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Corsair Voyager Air Issues


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Hello there,


I would like to adress some issues with my Voyager Air which I had for the last 3 Weeks. Yesterday while always working over USB3, the drive suddenly switched off and didnt turn on again. While trying that several times and on different computers it afterwards switched on again, so I could continue working but 5 minutes after it switched off again.


Then I thought to log on it via WiFi and check if it is a technical or a battery problem and look there, only 4% of battery left! Kinda strange, as I thought it takes all the poweor from USB 3 and it would never lose any juice, but looks like after working hard for several hours I depleted it and it doesnt make sense.


I then pluged in the adapter to reload it but after a whie checking on the drive it wasnt loading at all. Checked the adapter, checekd different cables and devices and looks like that the ac-adapter is "kaputt". Wanted to ask if I need to send it in at all or just get one send over, as I have only a 5V 1A power to usb adapter at home and not a 5V 2A.


About the issue people experiencing with the network connecivity under Windows 7 I found out that the corsair voyager air is using the later samba update / version on it. Since microsoft changed their unix application connectivity thingy (forgot the proper name of it) on windows 7, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have it working as a network drive on ANY windows 7 pro and previous ones (I think vista has the same, could be wrong)... the only one having the old unix combatibility tools are windows xp and the windows 2008 r2 and never server (if I am not mistaken).... oh and the windows 7 enteprise / ultimate... Since most, like me, are usinf win7 pro at home, I cant use it as a network drive. Hope this will be fixed soon with a newer better update / formware update or drop samba and use something else (maybe even the previous version, works like a charm on every OS).


Thx in advance and please dont be to harsh on my writing, english is not my native language.



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Hi Ram Guy,


as I need the device currently I will only ask to RMA the AC Adapter and wait for a firmware update... maybe it is a firmware kinda issue. I will also have a closer look on the battery drain while on USB and if nothing works and the problems are persisten, I will have to backup the whole thing and send it over. Please bare with me.



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