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mp600 pro died in under a year

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i have a mp600 pro that had no problems until recently when i had 3 WHEA uncorrectable error blue screens

after the 3rd blue screen my SSD was no longer recognized by my bios and i have had no luck on different m.2 ports or a different motherboard

i was able to check SMART before the last blue screen where i saw no critical errors.

as i had said this drive was in use for under a year, i had not removed the heat sync and it was in a well-ventilated case.

i would appreciate any help

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The EXACT same thing just happened to my mp600. It was my boot drive with Windows 11. Had for almost 2 years. 3 random blue screens and then it died. No longer recognized in bios. Put it in 3 diff motherboards. It's dead. So ridiculous. Never buying Corsair SSD's again. Lost all my data.

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  • 1 month later...

Same thing just happened to me.

WHEA _UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR on first boot after I shutdown and updated Windows 10 on the previous evening.

The device was then intermittently detected in BIOS and now is not detected at all. However, in the Advanced > NVMe Configuration, I can still see 'Force MP600' size 0.0 GB 😔.

I also could not see it when using CMD prompt from a Windows installation USB and clicking repair. Disk part does not list it.

I'm guessing it's busted.

Has anyone managed to recover data from a failed MP600?

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That's concerning. Did you do any benchmarks before the drive died? I've just got the Corsair MP600 Pro LPX and can't get it to hit the supposed spec of 7,100 MB read or 6,800 MB write. It taps out at 6,448 MB read and 6,274 MB write. Previous, though lower speed, PCIE 4.0 drive reached max rated speed without difficulty so am wondering if I've got a dud. 


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for your drive speed, where is it installed? Usually only the topmost M.2 port has a direct connexion to the CPU, and will consistently be the fastest.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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