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R60 Shuttering in games and daily usage.


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  • Corsair Employee
I would un-install the games and then re-install them on your Data drive, with some games you can just copy the folder they reside in and change the path in the links on your desktop. The see if that help the issue. But I would suggest a minimum of about 30% free space.
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Why would i want to move the games to my storage Hdd ? So they start slow? I bought a ssd to speed up aplications and games. Also, not using 18Gb, 30% of the SSD's capacity, will solve what? I will try to reinstall windows but i think it will not solve anything. Did an Atto test and it seems the performance is ok with the 6gb of free space. In tests the SSD does well, in daily use , not so much.
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Formated the drive and installed new W7 and done all the tweaks recomended in the stickyes. Same problem in games, especially if the SSD is being written while i play (recording a demo while playing CS). From 5 to 5 seconds there is 1 sec of shuddering. I think it's the old problem with the Jmicron controller.
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Finnally had time to do a secure erase .I used the steps and programs from the sticky. Atto looks worse than before. Copying a game on SSD as i write this to test the shuddering. Doesn't look promising tough. Multitasking is slow as hell while writing on SSD. I will let TRIM do it's job to see if any improvements can be seen.


Edit: Dunno what happened. It's even worse now. Shuddering appears more often and it lasts longer .


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No feedback? Trying to determine if the drive is faulty or i'm doing something wrong. Another problem i experienced is that while the SSD is written the other applications hang allot. Sometimes opening a browser takes 15 seconds if i write something on the ssd. Disapointing.
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Go farther down your list under IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers. Your disk controller is the Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA Controller. See what driver it is using.


Show this same screenshot and show me the driver properties for the Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA Controller, NOT the disk driver properties as you have shown below.



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I understand man, I probably could have given better details also but we'll get there. My suggestion is to try the controller driver in the latest AMD Catalyst drivers for your chipset. Some users have reported varying results using this driver and other SSDs. It may help, and it may not be as good as the msahci.sys you are currently using. But, it is a good starting point to try.


Also, does your motherboard have a secondary SATA or eSATA controller? If it does, try temporarily disabling it and see if the results change.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Update: I've browsed allot on the AMD forums and read threads about controllers and SSD's. Everyone says that there is no reason to use AMd controllers as the Intel ones work fine. In addition to the slow performance of the ssd, it has started to behave like all others on forum: not seen by bios on cold start. I have to go under my desk and unplug the power in order to make it work. The shuddering remains. :((
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