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K95 Launch Program Question


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I just got my K95 and love it! As I am setting up the G keys I have run into an issue that I cannot find an answer to. Hopefully someone here could help me.


I have a thin client program on my workstation that connects to our ERP program on a Linux server. In order to run the program appropriately I have to add certain attributes to the end of the shortcut target in the icon properties. This is exactly what the target needs to be: C:\acuthin8\acuthin.exe swsvr sw TERM#[017] where "swsvr" is the server name, "sw" is the subfolder and the rest, if not obvious, is to identify the terminal number.


I can't figure out how to modify the lauch program target info in the middle of the screen once I've selected the location of the executable file. Is this not possible? I will refrain from saying which brand, but my previous keyboard allowed for this. It isn't a deal breaker but I would be quite surprised if this wasn't an available feature.


If it is not available as I have described, I am open to suggestions on how to get what I need in other ways. I understand that recording macros is possible but I can't think of a way to make this work using a macro.


Anyhow, any help would be greatly appreciated.





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I'd also like this feature.


If you create a shortcut with the extra attributes, and select the corsair to open the shortcut, the macro will bypass the shortcut and go directly to the program and ignore any attributes you added in the shortcut.


A fix for Corsair would be to treat the shortcut like a .exe program. Or even allow macros to be scripted with text.


For the OP, you could create a batch file or .vbs file and have the macro open the .vbs/batch file. The problem with this is that if you have any full screen apps (like games), the full screen app will be minimized when you activate the macro.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I actually have a way of doing this. First you need to create a new notepad document add


Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

obj = WshShell.Run("C:\Users\matt\Desktop\test.bat", 0)

set WshShell = Nothing



Change C:\Users\matt\Desktop\test.bat to wherever your bat file is. and save it as whatever.vbs.


For a batfile create a new word document paste your exact program exe location like C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe /flags. Save as .bat


Now you set the G key to point to the vbs file and it will open a program without opening a cmd window :) hope it helps, if you need more info ill try to write it a little better.

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It mostly blows my mind that this software has remained in this state since the product's release. Or maybe this is an updated version of the original software (that's a scary thought). Frankly, software this terrible makes the macro keys borderline nonfunctional, which is why I seldom use them. I sure hope there will be a software redesign coinciding with the release of the K95, otherwise I might just ask my brother to give me back my G510.


Quote from March of last year. I guess the software is still terrible. Couldn't they like hire an intern for like three months and get him to rewrite their keyboard software? There have been problems for over 2 years at this point and the software has remained virtually the same.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I know this is quite the necro, but this is the only thread I've found with people that are trying to do the same thing I am. And I found a decent workaround:


1) Create a shortcut to the .vbs or .bat that you want to assign to a key

2) Right-click the shortcut, properties, and then assign that shortcut a difficult shortcut key, like ctrl+alt+shift+F12 or something. Some key combination that you know isn't used by any other program and that you're never going to accidentally press.

3) Place that shortcut in your Start Menu somewhere (this is what enables that shortcut key to work in Windows)

4) Assign that wacky shortcut key combo as a key rebind to the G key you're trying to program.


Works for me, it should hopefully work for you guys, too.

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