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Ram 2666mhz running at 1066mhz

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I just installed a vengence 2x8 kit of DDR4 2666 but when I checked CPUZ it says the ram is running at 1066  I know you double that reading for the advertized speed. But that is still lower than what I bought 2666mhz. Before I installed the new ram I ran CPUZ and the old stick of 8 gig was showing 2666, so does dual channel run slower than single channel or what. Now before someone tells me to go to my BIOS my PC in an ACER 885 off the shelf so no fancy BIOS setting are available and XMP 2.0 is enabled.

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  • Corsair Employee

If you multiply the 1066mhz by two then you get the current speed of the memory as DDR stands for Double Data Rate. So your memory is most likely running at their default JEDEC speed and timings of 2133mhz. If you wish for the memory to run at the rated 2666mhz then you will need to boot into your motherboard BIOS and enable the XMP/DOCP profile.

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according to people on the acer forum that model should support 2400/2666 speed for memory.

what did the old ram that came with the compute run at?


i know acer likes to lock down there bios on laptops and u can't turn on xmp idk about there desktop computers.


u could try updating the bios and see if that helps if they even offer one.


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Ok as  I stated in my post

 1 the original ram one 8 gb stick ran at 2666 which is what the pc (intel i5 9400) supports

2 there is no option in the BIOS to change the ram settings

3 CPUZ lists the ram running at 1066 which is not half of the 2666 I don't want to overclock my ram I just want it to run at the specified rate.

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Im looking at the SPD tab

MaxBandwidth DDR4-2133 (1066Mnz)                               SPD Ext. XMP 2.0

Frequency   JEDEC #6        JECEC #7       JEDEC #8        XMP-2666

                      1033Mhz          1066Mhz         1066Mhz          1333Mhz


In the memory tab  it lists the DRAM Frequency at  1064.4Mhz

Id like to insert an image but cant figure out how to.

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  • Corsair Employee

Unfortunately you will have to reach out to Acer support directly regarding the ability to enable XMP as that memory kit has a JEDEC rated speed of 2133mhz, and an XMP speed of 2666mhz. XMP is going to have to be able to be enabled on a BIOS level in order to run the memory at its rated speed.

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