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k95 A question of the volume wheel

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Hi everyone, I have recently adquired the k95 platinum rgb keyboard and I have a question abaut the volume wheel. The problem is that the wheel spin nice until it reaches a point, then do a "clack", and then works nice. Always happens and I don't know if it's normal or not. If someone can help me I would be very gratefull.
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I have four of them in K95P and XT varieties. There was an apparent manufacturing issue a couple years back where we saw a lot of physical volume wheel issues, but not in quite a while.


Most of the space bar complaints relate to noise. It is by far the largest key and will always make the most noise. Some people didn't like the balance, but it's not clear if that is from where they like to strike the space bar or if there is a stabilizer issue. Some users will describe their space bar as loose and it rattles after a nice thump. In my experience this varies from sample to sample. If you get one that has a really loose space bar, exchange it. They are not all like that. You might also deliberately remove it with the key puller and re-attach before deciding. In this case, the volume wheel is enough of a reason.

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I have four of them in K95P and XT varieties. There was an apparent manufacturing issue a couple years back where we saw a lot of physical volume wheel issues, but not in quite a while.


Most of the space bar complaints relate to noise. It is by far the largest key and will always make the most noise. Some people didn't like the balance, but it's not clear if that is from where they like to strike the space bar or if there is a stabilizer issue. Some users will describe their space bar as loose and it rattles after a nice thump. In my experience this varies from sample to sample. If you get one that has a really loose space bar, exchange it. They are not all like that. You might also deliberately remove it with the key puller and re-attach before deciding. In this case, the volume wheel is enough of a reason.

Wow, four keyboard. Anyway, thankyou for everything, but I only have one more question. Did you have any isue with the lightning system? I'm asking because sometimes the profiles that I upload to the keyboard dissapear and appear the deafault profile or the lights doesn't shut down when i turn off the pc and stuff like that.

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There are two effective operational states with Corsair keyboards. When the software is running (in the normal OS environment), you are in "software mode". The profiles you create in iCUE are in control of lighting, actions, etc.


When the CUE program is not running, including boot, shutdown, BIOS, and other OS environments, then you are in "Hardware mode". In this state the KB is running from whatever profile is saved to the device. The K95 Platinum has three onboard save slots and a physical key above F2/F3 to cycle between them in the hardware mode.


Where things get complicated is the save to device process. The original method was to use the three "hardware profile templates" in CUE to load specific hardware capable effects and actions. These are called K95P HW1-3 in CUE. Then about 9 months ago they changed the save process and opened up saving to the device from any software profile. Now within each software profile are two tabs labeled "hardware actions" and "hardware lighting".


In order to save a lighting/action set to the device, you must first create it in the Hardware tab, then go to the Onboard Profiles tab, pick a save slot, and wait for the save bar to complete. These two systems are overlapping and any profile can now save to the device, but you must create the lighting/actions in the HW tabs. You can't copy your software main lighting directly to the device. The keyboards have limitations to the number of effects and types of actions they can perform without relying on the CPU and OS to execute them.


Can you be more specific about what's going on with the profiles? If you shutdown the PC and the keyboard lights are still on, it's usually a BIOS setting relating to USB power. Many of these boards allow you to charge devices while the PC is shutdown and thus the MB never cuts power to it. However be aware, even with that feature deactivated, most RGB keyboards will "wake" when you hit a key while powered down. Only thing to do there is disconnect from the IO panel until next time.

Edited by c-attack
usual typos
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Yeah, for example, last week I turned off my pc and the keyboard was shutted down, but when I return to the computer in the morning the k95 was with the lights on, but with the pc still off. Or sometimes the profiles that I upload to the keyboard are replaced temporarily

by the factory profiles when I start or shutdown the pc.

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Or sometimes the profiles that I upload to the keyboard are replaced temporarily by the factory profiles when I start or shutdown the pc.


Can you elaborate on this part? The MB giving the KB power when off is common. This is not and the software can't write to the KB without express permission. What is saved to the three HW slots should stay on the KB.

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Yes, for example, suppose that the factory profiles are: spiral rainbow, rainbow wave and color shift. Ok, then imagine that I change those presets effects to color wave, color pulse and visor, so in theory, the color effects that I have stored in the memory are these. And after that y turn off the pc and then I turn it on. Then, sometimes, the lighting effects that I upload are temporarily substituted by the presets ones. This is not very often but occurs. And can you tell me if MB is Motherboard? Thank you.
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I am not sure how that can happen. The KB couldn't dump the stored profiles and then somehow recover your saved ones. I would contact Corsair Support and make sure you are not using CUE as your visual indicator of what is saved in the profile slots. It's very confusing with multiple software profiles with hardware lighting and a preview system that may not show you the actual HW version of the effect.
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