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CMD4GX3M2A1600C8 stability issues at 1600MHZ


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Dear expert,


It seems I can make my system run smoothly/ stable without any errors/bsod/freezes when I run my mem on 1333MHZ 8-8-8-24 (2T) at 1.65 volt. But as soon as I load XMP, my system freezes right away (I couldnt install Windows 7). So I installed Windows with 1333MHZ settings, but if I load up XMP profile again (after installation), then the system hangs when he is trying to start Windows 7.


I have been told (also by the sales man) that this memory should run stable at 1600mhz 8-8-8-24 (2T) at 1.65 volt. I also tried higher latencies at 1600mhz but still the same issues.


What is going on here? I bought 1600mhz, but if this isnt working then I why did I buy these? I could simply go for the 1333mhz, which would be at least 25% cheaper.


BTW my Vcore runs at 1.1 volt (or is it called IMC?)


Please help me out, I would love to run at 1600mhz at 8-8-8-24 (2T).

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I tried a lot....and I know what I am doing...tried lots of settings but still no stability at 1600mhz.


pffffffff....I knew I should NOT BUY this @#$% mem....every time I choose other mem then OCZ I ALWAYS HAVE PROBLEMS...even the forums of OCZ are more active...I just dont understand why other mems cannot promise the speeds they offer....I bought 1600MHZ mem and running at 1333MHZ....how sad is that? I was better of buying mem at 1333MHZ at cheaper prices. I am ripped off by corsair.


Now I know I NEVER would recommend Corsair to my customers either. Ocz & Kingston are the best! Because both do promise the speeds they offer and it works right away without any hassle, even at these speeds. I thought Corsair was good (never tried though and this is the last time right away), but for me this is the same garbage as all none famous brands...like TeamExtreme, CRX or something. This is not the first time I see problems with Corsair either.


BTW this forum is full of people with the same problems and corsair cannot even support that...HOW SAD IS THAT




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A SUPPORT forum full of people with SUPPORT issues... it's kind of normal. I'd assume the delay in a response is because of the long Thanksgiving holiday. Either way there's no guaranteed timeline for an answer here. Their primary support goes to phones, email, and the TSX helpdesk (aka the RMA link on the left).


Either way, they'll tell you to test one stick at a time in the same slot using Memtest86+ v4.00 and the rated specs.

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Either way, they'll tell you to test one stick at a time in the same slot using Memtest86+ v4.00 and the rated specs.


Same old story...already done that. Nothing wrong with the memory...it is just garbage.


Nice to see that ONLY the good and better brands are censored here! Seems like the censor is not needed for other garbage brands, like ******** or ********. Just another confirmation that Corsair is garbage and afraid that people will actually go to the better brands.


I regret it soooo much that I have bought this garbage brand memory. Im really sorry that im overreacting, but I hate scammers so much and I feel very scammed here.


Anyway thanks for your answer....I will buy another memory next month anyway. For other people who are reading this: do not buy the dominators @ 1600MHZ together with the i7, it is a pain (**PROFANITY REMOVED**) (they might work ok with the Q-series of intel). Or are you going to censore this also? To afraid to get critics...



still an angry & ripped off customer


ohhh btw, just fyi...ive build dozens of i7 systems by now and never got problems with high speed memory (well....if Im using a specific memory brand, which is censored here). Im even running a i7 with 4gb mem @ 1.8 volt without any problems for almost 1 year now....(24/7 & my test system) and I think the dominators cannot handle 1600mhz at low voltages...didnt test that though as corsair does promise the 1.6v...

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Same old story...already done that. Nothing wrong with the memory...it is just garbage.
So if the memory's fine as you have said, it has to be something else, otherwise you'd have applied for an RMA, right? Have you tested the memory in another system, or other memory in this system to try to eliminate other issues, e.g. a slot or memory controller?


As for the filter, hadn't even heard of either of those 2 before today, hence why they weren't in the filter. The filter's reason for being is explained in the rules which you have already read.



