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32 GB Survivor GTR Build Quality


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Hi there,


Just wanted to see if anyone else is having issues with build quality of the new Corsair Survivor drives?


I RMA'd my old 32 Survivor on the 16th June as it had stopped working reliably albeit after nearly 3 years hard work. The RMA procedure was simple and strait forward and although I had to return the unit to The Netherlands I fairly quickly received a replacement unit.


I was quite please to also receive a free upgrade to the 32GIG GTR as well (I say quite please because the new drive is HUUUGGGEEE!!)


The replacement drive I received broke away from the screw cap by the LED after unscrewing about 3 times. The whole thing was loose, rattley and completely broken so I RMA'd the replacement drive I received.


When I received my second replacement unit in two weeks it was also loose where the drive connects to the screw cap and the tip of the USB port wasn't fixed and moved into the main body about 4mm when you tried to plug it in. Due to this I RMA'd the replacement of my replacement. This time doing an advanced replacement, so I wouldn’t have to be without a thumb drive any longer.


My third new drive in just over a month arrived yesterday, and although not broken like the others the unit is not fast to the screw cap and if you shake it while it is screwed together it rattles. As with replacement number 2 the USB tip also has movement into the body although this time only about 2mm.

I am seriously concerned this drive will fail and soon, but having had three replacements already, and having almost paid out the cost of a new drive in return postage I am wondering whether I should move away from Corsair and buy a different drive.


I have always had Voyager and Survivor thumb drives in the past, and have never had any problems. But to get three faulty drives in a row, supposedly brand new strait out of the packet makes me wonder if the manufacturing and quality control has taken a nose dive since I bought my original unit in 2007.


Has anyone else had a similar experiences with the drive itself being loose or breaking away from the housing, and is the movement of the USB tip a by design or is it as broken as I fear? I would welcome your comments before I decide if it is worth RMA’ing this unit as well, or whether to cut my losses and run!


Thanks Kris

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