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R120 stuttering in games and youtube


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I have recently bought a Corsair Reactor 120gb. I configured the bios to RAID for the disk controller since I am using 2 Seagate 500gb in RAID0 as well. I did a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit. I have installed Intel RST 9.6.4..... drivers for the disk controller.


I am experiencing lag and stuttering when playing Counter Striker Source and looking videos on youtube. This have never been a problem before I bought the drive.


Is there a new firmware in development? My drive has firmware 1.0. Anyone else having the same problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the disk controller i RAID-mode since I am using 2 other drives as well. According to the ASUS motherboard guide all other ports are in AHCI mode in this mode.


I am starting to regret that I bought this drive.

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  • 1 month later...



I have been researching this issue futher. I have tried to upgrade AHCI drivers, INTEL RST ROM in BIOS. Nothing helped. The stuttering only happens when sound card and NIC is used at the same time. I have cloned my mechanical disk to the SSD and this never happened on the mechanical disk.


Finally I found a registry entry that resolved my issues.


Create a dword named "DisableTaskOffload" with the value 1 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters


Now everything works great.

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