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My story with TX950W


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Hi there,


i'm here to tell you my story with corsair and i'm really confused with that !! :confused:


I bought a Power supply TX950 a months ago and it was my first corsair product, i pay it about 140 EUR (with shipping costs), and i was building a new machine, i'm living on Morocco so to receive all the parts of the machine it's really a pain, so after receiving my Power Supply, and after assembling all the parts it seems that i have a BSOD when i try to install WINDOWS !!! so i waste 2 weeks to try to find out what's the problem !!! and after using and old power supply with my Asus P6T it worked like a charm !!!! so it seems that the Corsair TX950 caused my problem.

I asked for an RMA and they agree because it's a know problem, but to send the deffective part from morocco to Netherland it's really a problem !!! i asked DHL for price they said that i have to pay 180 EUR just to send it back to Netherland !!!!


Ok that's not Corsair problem so i found another solution to send it back and it cost me 40 EUR but i said ok i will pay if it solve my problem, but i asked the technical team to change my TX950 to HX850 because i really can't RMA again if it doesn't solve my problem, they say that THEY CAN'T !!! so i accept to receive a new TX950 that should solve my problem, so after weeks, i received a call from DHL saying that i have to get some pack i received, i was so excited, so i go to DHL and here they said that i should pay taxes for that !!!!! so i pay another 40 EUR to get my Beautifull Power Supply.


Once again at home, i plug my power supply and try to install my Win and it worked ... ahhh i was so happy for that.


Next day when i try to swich on my computer it doesn't post !!!!! and after searching again it seems that the power supply caused a COLD BOOT issue !!! so if i have to be able to use my computer i have to swich it on for about 20 min even if it doesn't post and then rebooted again and it works.


So let do a summary, i spend time (months between RMA and receiving the new PSU), i spend money (140 + 40 + 40 = 220 EUR) just for PSU, and a lot of pain for my new machine, and finnaly it doens't work because the guys of the RMA doesn't changed my TX950 to a HX850 that didn't caused a such problem.


So RAM GUY, how you feel about me right now !!!! do i have to buy any COrsair product on the future or even told people to buy them ??? Sorry for that but i'm really very disappointed about that :[pouts:




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  • Corsair Employee

Please contact our customer service they will take care of you, or better yet let me know the RMA number and I will have them contact you.


So RAM GUY, how you feel about me right now !!!! do i have to buy any COrsair product on the future or even told people to buy them ???


And I do not feel or make judgments on anyone ever, my concern is for you and any Corsair Customer to get the best service or help you/they need to try and resolve any issue that may crop up. That is my job its what I do. So I do not understand where you are coming from with this statement. I think if you spend some time reading the posts I have made on the forum for the last 8 years you will see where my head is at.

But please get me your RMA number and I will be happy to do my best to help get this resolved ASAP.

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thank you for your answer, i know that you are doing a good job, and when i had the first problem with the TX950 you helped me a lot.


My RMA is 1163272 and case number is : Case #1471116


Thank you for all efforts you do for helping people, it's just made me really sad with a such result for my first Corsair product.




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  • Corsair Employee
I am not in the office today home with the flue, but I sent a message to my right hand and they will contact you shortly, or you can call in and go to option 3 from the main phone menu and ask for a supervisor.
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It seems that it will not solve my problem, here's the message i received (the standard message of RMA) :


We are sorry to hear you are having problems with our parts. You may apply for an RMA number on our website at .... etc


I already explained how much pain i had to send the deffective part with the first RMA and how much it cost to me, and you think that i'll try another RMA ??? :confused:

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Thak you, i received the mail and will send the PSU withing monday (i will not be able to use my computer before receiving the new PSU but i'll wait...), i just have one question, last time when i received the PSU, UPS obliged me to pay Customs, even if the invoice has no real price, it will happen again this time !!




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I contacted UPS to send the PSU using the UPS account that i received by mail but they said that the process is :


1 - You should contact Your UPS to tell them to contact UPS Morocco to retrieve the package.


2 - UPS NL will send an email to UPS Morocco for retrieval.


3 - UPS Morocco will retrieve the package from the adress sent by UPS NL.



So you have to contact UPS and provide to them my contact (adress, phone.. etc) so they can do the job.



Thanks again.




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Yes i received a mail on Friday but this is the problem, the mail i received telling me to contact UPS but after contacting them ... etc you know the story, so i send them back an email and hope they will replay.



Edit : I finally received an answer but they say that it's a long process and if i want things to go faster i have to pay UPS here on Morocco then i'll be refund, but theses costs from Morocco are too high !!! (about 180 EUR to send the package) so it's not possible for me to pay that so i aksed them to try to find a faster solution because i can't pay that amount and i can't use my computer (PSU disconnected and packed)... hope they will find a quick solution.




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  • Corsair Employee
I am sorry about that but I really do not have anything to do with shipping especially a specific Countries policies on international shipping. I would suggest you keep contacting our customer service for help as there is little I can do except send them a message on your behalf.
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  • Corsair Employee
I am sorry it has been such a problem and I do understand your frustration but I am limited to what I can do. But please give it another day or so if you do not hear from them let me know and I will be happy to send them a message again.
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