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Corsair Gaming and the Logo


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Only time will tell if it's trivial. Hopefully they didn't just digg themselves... if that's what they just did then they can't afford not to satisfy the people.



You're never going to satisfy everyone and the net being the way it is

there will always be people who don't understand how much money is involved in bringing a product to market spewing all kinds of crap.

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:biggrin: most here act like their whole world is crumbling down on them

trivial--most certainly


Triviality is a subjective issue. It may be to you but it is not to others, and when we're paying hundreds of dollars for products, even a supposedly "trivial" issue is major. It's certainly enough to keep myself, and many others from buying the product. Their directionless, dismissive handling of the issue is also enough to turn me off of their other products as well. The ill-disguised attempt to tell everyone they care while the words between the lines clearly indicate they don't shows a serious fault in their customer service, in their view of their own consume base, their ability to handle community issues, and most importantly, the seriousness with which they treat their craft.


To me, and plenty of others, this is the first sign of a sharp downward trend in build quality that we've seen other companies go down. They had a notable issue with dying LEDs in the original runs of K70s. I had faith that this issue would be resolved in future product versions, but based on their inability and unwillingness to properly handle a simple branding issue, I've got no faith anymore in the notion that they have actually done anything to fix it. Given the increased complexity of the RGB design, and their displayed lack of willingness to acknowledge or address concerns about their products, compounded by this instance here with the labeling, I'm quite confident now that the RGB K70s will suffer the same LED failure issues as their predecessor.

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There will be those people, and there will be also people who have direct experience of the entire product development process, from spec, to design, to manufacturing, and experiencing the pain of how much it costs to change a product even before it goes into mass production, for products much more complicated and regulation bound than a keyboard (automotive).


Having to change a product whilst its in mass production is one of the most horrible things a company can go through, and because of the exclusivity deal on the RGB switches, I doubt Corsair will change the logo back as these things are gonna fly off the shelf for the majority of people who the logo doesn't mean squat to.


But the logo isn't trivial to me, if I want to buy a premium cake with a cherry on the top, I don't expect to pay top dollar to have to take a grape off the top, and put my own cherry on, spoiling the seamless finish. It doesn't mean I should be any less vocal about how naff I think it looks and how I refuse to buy a product with it on.

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I understand perfectly that they have current boxes and current models and I am not saying these should not be used.


I appreciate it will take a few months to get ones with the fixed logo, but what we want is not the problem to be fixed right away, but ongoing dialogue with the company.


The gears may be turning, but gears most often go round in a circle and end up where they are.



It's only been like 80 hours.


Yellowbeard and others have responded and told you, they are discussing it.


Things like this don't happen overnight, there's a lot of issues and variables at play here. + a LOT of money that has been spent.


Companies like Apple and Microsoft have boatloads of money sitting in offshore accounts hey can just toss at a problem,....IE the Bending iPhone 6.


Until then you can buy a keyboard from a source that can tell you which

logo is on the keyboard. IE. Ebay and Amazon. Click the "Contact seller" link.

or call a computer store and ask them which ones they are stocking.

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Our customers spoke, we listened. ::pirate::



We hear You.


As many of you know we launched our new Corsair Gaming line of peripherals this week. We’ve received a ton of feedback on the products and new logo. We are amazed and humbled by the passion our customers have for the original Corsair sails logo. The ship + sails are here to stay and will continue to be used on all Corsair PC component products.


However, we know many of you prefer the classic logo on our keyboards, and you’ve made your voices heard. For those of you looking for the new K70 RGB with the original sails logo, it’s currently available in North America from Newegg – just look for the SKU CH-9000063-NA. What’s more, as a direct result of your feedback, we will continue to sell and manufacture the Vengeance K70 and Vengeance K70 RGB with Cherry MX Red switches, with the sails logo, via select retailers and Corsair.com.


Let’s keep talking! ::pirate::

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Proof that the "gamer" audience you're targeting does not care! http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=4895701

I posted that thread to spread the word about the petition to change your logo, but no one on LOL cares. Would they buy your keyboard with the old logo, very likely. Why because it has good features, but unlike us they honestly don't care about the logo. We however are very passionate about Corsar because we've been with you for years. Every other place i've posted whether reddit or actual PC gaming forums everyone was displeased with the logo. So please corsair, go back to the logo as everyone is asking you.

Petition: https://www.change.org/p/corsair-components-inc-keep-the-old-corsair-logo

Furthermore, people care so much that they are registering brand new corsair forum accounts just to get their message across.

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You're never going to satisfy everyone and the net being the way it is

there will always be people who don't understand how much money is involved in bringing a product to market spewing all kinds of crap.


But now they have said they're going to continue to offer the K70 with the original logo, so it seems like people were not expecting something that is completely unrealistic.

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So more specifically, WILL the K95 RGB cherry MX brown switches be available with the regular non-gaming logo also be available? Sorry, but that wasn't clear enought for me so can you clarify please.


Hopefully they clarify, but I'm pretty sure they're saying (at least for now) that only the K70 will be offered with both logos. That's probably because they were already selling the K70 with the original logo... so a lot of the work for that has already been done.

