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little bit of help PLEASE


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hi there just wondering if i can get A little biit of help i am in the process of building a new pc for my self i have already purchased everything and put it together here is my problem i have bought a new GA-K8NSC-939 MOTHERBOARD i have also bought a radeon 9550 vga card a 3500 venice chip (athlon) also 2 gig of corsair ram VS2GBKIT400C3 when putting the ram in one and two slots my pc refuses to start just a contiouse beep putting ther ram in 1 and 3 slot my pc tells me that windows needs to do a repair try doing the repair and it blue screens me but putting one or the other sticks of ram in the first slot it runs perfect on the packet that the ram arrived in the code is vs2gbkit400c3 but on each of the sticks the codes are just vs1gb400c3 this is on both sticks could some one tell me if this is correct and if so has anyone got any ideas whats gonig on as its now doing my head in and confusing me big time thanks
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no mate i have the operating system installed already im on it now but when i put both stcks of ram in the same colour slots to run in dual mode it does not start it continously beeps in the manual this is dram error when putting the sticks into 1 and 3 slots to not enable dual but still have the 2 gig (:roll: as this would be still nice :roll: ) it starts up as normal gets to the windows screen then says that the system 32 files are either corrupt or missing please insert windows disk and press r for repair so i do so then it starts to load windows i get to the press f6 before i do anything i get blue screen and pc crashes and goes through the same process now testing the ram when using either sticks my pc runs like it it should a bit slow due to the amount of programs i got running and thats whyu i need the 2 gig to help take a bit of the load :laughing:
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After perusing your board's manual,




it looks like the default ddr voltage is 2.5volts, definitely too low, especially for two 1 gig sticks of ram and is probably the cause of the problem. From Ram Guy's posts, all of the Corsair ddr1 modules are tested at 2.7 to 2.75volts and are waranteed up to 2.9volts (nothing over 2.9volts). You'll have to go into your bios and bump the voltage up. The setting is located within "MB Intelligent Tweaker (MIT)", then "DDR voltage control", then change the [Normal] setting to [+0.2V]. This should solve the problem and allow you to run in Dual channel mode in the appropriate dual channel slots. Good Luck.


ps: After making the change to the "DDR voltage control value", be sure to remember to hit the F10 key to save your change and exit the bios.

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No, he doesn't have a motherboard problem. It is his windows install. My suggestion, mate, is to go back put that hard drive back into your computer, restarted and what not. Install all the necessary drivers for the new motherboard while the hard drive is on the old computer. The reasons behind your errors is that Windows does not recognize your new board as to none of the new board on board/BIOS files matches with the one already/originally stored on your HD. Basically, XP got confused. To help un-confused XP, you install all the necessary drivers for the new computer onto the Hard drive so XP understood that it is not going gaga over nothing.


Also, it helps that you undo all the drivers from the old motherboard such as graphic drivers, sound card drivers, and IDE utilities so that transitioning to the new motherboard is much easier. ATI has the most sensitive driver out there. If you happen to have an Nvidia video card on your old system please beware that you might experience lost of visual graphics all of sudden. It happened to my friends computer I was working at one time and I did not know it at the time until I read it somewhere on another board that it was the case.


All well...Good luck with your new computer, mate.




Edit: Another Tip, it would be easier if you install one drive at a time. Do not connect that second hard drive until the primary master is fully loaded and operational. Cheers.

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I didn't say he has a motherboard problem, just an insufficient voltage setting to run two sticks in dual channel mode. Rereading this thread, from what galaxybarkid posted, it appears his XP install is probably fine as he's able to boot/run with one stick in the system. The problem occurs when moving to two sticks. Additionally, Gigabyte boards(and most other manufacturers as well) have a known dual channel issue with performance ram at the default vdimm/ddr voltage settings. Your advice would be correct if he extracted an existing drive with XP already on the drive from an older system. As he mentioned, this is a new system build from recently purchased components which probably means he did a fresh install of XP the correct way with only one stick of ram in the system during the install. Since the errors he's experiencing occur only when trying to add a second stick, this usually points to one of only a few possibilities , in the order of most likely: Bios missconfiguration, faulty ram (ruled out in this case by Memtest), faulty board-either bad slot or bad memory controller (less likely as it runs fine with one stick), damaged Windows install cd (not likely as he already installed Xp on the drive). The fact that it blue screens at the F6 request with two sticks would point me to automatically look at bios settings; that's why I took the time to download and review his motherboard manual off of the Gigabyte site before posting any suggestions. abs0lut3, out of curiosity, how many systems have you troubleshot and fixed this year. I've done six systems so far this year just for the fun of it and this does not count any tips or advice posted in forums. I love to see people's eyeballs pop when they see how fast and stable their crippled systems should be. Have a nice day.
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no absolut i have the operating system runnig when i did the upgrades i did a fresh instal which when trying to do the instal with 2 gig in it wernt having none of it but fine with the one


