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My story with TX950W


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Got an answer finnaly, they proposed me to pay UPS then they will reimburse me, i'de liked to do that but the service quality is poor on Morocco and if i decide to send my package it will take more time (i already contacted them and they said that i should also pay customs when sending my package and customs again when receiving my new PSU !!!) and they don't have a slow send option, the only option they have costs 140 EUR (without customs), so i sent an email to customer service asking them to do the job from their side even if it takes more time (have no choice) and will wait for that...



Edit : Got an RMA Approval (not the same number), and wait for details.

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Hmmm seems that the RMA approval was just a mistake so i'm still waiting for a solution from the customer service...



Edit : got an answer finally, preparing shipping label, it seems that it's in the way...

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UPS Finally toke my package, mmmm but return it back monday !!! it seems that it's customs problem, i'm discussing with them concerning that, i think it will be solved today. Hope to not wait more longer to get my new PSU :)




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I already contacted them and they arranged the pickup thing, but on Morocco it's complicated, but finally they toke again my package and i've got a tracking number, i've send a copy of the ticket by email to cutomer service.


Wait and see :)




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  • Corsair Employee

I have sent them a message for you and asked them to expedite your case.


EDIT: I just spoke to the Customer Service manager by phone on your behalf and she has assured me they will get a unit out today for you and I am sorry for the problems.

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So, the package arrived to Morocco BUT, and i was affraid that it happens, they send the package without specifying the option "DDP" (for duty paid) to UPS, and before they send the package i asked them more than 2 times to specify DDP option to avoid a such problem (last time they send it also without the DDP option and i've obliged to pay 40 EUR to release the package) and here we are... I send them an email to ask them to fix the problem to avoir losing more time (more than 3 weeks now...), wait and see.



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  • Corsair Employee


I am sorry about that but as I have told you previously there is little I can do, you need to contact our customer service.

I will send them a message again but that is about all I can do, it is highly suggested you conatct them by phone and I am sure they can get this resolved ASAP.

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Didn't receive any answer from them, will call them today (8 hours on time difference so i should call them at 17h GMT), and Thursday the 25th it's Thanksgiving so happy Thanksgiving and hope they will fix the problem before holidays.




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Yes i'm already in contact with them from the begining and now we have a new problem :( it seems that they have made a mistake coz they send to me a 950TX and they should send a 1000HX... i called them and they said that they will send a new package tomorrow... what a bad luck....


So waiting...



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So, the package arrived to Morocco BUT, and yes (another problem), i asks customer service to avoid to send an invoice with 1 EUR and change the amount to at least 20 EUR to avoid customs problem, but they send again an invoice with 1 EUR and blocked again for customs, and UPS asks me again for customs, i've send an email to customer service to tell them what to do to resolve the problem and hope they will not take a longer time........




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