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Hopefully they clarify, but I'm pretty sure they're saying (at least for now) that only the K70 will be offered with both logos. That's probably because they were already selling the K70 with the original logo... so a lot of the work for that has already been done.


thats what im guessing. They want to get rid of the bad logo stock first. In that case i will continue to voice my opinion for for the K95 brown switch until they do an announcement for that.

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This is only for red switches. 9000063 has been available for a month already. The furor has been for those holding out for browns and blues. I think this doesn't fully address the issue.


As far as manufacturing is concerned, it's merely installing one color switch instead of the other.


Help us out!

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Doubtful that actual sales were affected by more than one or two hundred units.


true but Corsair treats each customer as if they were their only.

which is why their steadily growing

and any naysayers can call me a fanboy if wanted and to that I say

''Thank You''

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Came across this thread randomly, just wanted to chime in, I actually ended up avoiding Corsair products because of the new gaming line logo. Was looking for a gaming mouse and mechanical keyboard setup to replace my old ones, and just decided on other brands because I really dislike childish tribal designs on gaming hardware.

I still like Corsair products, but if you're going to design a gaming logo, please don't assume we're all in our teens or enjoy over the top designs.

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Our customers spoke, we listened. ::pirate::



We hear You.


As many of you know we launched our new Corsair Gaming line of peripherals this week. We’ve received a ton of feedback on the products and new logo. We are amazed and humbled by the passion our customers have for the original Corsair sails logo. The ship + sails are here to stay and will continue to be used on all Corsair PC component products.


However, we know many of you prefer the classic logo on our keyboards, and you’ve made your voices heard. For those of you looking for the new K70 RGB with the original sails logo, it’s currently available in North America from Newegg – just look for the SKU CH-9000063-NA. What’s more, as a direct result of your feedback, we will continue to sell and manufacture the Vengeance K70 and Vengeance K70 RGB with Cherry MX Red switches, with the sails logo, via select retailers and Corsair.com.


Let’s keep talking! ::pirate::


Any chance of making a logo plate replacement available? I'd really like to be able to replace the dual swords logo on my keyboard, and I'd much rather not have to design and custom print one.


The logo plate is my only gripe with the keyboard itself -aside from that, my K70 RGB is simply beautiful. (The software, on the other hand, has already given me numerous headaches and I've only had the thing for a day and half. Crashes ahoy!)

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I have two things to say to you Yellowbeard.


1) I want my MF'ing K70 BLUE SWITCH. I also want some CONCRETE ANSWERS on what is going on with availability. You say you sent amazon and newegg thousands of boards? I got an e-mail from newegg regarding my pre-order telling me that they haven't received any boards from you guys. So either they are lying to thousands of people via e-mail, or your company is covering something up. WE WANT ANSWERS!


2) Yes, the new logo sucks. It SCREAMS middle/high school! The old logo was sophisticated and sleek. How could you guys agree to such a gross new image?? And then you go on to say that the number of people that do not like it is insignificant? Are you serious? Your 700 million gamers statistic literally made me laugh out loud! That number is completely useless! What matters are the ones ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT THE KEYBOARD. There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of PC gamers that do not use corsair products, and thousands more who are unaware of any logo change. The ones that actually DO KNOW about the logo change and DO CARE about it, are the ones that hate it. THAT is a statistic you should care about. The ones that actually know and care about your products. Let me school you bud: 20% of your customers make up 80% of your future profits. Make the ones that are closest to you the happiest and you are set. Disrupt us, and you lose your biggest source of revenue.


Most importantly, give us some actual meaningful feedback about the Cherry MX Blue RGB K70 boards, and stop defending your new logo when it is SOOO obvious that no one likes it. :mad:

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To be honest, the "official response" from Corsair was pathetic and offered nothing more than is currently available. Terrible excuse for pretending to offer a compromise. This is not what your loyal customers are asking for. It doesn't make sense to continue to offer the "gaming" red switches in the frame with the old logo, but only offer blues and browns (which many typists prefer) in their Gaming lineup with the undesirable logo and "gaming" plastered in bright yellow right on the top. I would never take that to work. And the m65 rgb mouse was not addressed at all.


Please make a positive statement soon one way or the other regarding the blue/brown switches and logo or badge replacement soon. I'm about to cancel my order for K70rgb brown and m65 rgb and move on but am looking for any reason from Corsair why I shouldn't. I have several Corsair products and have been a fan, but now this whole thing really makes me question the judgements and direction within Corsair and leaves me with a bad feeling. I'm about to move on and have started my research for alternate keyboards and mice and already have a short list for other brands keyboards. Please Corsair, make this right very soon or I'll be moving on and spending my money at your competitors instead. Also please don't try to pretend your offering something up when your not. It further cheapens the already shaky image this whole "gaming" thing has stirred up. More response like this and I'm gone.

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Our customers spoke, we listened. ::pirate::


For those of you looking for the new K70 RGB with the original sails logo, it’s currently available in North America from Newegg – just look for the SKU CH-9000063-NA. What’s more, as a direct result of your feedback, we will continue to sell and manufacture the Vengeance K70 and Vengeance K70 RGB with Cherry MX Red switches, with the sails logo, via select retailers and Corsair.com.



Will there ever be a MX Red K70 RGB in UK/ISO layout with the sails logo? The new brand isn't a deal breaker, but I have the sails all over my rig, and I'd prefer to co-ordinate.

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