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cmx4gx3m21600c7 Intermittent Bsod


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Hi, I bought this ram (cmx4gx3m2a1600c7) back in March and have had nothing but problems. The XMP sets the timings wrong, to 8-7-8-20, voltage is fine however at 1.65v. I decided to keep the xmp but manually switch the timings to 7-8-7-20 2T, because my mobo (P55 UD4P) can only set the voltage to 1.64 or 1.66. The ram would be stable for a few days, then bsod, so I then flashed my bios, and that seemed to do the trick, memtest was ran overnight with no errors. After what seemed like a long time I began getting the bsod again. I ran memtest and got some errors, so turned of the XMP, set the timings manually, and the voltage to 1.64v. Memtest came back no errors. Then after a week or days Id get a bsod, Memtest would show errors, I'd then reseat the ram leaving bios alone, and memtest would find no errors. This has happened over and over again, the whole time I would change the bios and memtest would come back fine, bsod and memtest errors, or reseat ram and memtest fine, bsod later then memtest errors, or restart the computer memtest fine, few days later errors. The longest Ive gone with no bsod seemed like a month at the beginning, but it may have been shorter. Beyond the 7-8-7-20 2T should I be switching any other settings to get it stable in the memory screen? Sometimes the settings I dont touch that are left on auto dont match up between the two ram sticks, that has me worried also. Id really love to hear its my own stupidity and the ram is fine, but I cant live with this anymore and feel I may have to rma. I decided to post here first, but I have preordered Civ V and want my pc ready by the 21st of September, so if I do have to rma I will do it sooner than later. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :(:
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Im not really sure how to post the pictures directly here from my pc, so I attached them, I hope thats ok. Also right before I did this I was running memtest, got many errors, restarted the pc and booted to windows and its been running fine, no bsod. Its so strange how its terrible one second, and the next everything seems fine. Let me know if you need more from my end, thanks again.




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Just as an update for anyone who may be considering an RMA, I sent my ram in on a Friday, and it was recieved that following Monday. The next day, Tuesday, my replacement was shipped!!! One day turn around time! The only downside is that it won't be here until NEXT Tuesday!! UPS=BUMMER!!! Thanks Everyone, especially Joann at the RMA Main Accounts!
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