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Corsair CSSD-F180GB2 not detected on cold boot on Samsung R580


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I have Samsung laptop model R580 js04pl and a brand new Corsair SSD CSSD-F180GB2. Everything works perfectly fine, there's only one problem: everytime I boot when the laptop was previously turned off for pretty long time (like few hours) the Corsair SSD is not detected. I have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot and then it boots. I have Windows 7 x64 and Ubuntu 11.04. :sigh!:
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  • 11 months later...
  • Corsair Employee

In Windows please run Crystal Disk Info and see what Firmware version in on the SSD The latest is 2.4.

Also you might try and Disable Quick Boot in the NB BIOS setup this will slow the post process and may give it time to detect.

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