i will give your advise a go garvin and get back to you on that

are the stickers and the codes correct was the other one im not sure on as i have read on the net that the ram runnig in dual mode very much likes to be a kit

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still no joy i have no joy my friend who knows about voltages and all that side of pc,s has had a look and set things up to what thay suposed to be and still no joy my pc just gives out a long beep and three short beeps which in the manual it says graffic card error my pc doesnt start at all so im still using the one stick of ram anyone got anymorew ideas i have been advised by my friend to change the board does anyone else believe this is a gd route to take
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I'd wait till Monday until Ram Guy's had a chance to look over this thread at least, as he probably has a few other ideas to try (some have found changing the performance mode settings fixes the problem) before dumping the board. If you bought the ram as a two gig kit, the two one gig sticks should match. If you bought them as individual sticks, the version numbers may not match meaning the actual IC's on the sticks are from different batches of manufacture, The onboard memory controller on your AMD cpu is pretty dam picky about having matching IC's between sticks and can cause the type of problems your seeing. Good Luck.
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still no joy i have no joy my friend who knows about voltages and all that side of pc,s has had a look and set things up to what thay suposed to be and still no joy my pc just gives out a long beep and three short beeps which in the manual it says graffic card error my pc doesnt start at all so im still using the one stick of ram anyone got anymorew ideas i have been advised by my friend to change the board does anyone else believe this is a gd route to take


Here is a link to your motherboard's beep codes: BiosCentral.com


It said:


1long, 3short (beeps) No video card or bad video RAM (error message) Reseat or replace the video card. (description)


So it might not be your memory afterall.

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would be very intrested in what the ram guy has to say :D: i dont agree with gettin new graffics card as this is a new one lol ive tried 4 new ones in the same day as using the same 2 gig sticks and yes thay were bought as a pair not sure on thew ram side to it though how do i change that or dont i ? yesterday being sunday 27th i tried 6 sticks of ram 3 matching sets and none of them work in dual mode these sticks were a gig kit from kingston only 512 registered although both stick s were in 1 &2 slots and the other was 2 gig ncp ram neither stick worked and then another 2 gig kit of corsair ram and still only one stick works so i think i rule out that my ram is at fault as this is now running sweet as a nut im my friends pc at the 2 gig :roll:
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I'd have to agree with you on the vid card. If there was a problem with it, the one long three short beep code would show up when only using one stick of ram as well. Have you tried the two sticks in the other two allowed dual channel slots (slots 3&4)? You might try reinitializing your board by clearing the cmos and loading optimized defaults with one stick in, then increase the DDR voltage control to +0.2v again. Then shutdown, insert the second stick and see if it will fire up. On rare occasions you can have some corrupt parameter data stored in the cmos that can cause this kind of failure, clearing the cmos will clear the corrupt data and force the bios to check again. If this fails to rectify the situation, I'd say you unfortunately have a bad board on your hands and it needs to be returned.
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  • Corsair Employee
I looked thru this thread and did not see you had done this but please set the Dim Voltage to 2.7X volts (+.2 Volts W/Giga-Byte) and then set the timings if you have Value Select "BY SPD" and then test the module/'s one at a time with www.memtest.org! If you still get errors, please follow the link in my signature “I think I have a bad part!” and we will be happy to replace them or it! However, if you get errors with both modules that would suggest some other problem and I would test them in another system or MB to be sure.
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