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New H70 and some questions


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I think you can't and you don't want to - the pump is meant to do 100% at all times.. The stock Corsair fans are not software/BIOS controllable sadly so if you want to get their speed down you'll need a controller or get different fans.


Thanks for the reply, I guess thats the awnser I was looking for with the pump. No adjustment, runs at 100% all the time is fine with me.


As far as the fans, they seem pretty quiet right now. If anything I could maybe turn them up. Do the stock fans run at max rpm as well, I've got them plugged into the recommended y, then into the cpu fan socket ?

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So now the fun begins.......testing the cpu temps with my new H70. So right off the bat in idle, I'm getting a cpu temp of 28, system temp of 41, and the i7 cores are all at 33 and 31. What numbers are the ones to pay attention to as far as the cpu / H70 performance ?
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On a hefty OC such as 3.8 that's not very bad actually.. In my book, as far as core temps don't exceed 85c in max torture you're fine - you won't get anything near that kind of utilization in real-life conditions anyway.. So if under max load your cores don't exceed 85c, that means in gaming and etc they'll probably rarely hit over 75c


My H70 doesn't get below 38c core temp idle @ stock!!! So your temps are pretty ok


Regarding the fans - check cpu fan speed in BIOS/Everest, they're supposed to go 2000rpm at full power, while if you put one of the included 12V->7V adapters between the y and cpu fan socket they should do ~1500 and if you put two adapters, they should do ~1200.. Btw I just bought 2 Enermax Magma 12cm fans to replace the Corsair fans and they're great - push more air (@1500rpm) than the Corsair ones did (@2000rpm) and they're quiet..

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I find the H70 to be a very poor cooler when compared to its older brother the H50. I've posted numerous times on the forums here already and I am currently discussing this on another forum for the same problem.


Basically anything over 3.8GHz and the H70 fails to perform, causing temps to sky rocket at 80c+. My old 920 at 4GHz with a 1.4v never went over 70c using the older H50. Even at the same base clock of 20x133 for the 920 and my 950 underclock it runs hotter... H70 pump is working at the right speed, contact is perfect and I'm running a push/pull and tried it in outtake and intake with the same results.


I sold my old H50, might have to pickup a new one.

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It is kind of weird yes, many H70's keep having these weird temp issues although seemingly everything has been upgraded vcompared to H50.. on some system's though it miraculously fails to perform (myself included) on others though, it holds your stock 950 at 25c idle =/
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm getting 76c at 100% load with 2 Nf-P12's replacing the stock fans. I'm using an i7 950 with no overclocking (yet). I seem to idle around 38-45c.


Does that seem right to you guys? I was getting pretty much the same performance with the stock fans. Just with higher noise levels.


I was hoping to oc at 4ghz


Using the H70 btw.

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