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Communication between USB and Link2 gone after standby?


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Hello All!


Today, i put my PC to standby. After wakeup, it seems the communication between the Hardware Monitor Task and USB is gone. After restarting the PC, all is fine again. I cant resurect it, killing the Hardware Monitor Task and restart Link2 again, sadly. Then the H100i relevant things stuck all at 0. All fan speeds, temp, tempcolor.


Im on 1.0.5 Firmware and the latest Link2 Software on a H100i Cooler.


Anyone else see this?


Dumb USB, i start hating this interface type. ;)




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the link needs to interact with the computer via the usb,in sleep mode power is turned off so link is turned off and rebooting is needed.perhaps in the future there may be a fix but i dont see how that would be feasible.its like expecting link to run after the computer is turned off..sleep mode is a power saving feature and not a flaw within link.
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Huh? Link2 should be able to reconnect after standby too. All other USB Device will do this here (Soundgraph iMon, DVD-Drive, USB-Sticks, Headset), when the pc come back from sleep to Operation. I dont mean it should be work while sleep, but after wakeup again...




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Huh? Link2 should be able to reconnect after standby too. All other USB Device will do this here (Soundgraph iMon, DVD-Drive, USB-Sticks, Headset), when the pc come back from sleep to Operation. I dont mean it should be work while sleep, but after wakeup again...





the devices you mention will work once power is restored but link needs to go through a post test at startup,thats why the fans run high on boot.

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Actually, it's inconsistent. I just purposefully put my system to sleep four times. Two of the times, it came back as if nothing had happened at all. The other two, it didn't and a dialog popped up saying that CorsairLINK_HardwareMontior had stopped working. I simply restarted CorsairLINK_HardwareMonitor.exe, as I have posted in a thread in the Corsair Link forum, and it came back to life. No restart neccessary, no reboot necessary. Simple as that. That it does come back after sleep needs to be made the norm. It is possible.


Of course, one key to this is a detail often left out of instructions. That being, set all USB devices and hubs to be not powered down to save power. There are two places to set these: Power Options and Device Manager. You need to set both for all devices to "always on". Once you do that, you can selectively go through your USB devices and hubs to determine which is which and only set the one that CorsairLink is attached to to "always on" if you like.

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Heya Speed...


Hmm. Putting them to "always on" might do the trick. I'll give it a shot, when i am at home and repost. Thanks for the idea.





btw. i maybe mix "then" and "than" too sometimes.. :) Can happen, not my native language.. :)

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