to pick up some of the corsair RGB case LED's and RGB fans soon too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all, thanks for keeping CUE up to date and releasing an update every month! (y)

I have two suggesions:


1. Make it possible to bind macros to two keys (like Alt+F8 or Strg+F3)

2. Make it possible to launch a VBS-Script. (So you can launch for example programms without showing up the command line like it does if I use a .bat file)


I don´t know how difficult it is to implement these features, but I would really appreciate it.

Edited by MaxMueller
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First of all, thanks for keeping CUE up to date and releasing an update every month! (y)

I have two suggestions:


  1. Make it possible to bind macros to two keys (like Alt+F8 or Shft+F3)
  2. Make it possible to launch a VBS-Script. (So you can launch for example programs without showing up the command line like it does if I use a .bat file



I don´t know how difficult it is to implement these features, but I would really appreciate it.


What you want is already possible.


  1. Bind a profile switch to the first key (like Alt or Shft), and then you can have custom macro for the second key (like F8 or F3). See Tutorial: Switching Modes by Modifier Keys and Modifier Key Combos
  2. You can launch .exe, .bat, or .cmd files, and have those files run your VBS-script. (If you use a .EXE, you won't see a "command line" for VBS.)

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What you want is already possible.


  1. Bind a profile switch to the first key (like Alt or Shft), and then you can have custom macro for the second key (like F8 or F3). See Tutorial: Switching Modes by Modifier Keys and Modifier Key Combos
  2. You can launch .exe, .bat, or .cmd files, and have those files run your VBS-script. (If you use a .EXE, you won't see a "command line" for VBS.)


Nice thanks! Missed this way to do custom macros :idea:

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Please please please allow for keyboard lighting profiles to be separate to mouse profile for games.


Basically, I have a 'default' profile, which is what I set my lighting to for matching my desk's rgb strip and the rgb lighting on my gpu. I then have separate game profiles in CUE purely for assigning bindings and disbaling dpi switching on my mouse (Sabre). However, it also sets up a new lighting profile for my K70 RGB and im sick of having to update every gaming profile's lighting for the keyboard whenever I want to change my 'default' one so they all match.


Why can't I have different profiles for my Mouse depending on what game I'm playing, yet the keyboard's lighting will profile will always just use the 'default' profile I set?

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Please please please allow for keyboard lighting profiles to be separate to mouse profile for games.


Basically, I have a 'default' profile, which is what I set my lighting to for matching my desk's rgb strip and the rgb lighting on my gpu. I then have separate game profiles in CUE purely for assigning bindings and disbaling dpi switching on my mouse (Sabre). However, it also sets up a new lighting profile for my K70 RGB and im sick of having to update every gaming profile's lighting for the keyboard whenever I want to change my 'default' one so they all match.


Why can't I have different profiles for my Mouse depending on what game I'm playing, yet the keyboard's lighting will profile will always just use the 'default' profile I set?


why don't you make a blank profile with the lighting you want and then just duplicate it?

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why don't you make a blank profile with the lighting you want and then just duplicate it?


Sorry, I'm not really sure what you're meaning? I've attached a screenshot of my CUE2 app to help explain how I'm using things.


I have my default profile, which purely used for changing the lighting to match my setup, and is for when I'm simply using my computer, watching youtube, doing uni work etc.


I then have a profile for each game, the purpose for my gaming profiles is purely for my key bindings for my mouse,for example, using one of the DPI buttons for changing fire mode in Battlefield Games, or bringing up the Journal in Mass Effect games.


However, I don't like the fact that every time I want to change my keyboard lighting for my default profile, I then have to do that again for all my game profiles, as you can imagine this would be very tedious for my current static rainbow profile I've had to make, which consists of around 20 layers (one for each strip of each colour), and no way Im doing that for every profile, especially when I normally have way more game profiles than that is shown in the screenshot (had to do a fresh CUE2 install and lost all my profiles, these are the only games I could be bothered to do so far).


So, what I want is for my default keyboard lighting to stay constant, and only have profiles just for my mouse to change, so each game profile uses the same keyboard lighting as the default one.


Or at least have an easy system where I can copy and paste lighting configurations between each profile. IE, go on Light Effects tab for my default profile, copy and all the layers, then go to Battlefield 1 Light Effects tab and paste the layers there.


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CUE2 needs to include the "lights off after 'x' minutes idle" functionality. IdleKey does the work but there is a issue when it automatically turns on another program to switch the profile (the current running program goes to background, causing various issues)


CUE 2 has a timer action that can be configured to be reset on activity. Bind such an action to frequently used keys, like "Enter", retaining original key output, and on timer expiry have it invoke a profile switch to your idle profile. In your idle profile, you can define actions for your keys retaining original output and switching profile back to your default profile.

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I would like to have the CapsLock, ScrollLock and NumLock act as a true lock status indicator, much like WinLock.


One can fake that now by setting a light effect, but that way the "status" is lost during mode/profile switching.


