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Corsair VOID EQ Presets greyed out/unclickable - CUE v2.12.66


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This happened when I wanted to add more EQ presets to my headset, I went over the (untold) limit and now all the ones outside the limit are permanently greyed out. I tried deleting some of the presets but it did nothing. I cannot click or right click on any of the greyed out presets, and cannot move any of the non-greyed out presets past the greyed out presets.


This seems like just a normal bug so it'd be cool if it was fixed in the next update. It's fine if it's not though, I know through experience how hard fixing a bug can be.

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They are currently "disabled". If you want a certain set of presets that are currently disable to be active, it will be best to disable the current ones and enable the ones you want active via the silder switch.

That worked, but when I was pressing the switches last time they weren't working, forgot to mention that. But apparently all that was needed was a restart to fix that, thanks for the help! Sorry about the late reply, for some reason I didn't get notified about this.

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