Or are you going to censore this also? To afraid to get critics...
We don't censor anyone. Sorry, but you're just wrong and stuffing your foot in your mouth. My rig is a perfect example. I've had a kit of TR3X6G1600C8D in my Core i7 system @ XMP spec for almost a year now. No issues whatsoever.
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  • Corsair Employee


I am sorry that you are having problem, and the censor is there because a few years ago other memory manufacturers did not provide support on line for their products and many users would post here with questions about another memory manufacturer. As stated in the Rules this forum is here solely for the customers of our products and there is no reason to discuss any other product here. None what so ever, and should someone have a question that is or requires them to post information about another product we can see what was posted. There is no reason for normal forum users to see that information and there is no better memory than ours. That has been proven time and time again. But you are welcome to think what ever you like!


More than likely there is some other problem from what you have posted and with Core I5/I7 the max Voltage should be no more than 1.65 Volts for memory or it may damage the CPU. However, I have no problem replacing the modules if you would like to try that, please use the On Line RMA Request Form and we will be happy to replace them.

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BTW my Vcore runs at 1.1 volt (or is it called IMC?)


Please help me out, I would love to run at 1600mhz at 8-8-8-24 (2T).


Please do NOT attempt to go around our word filter. If you are dissatisfied, feel free to voice that here but do so within the rules.


If your system will not run the XMP profile then there is likely a problem with the MSI BIOS. Our XMP certified memory meets the Intel criteria for XMP operation. Assuming that you do not have a defective component somewhere in the link, you should be able to run the rated XMP specifications. We test the XMP profiles extensively over a variety of motherboards.


FYI, Vcore is the voltage going to the processor cores and has nothing to do with the CPU/IMCs ability to run memory faster than JEDEC specifications.


Since the XMP profile is not working for you, you need to try setting the timings and voltages manually. You have already listed the timings and memory voltage you set. You'll also need to manually set the memory controller voltage, aka QPI voltage, etc. Try manually setting and testing with 1.25v -1.35v.

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No, I cant do any RMA. I am not going to wait weeks before I get my memory back or new ones. I would rather bring them back to the place where I bought them...there it will take 2 days...I hope they will say they are no good so I can replace them by a far better brand. (after some testing..im not done yet)


Anyway, thanks for your answers...I will try to set the memory controller voltage to 1.25-1.35v, but if that is not going to work then I will bring them back. Im sorry to say but still I wont never buy Corsair memory. As RAM GUY says....but I dont think this is the "best" memory....benchmarks tell otherwise and I experience otherwise. I was just foolish to believe the sales man! Man...I never learn this....NEVER trust a sales man! Second time I make this mistake with memory....


If your system will not run the XMP profile then there is likely a problem with the MSI BIOS. Our XMP certified memory meets the Intel criteria for XMP operation. Assuming that you do not have a defective component somewhere in the link, you should be able to run the rated XMP specifications. We test the XMP profiles extensively over a variety of motherboards.


LOL!!! You must be kidding? It is never the fault of corsair memory...you are right. Im sorry that I am reacting like this but this is just too funny. What I experience, most of the time IT IS THE MEMORY and not likely the mobo.


Anyway, I have checked the profile settings, but as far I can see when this XMP profile is loaded nothing happens with the voltages....so I already am trying to get the settings right manually. But I dont touch any voltage settings expect for the mem. voltage. (I will try the other ones now)


I just cant believe I am trying this for weeks now.....I NEVER had this with highspeed memory. It always works when I just have to set the latencies and mem voltage manually, but not with corsair.


FYI, the mem is working 100% fine at 1333MHZ. Never got BSODs/freezes or CRC errors. But I paid for 1600MHZ not 1333MHZ.


I will let you know when I have tested the mem with the correct voltages (memory controller voltage).



Not so angry anymore customer....but still a little (Im sorry for overreacting, but it is quite frustating as it feels like you have been scammed, I paid more then normal for something what is not working...)

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  • 1 year later...

oh my... just read this... i thought i'm the only one having this kind of problem. worse, i even cant run it at 1333.. bluescreen/hangs/freezes at 1333.. tried everything but nothing seems to work... tried the recommended timings and voltage but still problem hasnt been solved. what bothers me is that im running it only now at 1066(stable) which should be at 1600.. money wasted?... =( Can you provide me with more solutions???


ps: why is cmd4gx3m2a1600c8 not listed in your product list??? cant find or search it at corsair's web page... has it been pulled out?

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  • Corsair Employee

Its an older part that may not be in production but its a valid part and searching our website you will find several links to reviews as well as other information.


In addition, as long as you are the original owner and having a problem with the modules you can speak with the reseller or submit for an RMA and we will be happy to replace them.

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