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H150i cooler, commander core and 3 RGB fans not showing up in icue…

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I’ve been trying absolutely everything I’ve read online to fix it to no avail... Here are some of the things I’ve done so far

[some extra info before I list what I’ve done- my pump rgb lights up and to my knowledge the pump is working cause my cpu stays cool under load. The radiator seems to be working like I can feel the vibrations when I touch the 2 pipes. The rgb lights on my fans flash white on boot but then turn off when the computer turns on fully so I know the lights work on all of them and they all spin and seem to speed up under load and what not. I do notice upon booting my PC I get usb disconnect noises, same upon booting icue itll make the usb connect sound then immediately make the disconnect sound after before it even opens. Another thing I noticed is that I have a usb error in my device manager where it says the device is unknown so I figure it may be part of the issue maybe?]

I’ve checked  both my USB.2.0 headers on my board (my board MSI B650 Mag tomahawk Wi-Fi) no changes

ive checked my sata power to the core and all the fans and rgb cables are plugged in correctly

uninstalled the usb root device thing in device manager that had the lil error icon next to it and rebooted my pc 

at this point I’m not too sure what to do I’ve pretty much tried every fix I’ve seen so far… I read that the NXZT usb headers could potentially fix it too so if I can’t find anything else I guess I’ll try that I have a ticket open atm but while I’m waiting I’m just trying everything i possibly can. I really hope that this isn’t a faulty piece of hardware and is something I can fix. Any help would be appreciated 🙂


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