Set up copies of your default profile called CapsLock, ScrollLock, NumLock, CapsScroll, ScrollNum, NumCaps, CapsScrollNum, and define the lock keys to switch between them, having the lock keys light up or not depending on whether the feature is enabled. You can retain original key output in CUE 2, so the "status" is not lost between switching.

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--Toggle Indicator option for mute button to display mute on/off status

----Additional toggle indicators for Capslock, numlock, scroll lock - would be nice if each of those keys could change color to indicate state.


This is doable in CUE. Define the keys to switch profiles from default to Caps, Num, Scroll, CapsNum, NumScroll, ScrollCaps, CapsNumScroll profiles, where the profile switch retains original key output to maintain state and also have each profile light up the lock key as an indicator.

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Make all preset options available in advanced. There are a few things i would like to combine like void mic and playback visualization along with having things like caps and numlock color toggles and mic mute light, but when going into advanced to do the toggles i can no longer use the void mic and playback visualizations effects.


On top of making the void mic and playback visualizations available in advanced it would be cool to have more options with them like being able to set certain zones that the visualization effect happens. Possibly have better volume thresholds for the light effect so it doesn't flood the entire keyboard all the time. As well as an extra 1-2 color options to have more of a gradient for the visualization.

For example i would like void playback to span across from f1 to f12 depending on how loud the sound being played is and void mic to span 1 thru = depending on how loud i am talking.


Another cool option would be able to set keyboard colors based on void headset battery level. So say the headset has full battery it could light up 0-9 on the numpad but depending on the percentage of the battery it could turn one or more of those lights off like at 50% it would only light 0-5, at 9% and lower it would only light up 0. With this it could also have several color choices depending on the battery level so from 0 to 25% it could be red and 26-50% it could be orange, 51-75% yellow and 76-100% be green.


The battery levels lights would be very handy since the only way i know of to see battery level is in global options in cue, but having it right there on the keyboard would be great to know when i should plug the headset in.


Edit: More options for lighting start/stop conditions would be nice too, specifically numlock on/off and capslock on/off. Can currently do this by having the effect trigger when pressed and turn off when pressed again but it can get inverted easily like when using profile switches among other things. Other nice conditions to have are mic muted/unmuted and volume muted/unmuted.


Headset buttons being bindable to keyboard like mouse buttons can would be great as well. Things like EQ changer (both cycle and ability to individual EQ profile) and mic mute toggle.


Separate dpi modes for different profiles, i made a separate profile to disable all lights on all my devices when i press the brightness button on my Strafe but there is no way to have it turn off the dpi light on my Scimitar, i tried setting a second dpi mode that is the same but with a black light but when switching back to the profile with lighting on it stays on the same dpi mode on both profiles, i then tried disabling all dpi modes except the one with the light on my lights on profile then when i went to my lights off profile the dpi settings were the same on that one so i couldn't disable all but the black light dpi color setting making it seemingly impossible to do what i want to do which is simply toggle on/off ALL lights when i press the Strafe's led key. Only option i apparently have is have the dpi light always on, always off or have to manually change the dpi setting every night which makes going through the trouble of making a lights off profile and tying it to my keyboards lighting key pointless. None of the options we/I have are acceptable imo, so would either like the ability to have cue forcibly turn the dpi light off for a specific profile (and on for another) or have dpi settings completely separate between profiles.


Would also appreciate the ability to change the time it takes for the Void Headset to auto shutoff, 10 minutes is far too short so being able to set it at different times like say 30 minutes would be great.

Edited by Finaldeath
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I would like the "Offset Pointer To" macro step to have a "select point" option under Absolute. When you click on it, it would allow you to click on a point on the screen and that step would then move the mouse to that point on the screen when run.


Just to summarise:

CUE would let you click on a place on the screen to set the position.

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Toggle Lights

- Allow you to press a key and having certain keys be lit.

- Toggle for Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock.

- While holding down a key, certain keys are lit up (i.e. showing shortcuts, hold Ctrl lights up Z, X, C, V, A or hold down ALT lights up TAB, SHIFT).


It would be very nice for certain game profiles, when entering a menu the keys that are applicable in that menu are lit or get a different color. The option should have a 'while held' option and 'on released' option. That way you can light the keys up while holding down the designated key and they stay lit until you release the key, on which you can have a smooth gradient smother the light.



- Apply average color on screen to keyboard.

- Apply color on screen to keyboard as some kind of image.

- Read Monitor, foreground application, specific application, region.

- Saturation options, so lighter shades of red displayed on the screen still apply a full red light on the keyboard.

- Fullscreen DirectX support?


I know there's a third party SDK that can do this with Corsair, but it doesn't support the brightness and window lock keys. So would be nice to have it.

Edited by Critiko
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For (fps) mouse-


Ability to make custom mouse acceleration curve.

Not just a button which enables windows enhanced mouse pointer,

but more control over mouse behavior/acceleration (for those using it).


Povohat made this awesome driver/gui and it apparently works wonders with acceleration curve.


Here is what it does, and it would be great if corsair added this to CUE software.

I don't know if any mouse manufacturer offers this in their drivers, but it could be beneficial.










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