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Memtest errors with TWINX2048-4000PT on the ASUS A8N32-SLi Deluxe


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I have the ASUS A8N32-SLi Deluxe with 2gbs of ram TWINX2048-4000PT. The timings are set to the rated amounts of 3-4-4-8, AUTO command rate, everything else AUTO. The CPU voltage is set to 1.35, DDRVcore is set to 2.75, but ASUS Ai Booster & PC Probe is showing the voltages at 1.39 CPU and 2.8 DDRVcore. I ran the Memtest+86 program and it stopped halfway thru. It said PASS 67%, Unexpected Interupt -Halting, and 718 errors. This seems like alot of errors to be having. The board seems to be running OK and no longer randomly closing games. I got a Zalman 120mm CPU & component cooler and it runs much cooler at 30*c - 38*c. I am wondering what could be causing this many errors?
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I removed the second stick and the test stopped at 67% again with the same amount of errors. Does this guarantee the memory is bad? How often does memory go bad like this? I see alot of these posts where they say to send the mem back for an exchange
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Yes, I had same experience with 4000pt - more than 2.6 is no good. Search forum for "4000pt" and you see similar "discoveries". May be even try 2.5 or 2.55. Could be 2.65 works as well. Definitely not more than 2.7 on my motherboard. Cant compare motherboards, may be one overvolts a bit, 0.1 have been seen before, but from what you say problem is too much volt.


I use mine at 246fsb and with 1T. Testet with Memtest86 and Prime95 Blend test for 36hours. Think they can do this up to 260-262fsb then game over :cool: Actually initial Prime95 failed after 8-9 hours - not 1 but 3 times. 1.55v instead of 1.5 for chipset voltage fixed that. Ram not problem.

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yes I have the single stick in the B1 slot as the manual states. The voltage is set to 2.6 in the BIOS but then PC Probe says it is 2.65. I have tried 2.6/2.7/2.8 voltages and 1T/2T command settings at each voltage. I have brought the errors down to 680 from 720 in memtest, but still 680. not sure wtf the problem is...
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ps: I am not overclocking at all. FSB set at 200, bridge multipliers at 5x, mem clock at 200, cpu multiplier at 13x for 2600mhz. all the other mem settings to AUTO. the Memtest error vary between 670-720 but always start getting errors after 50% and Halt at 67%. maybe i will try 2.5 DDR volts to give me 2.55.
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yes I have the single stick in the B1 slot as the manual states. The voltage is set to 2.6 in the BIOS but then PC Probe says it is 2.65. I have tried 2.6/2.7/2.8 voltages and 1T/2T command settings at each voltage. I have brought the errors down to 680 from 720 in memtest, but still 680. not sure wtf the problem is...


Does the OTHER stick cause errors as well?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I tested the modules seperately and they both have around the same amount of errors and halt at 67%. What could be the problem in the settings? Everything is on auto and I have changed the settings around many times. Please help! My game (BF2) continues to end randomly with no error message. The random closing is not as bad as when I had the "Peg Link Mode" turned on but it still does it. Please help!
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  • 2 months later...

I have seen other postings across the Internetthat seem to indicate that MemTest86+ with this particular board has some problems.


One post suggests NOT disabling the Game port to get Memtest to finish.


Another suggests disabling the IEEE1398 (Firewire) port will allow MemTest86+ to finish (this seemed to work for me).


Like you, I was getting part way thru the test and it would always error (same error as you at the same place). I tested my TWINXP1024-3200C2 DIMMs in a second computer w/ an older Asus P4P800E-Dlx mobo... no errors after 7 passes and many hours. This told me it wasn't the memory.


I'm running Bios 1103 and everything I don't need is now disabled. I had to disable Legacy USB to resolve some WinXP install issues, but once XP was installed I enable Legacy USB to use my USB kb/mouse. I still can't boot w/ my USB HDD and USB DVD-RW drive connected (reboots as WinXP loads).


Good luck... this mobo has been such a PITA! :mad:

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