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MP510 dying

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Hey there


Has anyone else has an issue with an MP510 240GB dying?


The drive is just over a year old and is in my son's build. His PC started freezing a little while back and occasionally would go straight into BIOS instead of restarting.


I found that the MP510 dissapears in BIOS and sometimes takes a while to come back.


I found hundreds of 'drive has bad block' errors in Event Viewer which Chkdsk /F seemed to fix for a few hours.


I've since ran the device self check in BIOS and the drive fails with the attached message.


I've got a ticket open with Corsair so we'll see how it goes.


What I did notice while troubleshooting, when reseating the drive, the top right section on the black product sticker had shrunk around the component underneath and there was a little 'tape sweat' like you get on electricians tape when what it's wrapped around gets hot.




Paul D


Edited by pdixon0
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, nearly 2 weeks since raising an RMA for the faulty drive and still no response from Corsair.


I have my confirmation email with my RMA order number but that number does not work when I try it in the tracker. The email came to my mailbox so I know my email address is correct!!


I've replied a number of times to the email and get a further response from ZenDesk so my ticket must exist?


Not impressed so far. I've since purchased a WD drive to replace this failed one so at least my son can play on his PC...


I don't think I'll be buying or recommending Corsair products in future if support can't even be bothered to respond to an RMA request for a device that supposedly has a 5 year warranty but fails after just 1 year...

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I can confirm a response and accepted RMA yesterday - I also appreciate the free DHL return, thank you.



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