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PSU faulty/Use same cables

Go to solution Solved by BlaiseP,

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My PC (Corsair One Elite 2017) wont boot anymore, and i think its the PSU. It smells burnt and the fan isnt spinning anymore. Everything turns on fine (other fans, water cooling, LEDs) but i cant get a video feed, so idk whats going on exactly.

So, is it possible that my PSU (Corsair SF500) is faulty despite other components seemingly getting power?

And i would try to change it with a SF750, but i read that you cant use the same cables when changing PSU, but i think the SF series all have the same pinout, so could i just unplug the old SF500 and put the same cables into the SF750? 

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You can check using the PSU CABLE COMPATIBILITY page - all the SF series have the same pinouts so you should be able to use the same cables.

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